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Savina I have a long shower, hoping it will make me feel better. Hayden assured me I did nothing wrong last night, but I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me something is different now. I don’t know what it is or how to deal with it. I don’t see Hayden the same way as I did before, there’s more to it now. He’s not just the roommate I have a crush on anymore. He’s the man who has kissed me not once but twice. I’m terrified as to what that means, are we together? Are we just having fun? I don’t like the sound of the second option as much as the first. I want it to be the first but I’m scared. How can I be happy when all the bad things seem to happen to me every time I try? I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself, I look at my reflection in the mirror, my bright blue eyes stare back at me. They look almost haunted, it freaks me out to look at them, my gaze shifts down to my neck. I remember the way Hayden kissed it last night, how good it felt. I place my hand on the spot where he kissed, running my fingers down the trail.   A knock comes at the door, making me jump slightly. I pull my eyes off myself in the mirror and go to the door.  I open it and see Hayden standing there looking uncomfortably around, at anything but me. I realize I’m still standing in my towel. I feel my cheeks heat up as I grab my robe off the back of the door, sliding it on and trying it snugly.  “I was just going to tell you I need to run out for a bit..” He still avoids looking at me.  “Oh well I was going to hang out with Samantha today anyways so that works”   “Okay, well I need you to check out the tabs on my computer when you have a chance, let me know which one you like best” He smiles before turning away   “What is it?” I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.  “You’ll see when you look at it” He shrugs and grabs his keys, leaving the apartment without another word.  I quickly get dressed for the day and practically run to the computer, the open tabs are houses. Why am I looking at houses?  I mean it makes sense, I have been in his bedroom for almost a month now. He is probably sick of sleeping on the couch, which I have offered to do many times. I guess it’s time for a new place. I can’t move out, I’m still under aged, and I haven’t even finished high school yet. I scroll through the tabs, looking at some of the most beautiful homes I’ve ever laid eyes on.  My phone starts to buzz I look down to see incoming texts from Hayden,  ‘Looked at the computer yet?’  ‘I don’t know how you can afford any of these?’  ‘Don’t worry about it, My father left me a massive trust fund, so which do you like best?’  ‘The beach house is my favorite, but it’s also one of the most expensive, so whichever you like I’m cool either way!’  ‘Beach house it is. I’ll get it sorted later today’  ‘Are you sure it’s not too much?’  ‘Of course not, Like I said don’t worry about it.. We will chat later. Have fun with your friend’  I send Samantha a quick text, letting her know I got held up and will be later than we planned.  I grab my purse and lock the door behind me.   I meet Samantha only a few minutes later than planned  “Here I thought you weren’t gonna show up!” She jokes as she gives me a light hug hello. “Sorry I’m late!”  “Hey no worries, so are we shopping, doing mani’s, movies?” She asks  “I’m good with anything really..” I shrug not knowing what to do  “Then let’s do it all!” She jumps and claps her hands together excitedly.  She grabs my hand and starts dragging me down the boardwalk.  “So how did your big date go?”  I had forgotten about telling her about my first date with Hayden.  “It was nice..” I start to say “But??” She cuts me off  “Well, I felt like it may have been too soon..If that makes sense?”  “Well do you not like him? What was his name again?”  “Hayden, and no, I really like him” “Then what’s the problem?” She thrusts a top into my arms and shoves me towards a change room, following behind me.  “I just have a lot of baggage, I don’t think it’s fair to drag him down with me anymore than I have already” I pull the top over my head, it shows my belly off, way too revealing for me.  I quickly pull the top off and get dressed, waiting outside for her to finish.  “I don’t think he cares, I mean you live with him and he seems to be really patient with you. You should consider yourself lucky. Most guys only want one thing. Are you sure he’s not gay?” “I know how some guys are, Hayden is definitely not like most guys, and I’m fairly confident he is straight. He told me he would wait till I’m ready. Sometimes I feel like I am, but everything is still so fresh. I feel like I need more time to get back to myself, whoever that may be..”  “That’s kinda dark you know. You should try to just be happy. If that means Hayden is in your life or not..If you need a few days to think and clear your head, you can stay with me for a while” She offers as she pays for a few items she liked.  “ Thanks Sam, I really appreciate that, but for now I think my place is beside Hayden.. I can’t explain it but I am drawn to him” I say thoughtfully  “I get it, he’s your lobster right?” She smirks at me, The ‘FRIENDS’ reference doesn’t go unnoticed.  I start laughing, “Maybe he is”  We spend the day shopping and getting our nails done, I don’t buy much as I don’t think it’s right using Hayden's credit card as I please, even if he told me to do it. I need to get a job soon, but I need to finish school first..  We finish up and head back home, “Wanna come up for a bit?” I ask Sam, but she shakes her head, looking nervously around.  “Nah, I gotta get home, see you later” She starts walking fast down the road. I head upstairs, Hayden is still not home. I decide to take a nice hot bath. I feel so drained from today. Samantha is a nice girl but she sure does take a lot of energy out of a person. I fill the tub and strip down, stepping inside.  I lean back in the hot water, my head resting on the side of the tub, I close my eyes. I feel myself falling asleep. I try to stay awake but the warm water is so inviting to me I can’t help but succumb to the sleep that calls to me.   I feel cold now, a darkness surrounds me. I see something in the distance of the darkness. I reach out towards it, not realizing it’s about to bite. A White snake bares its fangs at me, slithering forward, only a few feet from me. I stop moving, paralyzed with fear. I swallow the lump in my throat, it’s right in front of me now, in my face. It makes a motion to attack, but before it has a chance, it’s head is sliced off. It slithers around on the ground for a moment before it stops moving completely. Hayden stands behind it, only he doesn’t look like himself. He almost looks like he has wings, but the shadows must be playing tricks on me. The lighting is off in the dark room, making things that aren’t there seem to come to life.  “Are you okay?” Hayden asks me  I simply nod, He smiles at me. I go to reach for him but he’s gone in the next second.  A knock at the bathroom door jolts me awake.  “Savina? Are you alright?” Hayden, the real Hayden, asks. “Yes.. I fell asleep. I’ll be right out” I call back  The water has gone ice cold, I must have slept for a while. I step out, shivering and wrap myself up in my robe. I come out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. “I’m making tea, want some?” “Yes please” Hayden replies, “How was your day?”  “Long and tiring.. I’m exhausted. I can’t believe I fell asleep in the bathtub” I yawn as I bring down two mugs.  Once the tea is made I curl up on the couch and start to read my book, while Hayden is on his computer.
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