
1217 Words
Savina We enter a fancy restaurant, Hayden pulls out my chair for me, we settle down at our table. Hayden smiles at me as the waiter comes over. “Good evening, how are you tonight?” A young man asks us as he passes or menus over. I just smile as Hayden talks to the waiter, I look over the menu. “Anything look good?” Hayden asks as he opens his own menu, “The chicken parm looks pretty good” I say as I point to his menu.   The waiter comes back over asking our drink order, since I am under age I order a ginger ale, Hayden orders a hurricane, giving me a wink. Our drinks come and we place our orders, Hayden slides his drink over to me, letting me have a sip of it. It’s strong and sweet.  “Is this your usual drink of choice?” I tease him  “I thought you would like it, I usually have a scotch… something tells me you may not enjoy that too much” He shrugs  “I don’t think it would be so bad” I look at him smiling. I would try anything this man likes.  Our food comes a few minutes later and we dig right in, I feel like I am starving. I try to eat slowly so I don’t look like a pig, but in all honesty I don’t have to worry about that, not with Hayden. It took days for me to be able to eat a full meal without throwing it up, now I don’t hesitate to eat, knowing I won’t be sick from it.  “That was so good, I couldn’t eat another bite!” I exclaim at the end of the meal. I feel a bit unsteady, probably from the drink. Hayden reaches his hand out to me to help me up, I stumble slightly.  “If I’d have known you were such a lightweight I wouldn't’ have let you have any”  He looks concerned as he puts an arm around my shoulders and leads me to the exit.  “It was only one drink, plus I didn’t even drink it all myself…” I say as we walk, the cool air hits us as soon as we are outside, my body shivers involuntarily.  Hayden takes off his coat and drapes it over my shoulder, “Are you up for a little walk? The second part of our date is just down this pathway” He nods to a paved path ahead of us.  “Lead the way” I smile and latch onto his arm as he leads us down the pathway. I can see twinkle lights from a distance,  a gazebo with roses surrounding it become clearer as we get closer. It is breathtaking.  “Hayden… this is beautiful!” I say  “I hoped you’d like it” He pulls me closer to the gazebo where a small table with two chairs has been set up.  “Care to dance?” He disappears for a moment and music starts to play, soft and romantic as hell. He reappears and holds his hand out to me, I shrug off his coat, placing it on the back of one of the chairs and take his hand.  “I don’t know how to dance..” I warn him.  “I can teach you, it’s easy” He chuckles as he spins me and brings me back into him. I place a hand on his chest to steady myself. I can feel my heart picking up, the excitement building inside me. Hayden lifts me slightly off the ground and places me gently on top of his own feet.  I feel like a small child.. Something I missed when I actually was a child. I lay my head on his shoulder as he spins us around on the makeshift dance floor. I close my eyes and enjoy the peacefulness of it all. Before I know it three songs have gone by.  “Am I hurting your feet?” I ask Hayden as he slows down, still holding me. “Not at all” He murmurs as he kisses my hair. I wrap my arms around him tighter and hug as tight as I possibly can. Hayden just chuckles at me. I hop off his feet and smile at him.  “Tired?” He asks, tilting his head to the side questioningly.  I shake my head, “Little bit cold” I say as I rub my arms over with my hands.  We walk back over to the gazebo, sitting down at the table. Hayden places his coat back around my shoulders before sitting across from me. The music plays softly in the background now, Hayden reaches over and pulls a serving tray over to us, there is cheesecake with cherries topped. He slides on of the two plates over to me,  “Ready for dessert?” He hands me a fork and devours his own slice. It is rich, creamy, sweet and tart from the cherries. I groan with pleasure as I take my first bite, “This is so good!”  Hayden chuckles as he takes another bite of his own, we sit in silence after finishing. It doesn’t feel awkward, the opposite actually. I have the urge to jump into his lap, finish what we started this morning… I just want his hands and lips all over me. As if he can read my mind he smiles smugly at me for a moment, our eyes meet.  “Hayden..” I whisper as a shiver runs through me. He gets up walking painfully slowly towards me. He stops just short of me and smiles down at me. All I can do is gulp down the wad of spit that has pooled in my mouth, just watching his body walk towards me has turned me on in all sorts of ways. I can feel myself sweating like crazy, I wipe my hands on my legs trying to get rid of the slick on them.  Hayden suddenly drops to his knees in front of me, not breaking eye con tact.  I just stare at him as he slides his hands on my knees. I feel as if my heart might stop from anticipation. He slowly inches closer to me, his body wedged in between my legs now, his face only inches from mine.  A loud bang erupts from above us, I look up to see a magnificent display of fireworks blasting in the sky. I look back to Hayden, just as he leans in pulling me into a kiss. I just melt against him, He scrapes his tongue across my bottom lip, wanting access. I deny him for a moment, wanting him to work for it more. His hands come up to my face, one going to the back of my head, pulling me closer, until I am flush against him. His tongue slides it’s way inside my mouth, exploring every centimetre of me. I feel dizzy, I slide my hands onto his chest and push gently, just enough for me to catch a breath of air, his lips don’t leave my skin, he starts to kiss down my neck. "Hayden..." I whisper against his touch, I want more. I push my hands into his hair and pull him back to my lips. His tongue licks across my lip for a moment before I stick my tongue into his mouth slightly, before I can do anything else he starts to suck my tongue gently. I moan with pleasure, feeling the excitement build further inside me. I feel sloppy, moaning like a fool against him. It only seems to make him want more though. 
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