
1217 Words
Hayden  She is yelling at me, all I can think about is the way her lips are moving. I take a step towards her pulling her into my arms, I bury my face in her hair. She smells like coconuts, as always. I don’t know how she does it, I’ve smelt her shampoo and body wash but none of it smells this way. It must be a combination of things, but I don’t care what it is.. It’s intoxicating to me.  “Savina...please believe me when I say… there is nothing more important to me than you” I whisper into her hair. I can feel her heartbeat pick up at my words, it takes a while for it to even back out. I just hold her, I am content until she takes a step away from me.  “Hayden I- '' She starts but I don’t want to hear it. I put my hands on either side of her face and pull her in. Finally pressing my lips against hers, she tastes like honey. I feel her grip onto my shirt as I deepen the kiss, she leans into me. I have to keep control of myself to not take this kiss too far, as much as I want to take it a step further.  She feels so good in my arms, I want her to stay here forever. I taste as much of her as I can before I feel like I can’t keep control of myself. I pull away, craving more already. I feel her lust as well, which just makes it harder to control myself. I will not force myself onto her, at any point. She needs to want it, in a sober frame of mind.  “Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that since the day I saw you at the gas station”  I honestly tell her, I can’t say since the first time I saw her, as she was a small child. Things changed when I saw her as a grown woman that day. She looked so petite, so fragile, but still incredibly breathtaking beautiful. It made me want to protect her even more than before.  She opens her mouth a few times, to say something but nothing comes out.  “You should probably get started on your shopping” I say as I kiss the crown of her head, walking past her. I need to cool off, I’m afraid if I look at her right now, in such a delicate state I may not want to stop myself. Seeing the blush spread across her cheeks is more than enough to send me over the edge right now. I keep my eyes focused on the TV, plopping down on the couch. I hear the door close behind me.  I take deep calming breaths, thinking about how her body felt against mine. Her skin was warm and so soft. I close my eyes and lean my head back on the couch. I sit like this for a while before I feel a summoning call from the other realm. I ignore it, knowing exactly what it is regarding, I have no plans on going back there. I block out the connection, forcing it to the back of my mind.  A portal forms in the corner of the room, out stepping Asmoddeus. I stare at him confused. “What are you doing here brother?” I demand  “I think you know full well what I’m here for Hayden. You need to come with me..” He is somber.  I shake my head at him, turning away, “You may as well just go.. I won’t be going anywhere with you”  “Listen here. I came all the way here.. To this… Place. You cannot just ignore what you’ve done. You have been summoned. Do not think Adrian will forgive and forget. He is out for blood. If not yours than-” He starts to explain before I cut him off “He will not have her” I snarl at him, getting up from the couch, stepping forward.  “I have no intent on harming her. I bare no ill will towards you brother” He puts his hands up in surrender.  “I meant it when I said I will protect her at all costs” I warn him “I know” He makes a new portal, stepping through and leaving me alone once more. I pick up my coffee cup and hurl it across the room, the glass shatters into hundreds of small shards. I don’t feel any better, I thought I would.  I sigh and grab the broom, sweeping up the mess. I take a long shower, trying to clear my head. When I get out I see Savina is home. I pull on a pair of clean sweatpants, stepping into the living room.  “Did you have a good time shopping?” I ask as I grab some of her bags, taking them to the bedroom.  “I made a new friend” She smiles with joy, a real smile. It’s rare to see her truly happy.  “That’s great! I’m glad to see you actually bought some new clothes, I was worried you wouldn’t” I say as I set down the bags on the bed for her to sort through.  I take my first real look at her, she got her hair done, just a few inches taken off but it makes her look younger, and more lively. She looks even more beautiful than I could have imagined.  “Why don’t you put your new things away, take a shower and get dressed for tonight?” I suggest “Okay! Give me an hour?” She looks at the alarm clock by the bed, seeing its 4:30 PM. I nod and close the door behind me.  True to her word an hour later she comes out of the bedroom, looking stunning. She has a red dress on, it comes to her knees, it flows beautifully off her body. Hugging in just the right spots and falling down, it makes my stomach flip.  “You look stunning Savina… Give me five minutes to change and we will go.” I say and I go inside the bedroom. I have to shake my head to get myself to focus on getting ready. I come back out a few minutes later, wearing a dark blue suit and tie. I have made reservations at a nice restaurant and after I’m taking her for a walk in the park. I have arranged for fireworks later in the evening, we will have dessert and champagne in the park while they go off. I hope she likes it, I wasn’t sure what to do so I went with romantic.  “Ready to go?” I ask as I reach my hand out to her, she doesn’t hesitate to hook her arm into mine. We go to the car, I open the door for her, she slides inside, pulling the edge of her dress with her, it exposes her mid thigh as she sits in the car. I advert my eyes, not wanting her to think I’m a pervert. So far I have taken great care not to be creepy, as much as I want to watch her all day, everyday, I don’t. I drive us to the restaurant, opening her door for her and extending my hand for her to take. She smiles a genuine smile that makes me feel like I would kill every single person who would ever try to harm her. I only want her to smile like that for me. 
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