
1310 Words
Hayden  She moans against my touch, making me go crazy with |ust for her. I kiss her with urgency, as if she is going to dissolve in my hands.  She pushes me back once in a while so she can breathe, I trail kisses down her neck until she pulls me back, and she always does, she wants it as much as I do it seems.   This time though she doesn’t pull me back, I look back at her and see she is on the verge of crying. I’ve gone too far, she wasn’t ready for this.  “I’m sorry” I say as I pull back from her, taking my hands off of her.  She shakes her head, “It’s not your fault Hayden.. All of this, it was beautiful. You did such a nice thing. I’m sorry” She sobs  To Hell with it, I pull her into my arms and hold her. She wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly. She sobs quietly on my shoulder. I feel awful I made her cry. I wanted to make her happy tonight.  “You’ve done nothing wrong Savina.. I promise. It’s all okay. It’s going to be okay…” I say  She stays in my arms for a minute longer before pulling away, “Please don’t think I don’t want this, because I do.. I just don’t think I’m ready for it.. If you can just wait a little bit longer?” She looks longingly into my eyes, almost begging. “Of course, you are worth waiting for a lifetime for..”  She blushes and looks away, embarrassed.  “Are you alight?” I ask as she fixes her hair, wiping away the last of her tears. “Yeah.. I’m just tired..” She sniffles as she looks up to the moon, the stars are brightly shining in the night sky. She walks over to the grass and sits down, laying her head on the grass. She pats to the spot beside her, an invitation to join her.  I lay down beside her, watching her for a moment, before looking to the sky myself.  “It’s so beautiful out here” She murmurs I don’t reply, I don’t need to, she is right.  “When I was a kid, I always wanted to live somewhere I could see the stars at night clearly like this..” She yawns and closes her eyes. I watch the stars for a while, Savina drifts off to sleep. I don’t want to wake her but it is past 1 AM and I need to get her home. I gently nudge her,  “Savina? We need to head back now” I whisper to her, she just rolls into me, but doesn’t wake.  She looks so peaceful, I decide to not wake her up, I gently lift her into my arms and get to my feet, keeping my balance the entire time so I don’t drop her. She reaches her arms around my neck and nuzzles into me. I smile to myself as I walk us back up the pathway towards the car. Having her in my arms is the most natural thing I’ve ever done. I never want to give her up.  I slide her into the passenger side of the car, putting her seat belt on her, she stirs slightly but still doesn’t wake. I drive us home and pull her out of the car once more. I carry her upstairs and set her down on the bed. I remove her shoes and pull the blankets over her, as I am about to turn to leave she reaches out and brags my hand. I see she is still fast asleep, I try to get my hand free but she has a death grip on me.  “Savina… “ I whisper, prying her fingers off my hand. She makes a pouting face as I finally break free form her hold.  “Hayden… don’t go…” She shivers in her sleep.  How can I possibly say no to that? I turn the lights off and crawl into bed on the other side, above the covers and she curls into my body. She places her head on my chest along with a hand. She sighs with content as she slowly drifts further into sleep. Once I’m sure she is out cold for good, I gently slip out of bed, closing the door behind me. I make my bed on the couch and have a quick shower. I touch the spot on my chest where she lay her head, remembering how amazing it felt. I could feel her heart beating against my body. Once I am showered and changed I go to the couch, settling in for another night. I need to look for a house for us. We need more space, I will start hunting tomorrow.  Before I drift off to sleep I can hear a faint calling in the back of my head  “Hayden, 7th Prince of Hell, you have a bounty on your head. Surrender now or pay the price” It is a messenger from Hell calling out to me. I ignore it and fall asleep.  I wake in the morning earlier than usual. I make a pot of coffee and drink almost all of it before I really feel awake. I grab my laptop and hunt for new homes. I have a list of five to Savina to pick from. It’s nearly 9 now and she is still asleep. I go to the bedroom door and open it a crack, just to check on her. She has moved around a lot in her sleep, the blankets are on the floor and her dress from last night has risen up revealing her red lacy panties. I quickly turn away and close the door before she wakes. That vision will be seared into my brain for as long as I breathe, I feel my member swell at the thought of it. I quickly think of something else, the call from Hell last night, it does the trick in seconds. I need to take care of that soon.  I start making breakfast, Savina’s favorite, french toast with fresh fruit and sausage, hoping the smells will wake her from her dead slumber. Fifteen minutes later it has worked, she comes out of the bedroom yawning and smoothing out her hair.  “Good morning” I smile at her.  “Morning..” She is groggy still, maybe a tiny bit hungover too. Last night was her first time drinking, even if she only had a small amount, it had a big effect on her.  “How do you feel?” I ask as I slide over her breakfast “Thirsty” She says as she starts for the cupboards to grab a glass, I shoo her away. She sits down and picks at her food. I hand her a large glass of water and she gulps it down in one go. I refill it for her and she drinks another half a glass.  “Better?”  She nods, rubbing her temples.  “I am curious, do you remember what happened last night?”  “Yes. I remember” She whispers, avoiding eye con tact with me.  “Do you regret it?” I feel nervous for her answer.  “No, not regret. I am just ashamed.”  Not what I expected her to say. Ashamed? What possible reason could she be ashamed for..  “What do you mean?” I stare at her, lost. “The way I acted last night.. It’s shameful. I’m sorry I did that to you Hayden”  Okay now I am totally confused, What is this girl talking about?  “Care to elaborate?” I need answers now.  “First of all, I got drunk. Then I acted like a total slut. I feel so ashamed of myself. I threw myself at you and I am so embarrassed” She still won’t meet my eyes.  “If you don’t remember.. I made the first move. You did nothing wrong. You followed your heart. There's nothing to be ashamed of Savina” I assure her. I walk across the kitchen to her and take her face in my hands, looking her deep in the eyes.  “You did nothing wrong” I say again.  “Really?” She lets out a long breath.  I chuckle at her and nod my head, ”Really”
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