
1336 Words
Savina  Hayden has been acting sort of off lately, ever since we came back from the police station actually. Anytime I try to bring it up, he changes the subject. I feel like he might actually not want me around anymore… Maybe hearing what happened to me all over again was too much for him and he can’t take it. I am a broken woman, tainted. I can’t say I blame him for not wanting me around.. “Savina?” He says as he slides a plate across the counter to me, he made breakfast.  “Huh?” I look up to see him staring at me, like he is waiting for me to answer a very important question.. A question I didn’t hear.  “I asked if you wanted to go on our date tonight?”  “Oh, umm.. I guess so.. I need to go to the store.. I have nothing to wear.. Just sweat pants.” I look down at myself, wishing for the first time I was more girly and owned actual cute clothes..  “No worries, I thought of that, here.. I had a card sent in your name” He slides a credit card towards me.  “ I can’t go spending your money” I start to say “Well... I promised to take care of you.. That includes this” He interrupts me. I can see there is no point in arguing with him, “What should I dress for?” I ask instead of saying what I really I want to.  “Well.. Tonight I wanted to wow you, something nice, a bit dressy… but I expect you to buy a new wardrobe, you can’t keep wearing old sweatpants everyday. You need to move forward” He smiles at me when he says it, but deep down I feel like I can sense some resentment towards me. I’m not sure why I feel it though.  “Are you sure you want to do this Hayden?” I ask, the question I’ve been dreading the last few days to ask.  “Do what?” He is oblivious,  “This.. all of this… go on a date? We can just keep things how they have been, you don’t have to do anything.. I can be out of your hair soon, I promise I will start looking for something-”  He slams his hand down on the table, making me jump. “Why would you say that Savina? Didn’t I make myself clear the other day? I want to be with you. I don’t understand what is going through your head. Why do you keep thinking I want you to go away?” He is trembling with anger now.  I recoil from my chair, sliding down to my feet. I take a hesitant step towards him, he takes one away from me.  “This is why Hayden. Ever since the police station you’ve been acting strange. You won’t come near me, it’s like… I don’t know what it is actually. I’m so confused by you. You say you want to be with me, but then you pull away from me. What is it? Was hearing all the details again too much for you? Is that what it is? You can’t even look at me in the eyes since that day”  I shout at him. I am terrified I am just making him angrier and he is going to lash out at me. He comes at me, I think he is going to hit me, or something but all he does is pull me into his arms. He buries his face deep in my hair.  I stand there in shock, just when I think I’ve pushed him over the edge, he surprises me.  “Savina...please believe me when I say… there is nothing more important to me than you” He whispers in my ear. I blink back the tears threatening to fall.  “Hayden I-” I pull back to look at him, as soon as I do he puts his hands on either side of my face, pulling me into a deep kiss. His lips are soft and full, like silk. The kiss is gentle, the most gentle touch I’ve ever felt. My heart flutters and my stomach flips over. I can feel tingles shooting over my entire body. His hands slip into my hair, pulling me into him closer than I thought possible. I feel as if I am melting in his arms, I place my hands on his chest, gripping his t-shirt. I lean into him, he holds us both up with ease. Too soon Hayden pulls away from me, holding me at arm's length away. I can feel my body cry out for more of his touch.  “Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that since the day I saw you at the gas station” He murmurs, his eyes closed.  I feel my mouth has gone dry as a desert. I try to open it to speak, say something, anything but nothing comes out.  “You should probably get started on your shopping” He comes forward placing a single kiss on the crown of my head before walking past me. I take a steadying breath and pick up the card he gave me. I take one last look at him before I head out.  I pass by a few stores before I remember what I need to be doing, bee-lining for the next clothing store I see. Once inside I look aimlessly around not really focusing on anything. A red dress catches my eye from across the store. I pull my size and drape it across my arm and I continue to look around. I find a few other pieces and head to the register.  “That’s everything for you?” The woman says as she side eyes me “Yes”  “Just so you know, they are a final sale. We don’t do exchanges, are you sure you picked the right sizes?” She gives me a long glance, waiting for me to answer. “Yes I’m sure. MasterCard” I hold my card up for her to swipe it. She gingerly takes it from me, as if it’s dirty. She throws the receipt into the bag and uses a finger to slide the card across the counter back to me.  “Have a nice day.” She says as she looks to the door. Obviously asking me to leave as politely as she can.  Shopping is not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be. I take a break and go to the salon down the street, I’ve been meaning to have a hair cut. It’s been years since my hair was not split and frayed.  The people in the salon look at me with pity, but they are not rude like the lady in the store. I am pulled into a comfy leather seat as they start on my hair. “Let’s start with a nice wash?” The young woman says. She’s maybe a few years older than I am. She smiles at me sweetly, I can’t help but smile back at her.  As she washes my hair she starts chatting to me, her name is Samantha and she is in school to become a certified beautician.  “But don’t worry, I have done lots of hair, I won’t butcher yours!” She assures me. I chuckle at her. She is very sweet, someone I think I’d like to be friends with.  “Samantha?” I feel nervous to ask if she would be friends with me  “What is it sweetheart? The water is not too hot is it?” She panics for a moment feeling the water temperature. I shake my head and smile,  “No, the water is fine.. I was just wondering.. I don’t have any girlfriends.. So I don’t really know how this works but I was hoping”  “I’d love to be your friend Savina.. It might not seem like it but I am in the same boat” She giggles as she rinses out my hair, pulling a fluffy towel over it. We smile as we walk back over to her cutting station.  As she cuts my hair, we make plans to have a girls day soon. She gives me a few stores to check out after we are done with my hair. By the time I finish going to the stores she suggested and get back home it's almost 4 PM and I feel exhausted.
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