Death of a Snake

1358 Words
Hayden  As soon as the sketch was shown to us I knew exactly who ‘Troy’ was, all I could think of was kicking his f*****g ass. When she mentioned his scar under his eye, I clued in, but I had hoped I was wrong...I need to finish this, once and for all. My brother will pay for what he has done to Savina.  Zagon had gone too far this time, crossed the thin line that had been in the sand for many centuries.   I asked Savina out on a date, I want her to know how I feel about her. She was hesitant to say yes, but after thinking it over she did. First I need to deal with my brothers. I brought us home after lunch, promising to watch movies on the couch for the afternoon. I have other plans though.  We settle down on the couch and start the first movie, about half way through I use a bit of my powers and make her fall asleep. She will be out for hours, which should be enough time for me to travel through portals to Hell.  I quickly make the portal, stepping through, I walk down the familiar halls. I go straight to Zagon's personal wing, bursting the doors open.  “What is the meaning of this 7th son?” Zagon calls out “You dare ask as if you do not already know??” I scream at him His eyes dance with amusement, “ I wondered how long it would take for you to figure out, brother” He flashes a toothy smile at me. I wind up my arm, connecting my first with his face, knocking out a tooth. He straightens up, spitting blood on the ground.  “Well… I can’t say I expected that of you..” He muses.  “Do not f**k with me Zagon. What do you think you are doing?” I snarl at him.  “What does it look like? I f****d your little w***e. I had my way with her, with any luck she has my seed in her, slowly growing. Making her go insane, day by day until she gives birth to a scaled beast” As the words leave his lips I hurl myself at him, pushing him backwards into a pillar. The pillar crumbles under the impact, sending a rumble throughout the ground. Zagon pulls himself to his feet, looking at me with death in his eyes. He reaches for his whip, but he’s not fast enough.  I move to the side, kicking it away from his reach. The next moment he is summoning his snake pets. They start to slither towards me, I reach out with my mind making them catch fire and die. This only angers Zagon further. He is nothing without that whip of his, he has no fighting skills. He is weak and he knows it. “Why do you care so much about one human?” He spits actual venom towards me.  I side step it before it can hit me, a drop of two hit my sleeve, the acid burns it immediately. I quickly pull it off my body, throwing it to the side. If there’s one thing I know it’s not to let Zagon's venom touch you. I need to be extra careful now to not let him hit me.  “She is none of your concern. All you need to know is I will kill you for what you’ve done”  “I’d like to see you try 7”  “My name is HAYDEN!” I jump at him, throwing him off balance, he falls backwards. I get behind him and put him in a choke hold, cutting off his air supply. He starts to fight me, but I am bigger and stronger than he ever could be. He keeps struggling for a while, which just makes it easier to slowly rip his head off his shoulders. One final pull and his head comes clean off, I throw it behind me, I hear it hit the floor and roll. His body stays vertical for a moment before it falls forward. The blood pools around where his head used to be. I have blood all over my body, but I do not care.He is dead, that’s all that matters to me.  “What have you done brother?” Asmoddeus says from behind one of the pillars across the room. How long has he been standing there I wonder.  “I did what was necessary” I respond taking a step towards him, he comes closer to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.  “Father will not like this… you have started a war little brother… I only hope you are ready for it” He says sadly looking behind me to our fallen brother.  “I will do what I have to, to protect her”  “The human you have a contract with?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.  “Yes. Zagon crossed a line”  “What happened brother?” He is wary of my answer, as he should be.  “He raped her”  Asmoddeus doesn’t respond, he knows better than to comment. I simply walk past him, looking for my father. I find him as always in the garden of Eden.  “Father..”  “Ah my son.. What brings you here?” He turns to look at me, smiling. His smile fades quickly when he sees all the blood on me  “What has happened Hayden?”  “Father, I have killed Zagon. I’m sorry I know he was your third son..” I say, keeping my head up. Looking down is a sign of weakness, father heaters weakness.  “Killed Zagon?” He repeats, I nod in confirmation.  “You’re brothers won’t be happy about this, it will start a war Hayden.. I must ask why you did this?”  “I will tell you Father, but first… I need you to know that I never meant for any of this to happen. Ten years ago I was on Earth, I saved a little girl from being kidnapped and assaulted… In exchange she offered to become my bride once she was 16.. I went to collect on that… Father I fell in love with her. Zagon… he knew about her somehow, and he went to Earth to find her, and he raped her. He had to die for his crimes. I will protect her at all costs.. She is the most important thing to me. Father, will you do me one favor?”  He is silent for a few minutes before he responds “What is it?”  “Banish me from Hell. Order me to live on Earth as a mortal.. It may be the only way I can still have a future with her. Please Father..” I beg of him “No. I cannot” He turns away from me.  Anger floods my body at his words, “Can’t or won’t?” I demand “Can’t Hayden.. I am no longer King of Hell…” He says sadly.  “What do you mean, no longer King of Hell… Who is?”  “Your brother Adrian, he overthrew me a week ago..”  “Why did you not tell me??” I am outraged.  “You were busy on Earth.. I didn’t see the point in bothering you at the time. I thought I could tell you when you returned” He sighs “ You just leave before Adrian finds out what you did. He will have you killed.. You must leave now.. You are no good to the girl dead… he will find out about her sooner than you think… he will come after her. You better prepare yourself” He adds, he opens a portal and sends me back to Earth before I can say another word. I find myself at the beach. I quickly make my way back home, finding Savina asleep on the couch. I shower and return to the couch where she is sound asleep. I whisper for her to wake up. 
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