
1090 Words
Anabella's POV With panting breath, I opened my eyes and gazed around the room with fear-filled eyes. ''It was all a nightmare." My wolf whispered to me, which made me release a soft sigh of relief. I peeped through the window and was glad it was already dawn, and I wouldn't have to have nightmares anymore. Throughout the night, I found it hard to sleep because of Alpha Eric's constant howling in pain. His howls were loud enough, and it felt like he was howling directly into my soul. I felt pain pierce through my heart as I listened to his roar; throughout the night, my wolf kept howling in pain at the thought of her mate being in agony. Slowly, I moved my eyes to the body on the bed and noticed her white skin was getting paler and her body was becoming stiff. Gulping in fear, I stood on my feet and rushed to the door to see if I could leave the room, but alas, the room was locked from the outside. ''Stay calm, nothing will happen to you.'' Those words from my wolf comforted me and made me relax a bit. A bolt on the door got my attention, and I knew someone was about to enter the room. The door opened, and three female servants walked in with things in their hands. A maid held a beautiful green dress; another maid held a big bowl of water that had sponges and soap; and the other maid held a tray that contained a makeup set and jewelry. They all stared at me with hatred, then moved their gaze to the dead woman on the bed and burst out in tears. They kept crying as they walked up to her side. Slowly, they stripped her naked, washed her, and applied some perfumes to her body before putting the long green dress on her, which was made with unique stones. Sobbing quietly, they brushed her hair and applied makeup to her, and once again, she looked like someone who was just in a deep sleep. They quickly left the room with tears in their eyes, which made me realize she was a good Luna to her servants. ''Oh, moon goddess.'' I whimpered in pain as I felt a sharp pain in my back, and just then the door opened, and the maid who came in last night with the food walked in and stared at me with a disgusted look before moving her gaze to the plate of food on the floor. ''Is the food not delicious, my lady?'' She spoke in a mocking tone, which angered me. I ignored her and sighed softly avoiding her gaze, but she got angry and grabbed me by the wrist, which made my wolf howl angrily at her, and her wolf did the same to me. ''Let go of me this very minute.'' I yelled and took her grip off my hand while we glared at each other with rage. ''I will make life miserable for you.'' She muttered those words as a threat, and I saw the serious look on her face. ''f**k off!'' I muttered out in anger, and just then, a man walked into the room with no expression on his face. He stared at the lady on the bed for a while before settling his gaze on me, and our eyes met. His face held no expression, so I couldn't tell if he was sad or angry. ''I asked you to take her to her room; why are you still here?'' He spoke with so much authority in his voice that, without being told, I knew he was their beta. ''Follow me.'' She muttered those words as an order and led the way, while I followed behind her, but again I met his eyes. The moment I left the room, I exclaimed in shock at what I saw. Inoticed this place was a big mansion with so many rooms that I couldn't count as I followed the maid behind. We walked down a big staircase before getting to the main living room, which looks like a conference hall, but the only difference was that this room was decorated with great interior designs, big Italian couches, and pictures were hung on the wall. ''Move!'' The maid yelled when she noticed I was staring around. We walked out of the mansion while I followed her to a small quarter attached to the mansion. As I approached the quarters, I realized they were for the mansion's maids and servants. ''Move!'' She yelled at me, but I ignored her and kept my pace. Just because I was in this situation doesn't give her the right to speak to me in such a manner. We entered the quarters, and I noticed there were rooms on the left and right sides of the hallway. We walked past a few rooms before she stopped and opened the door to a room at the far end. She got in, and I followed her in and peered around the room. The room was a four-corner room, with a small bed in the center of the room and a small closet hanging on the wall. The room was totally empty except for the small bed and closet hanging on the wall. ''This is your room, starting from today.'' she instructed. "You've got to be kidding me." I blurted out in anger as I glared at the small, empty room. Chuckling softly, she folded her arms and stared directly at me. "Well, princess, this is your room starting from today, and you have to deal with it.'' She spoke firmly, like an order. ''Holy cow.'' I grumbled as the reality of life hit me; it hit me so badly that I felt tears threatening to fall down my cheek, but I held them and took a deep breath. Now wasn't the time to show any sign of weakness in front of these people. ''Thank you; I will like some privacy.'' I said to her and opened the wooden door, asking her to leave. I noticed she stared at me with raised eyebrows and spoke up. ''Don't you dare think of doing something silly; Alpha Eric will not spare you…'' I did not let her finish before cutting in. ''Alright.'' I replied and showed the door to her, which made her grumble in anger and leave. ''b***h!'' I murmured to myself and tried relaxing a bit, but like a twinkle of an eye, Alpha Eric appeared in the room.
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