
1320 Words
{Theluun’s POV} I ran through the halls, trying to get away from the noise of NymKarna and Andromedus’ fighting. If it isn’t one thing, then it’s another with them! I turned back, and as soon as I did I ran straight into someone. We both fell to the floor, and as I looked up, I could see Shitari there. He looked nervous, embarrassed, and completely flustered. His bright red hair laid shaggy down across his forehead. His eyes scrambling to find my face, and his skin flushed. While we were both the same height, 6’6, and both muscular, he was leaner than me, whereas I am more bulky. I was built for the battlefield, and he was built for his books, and his herbs. He fixed his round framed glasses, and stood quickly. “Come with me!” He said, pointing back towards his study. As we walked inside, he closed the door behind us. “What’s going on Shitari?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back against the wall. He sighed. “Feryn burst into my office.. there is a human here.” He looked up at his bookshelf, and grabbed some bandages from it. I nodded, following along so far. “Okay.. and what does that have to do with me?” I asked. He haphazardly threw them into his bag and walked to his desk, grabbing a book. “Well, this human is injured, and I need your help patching them up.” Great, the last thing I want is to infuse magic into a human. All of the humans we’ve had here at the castle have been a nightmare to deal with, and if it weren’t for Arcanum I would have banished humans a long time ago. None of us even agree with his human sacrifice sh**, it’s just that none of us are strong enough to stop him. “Once again, I ask, what does this have to do with me? I don’t care about some human, they should be more careful!” I snapped. He looked up at me, this fire burning in his pale green eyes. “You know I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t think it was worth it! You know I don’t normally like the humans that come through here either. So aren’t you curious as to why I’m trying to help this one?” He asked, as he shoved the book down in his bag. I sighed, my voice grumbling in my chest. “Fine, I’ll help you, but you owe me!” He smiled, and walked past me, opening the door and leading me up the stairs towards one of the rooms we keep for guests. Once we were at the door, he knocked softly, and Feryn opened it. “Good, you brought him!” She smiled. “We all know that Andromedus couldn’t be bothered to do anything, and NymKarna would just.. well..” she snickered softly. We walked into the bedroom, and that’s when I saw her. The outline of a tiny human sitting in the bay window, her long brown hair falling in loose curls around her. “Arabella!” Feryn said, walking to her side. “Shitari is back, and he brought his brother. You must address him the same way as you do Shitari.” Faryn smiled, and helped the woman turn and stand up. When she turned to face us, I saw what Shitari meant. Her eyes were the color of the summer grass, and her skin, milky white and peppered with freckles. She smiled up at us, a genuine smile, a beautiful smile. “Hello again your majesty.” She bowed slightly to Shitari, then once again faced me. Those big eyes pulling me in, and her soft pouty lips letting out the softest voice I’ve ever heard. “Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness.” She said, bowing slightly to me. She winced, and I could hear her breathing stop for a moment until she stood back straight, and looked up at us. “Y-You really didn’t have to help me.. it will heal on its own.. They always have before..” she said softly, looking down at the ground, and fiddling with her hands. “Before?” Shitari snapped beside me. “This has happened before? Who did this to you?” He asked, kneeling down in front of her, so they were closer to being face to face. “I.. um.. please.. I’m fine.. I just..” she stuttered, I could hear her heartbeat rising, she was afraid. This is something that I have always been able to do, sense fear, or any other emotions based on the persons heart rate. “Hey, Tari, you’re scaring her!” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Let’s heal her up, alright. What’s going on with you?” I asked, looking down at her. She looked at Feryn, then Shatari, both of them nodded and she carefully pulled her shirt up over her ribs. Black and blue bruises painted her skin across her ribs. Someone broke them, and from the looks of her abdomen, it’s not the first time that she’s taken a beating. Scars were scattered across her skin, not too many to be able to notice them without close inspection, but scars are something I’ve always focused on, being the god of the fight. I sighed.. “How many times have your ribs been broken?” I asked, keeping my eyes focused on hers. She shook her head, and looked at her feet dropping her shirt back down. “I.. I don’t know.. enough times to forget how many.” She whispered softly. Feryn looked as white as a sheet, her eyes changing between red and purple, her emotions on display. “Arabella, why don’t we get you laid down, and we’ll get you bandaged right up.” She looped her arm in the tiny humans and helped her get into bed. “You really don’t have to..” she began, then she winced as she climbed into bed. “Thank you Feryn..” she smiled, a bright, warm smile. “You’ve been so kind to me.” As she laid back, Feryn lifted her shirt and Shitari and I went to either side of her. We placed our hands over her abdomen, and softly began to infuse our magic, lowering our hands down onto her stomach. She winced, and let out a whimper when our hands made contact with her skin, but soon she settled down, and her body began to relax. Once we were done, she sat up, and her eyes went wide. “I-It doesn’t hurt anymore!” She smiled, jumping up and running around the room. She grabbed Feryn’s hands and danced around in a circle. Feryn laughed, a hearty laugh and smiled brightly. Arabella stopped spinning and turned to us, bowing and smiling brightly. “Thank you so much your highness, and your majesty!” She looked up and us, and I felt a slight tugging in my heart. “You’re welcome human..” I said softly, smiling down at her, and turning to walk away. I stopped in the doorway as I opened the door. “By the way, I’d like you to come down to dinner with us tonight. You’ll be able to meet our other two brothers.” I said, turning and looking back at her. Her smile somehow grew even brighter. “Thank you your highness, I’d love to!” I nodded, turning and quietly leaving her room, this human, she was different than the others. Feryn, Tari and I all feel it, so I’m going to see if the other two do as well. I made my way down the hall, and back to the main floor, sighing as I heard my brothers still fighting in the distance.
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