
1068 Words
{Shitari’s POV} I was alone in my study, mixing up a poultice of healing herbs when suddenly the door slammed open. Lo and behold, there was Feryn.. she’s worked here in the castle for more years than I could count. Her eyes looked a fiery red as she burst into my study, meaning one thing, and one thing only. She was angry, at whom I haven’t a clue, but whoever it was, they’re going to need help. “Shitari! I need you, and some of your healing herbs!” She yelled, looking around the room and picking up some bandages. “What’s going on with you Feryn? I haven’t seen you worked up this much in years?” I asked, watching her as she flitted about the room. “The human.. the one that I was bringing in today.. she’s hurt. She won’t tell me what happened, but it’s bad..” she sighed, her eyes filling with sadness, and changing to a deep purple. Her eyes almost always change with her emotions, which makes her easy to read. “I thought we weren’t supposed to have any humans in the castle until the solstice.” I said, standing and walking to her side slowly. “This human is to stay with us for the next three months, until the winter solstice. Didn’t Andromedus tell you?” She asked, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose softly. “Of course not.. when does he ever tell anyone anything? I’ve barely been able to get him out of his tower for the past month!” I sighed. “Alright.. so what kind of injuries does this human have?” I asked, looking around at my stock. “Her ribs are hurt, I’m not sure to what extent, her cheek is bruised, and her arms are bruised up..” she whimpered. Normally she doesn’t take kindly to the humans that come through here. They’re normally angry, and lashing out at whoever they can. Feryn has been known to keep her distance from them, but this is different. She feels actual anger, and sadness for this person.. I sighed. “Alright, let me get my supply bag, and we’ll take a look at this human.” I walked behind my desk and grabbed my bag, getting some of the poultice I made, along with some more bandages of all sizes. I nodded to her to lead the way, and followed close behind her. Once we reached the door, she opened it carefully, and there she was. A tiny human sleeping on the bed, and she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her hair laid in loose curls all around her, a deep, dark oak color. Her skin was pale, and littered with freckles. Her face was bruised on one side, and immediately anger swelled in my chest. Who could hurt her like this? She seems so small, so harmless.. I walked closer, and cleared my throat. The sleeping woman opened her eyes, and sat up wincing and taking in a sharp breath. I watched as she gripped her ribs. “I.. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep..” she said, barely above a whisper. She looked up at me, her eyes the same color as the leaves on the trees surrounding the castle. Nature.. it favors her, no, it made her. She’s stunning in every way, gentle, kind, and beautiful. “H-Hello.. I’m Arabella..” she smiled up at me softly, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. “Arabella.. I brought Shitari with me.. he can help you!” She smiled, sitting in the bed next to the human, showing me how tiny this woman truly is. Feryn is 6’0, this small human had to be at least a foot shorter. “But you cannot address him as Shitari.. you must address him as Your highness, or your majesty, or if given permission, you may call him my lord.” Feryn finished, then turning to me. “Oh.. I’m sorry, I meant no disrespect. It’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness.” She said, her voice soft, and melodic. “The pleasure is all mine.” I smiled down at her, and walked carefully to her side. “Now.. Will you show me your injuries, and allow me to apply this poultice and bandages?” I asked, pulling my bag around to the front of me. I opened it, putting the jar on the beside table, and grabbing out some bandages. She nodded, without saying a word, and Feryn helped her stand up. Her tiny form now standing below me. She rolled her sleeves up, and when I saw the bruises I nearly lost my temper. These were someone’s fingertips.. someone grabbed her with enough force to bruise her arms. I rubbed the mixture onto her arms, then wrapped them in bandages. Next I rubbed some on her face and placed a bandage on her cheek. Then, she lifted her shirt, and my blood ran cold. “I don’t think that my poultice will be able to heal that.. but I can talk to one of my brothers.. maybe at least two of us will be able to heal your ribs. I’m pretty sure there is more than one that is broken from the way that it’s bruising. If I got you into my office, then I’d be able to tell more..” I sighed. Then she did something unimaginable, she smiled up at me. “Thank you, your highness. My face and arms already feel better. If you can’t heal my ribs, it’ll be fine. They should begin to heal on their own.. I should be healed up before the solstice..” My face felt hot, and I knew that I needed to leave. This tiny human had managed to not only embarrass me, but also impress me. “I will talk with my brothers and figure out how best to help you heal!” I said, bowing slightly, then turning and running from the room. I needed to find one of my brothers.. anyone but NymKarna though.. if he saw her.. he’d stop at nothing to have a night with her. I threw my bag down in my study, then made a run for the library, hopefully Theluun would be there. He understands injuries, and knows that healing them properly is important.
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