The Castle

1030 Words
{Arabella’s POV} Once inside my mind swirled, overtaken with the fantastic views surrounding me. A grand staircase stood before us, as well as large marble pillars that lined the room on either side. More large doors, and doorways littered the main floor. Vines and flowers grew on the pillars, from floor to ceiling. They wove around the stair banisters, and every window in view. Feryn intertwined her arm in mine and led me up the stairs. Each stair, made my ribs crack and ache. “Your room is up the stairs and down the hall!” She smiled, beginning to nearly run up the stairs. I quickened my pace, honestly praying to reach the top step so the pain could begin to subside again. She pulled me down the hallway, and to a door with golden roses painted on it. “This is your room!” She smiled, pushing the door open and leading me inside. She closed the door behind us, and walked to another door that was on the opposite side of the room. She flung open the door and stepped inside, and soon I could hear water running. She stepped back out, smiling at me brightly. “This is your room, and your bathroom, you have a closet, which is stocked with some clothing items, and you even have a bay window to sit in!” She pointed around the room, and I couldn’t help but stare in awe. A large four poster princess bed sat against the wall. Curtains of satin, a pale pink color swayed around it. The room was white, pink, and gold, a beautiful bay window with pillows and blankets was posted adjacent to the door. I walked to the bed, rubbing my fingertips across the wood surface of the pillars that surrounded it. My own bed.. I hadn’t had one since mother passed away. My father burned our house down when she died. All of our belongings were turned to ash, and we moved into a one bedroom trailer. My father made me sleep on the floor in the living room. He wouldn’t even allow me to sleep in the chair or the couch. One night, I got bold and decided to lay on the couch. He beat me so severely that I couldn’t walk for a week. “I have my own bed.. my own bathroom?” I gasped, walking past her into the bathroom. The colors were the same as the bedroom, but a large white, marble tub sat in the corner. I gasped, peeking around at everything, amazed that this was all for me. Then I remembered myself.. of course.. this is all for me because I’m a sacrifice to Arcanum. I took in a deep breath, my ribs aching as I did. I winced, and gasped at the sharp pain. “Arabella, are you okay?” Feryn asked, rushing to my side. I nodded, choking back tears, wishing to do nothing more than scream and cry. “I’m fine..” I whispered. “Alright.. let’s get you out of that dress, and into the tub then!” She smiled, unlacing the back of the gown. As it began to loosen around me, I gripped the front and held it to my chest. “Is it okay if I bathe myself?” I asked, turning towards the tub. She sighed, finishing undoing the last of the lacing. “I’m sorry Arabella.. I’m not allowed to leave you alone in here..” her eyes dropped to the floor, and I understood what she meant. I may try to hurt myself, or even.. end my life if she were to leave me in here alone. I’d say they learned that from previous sacrifices. I don’t plan on doing anything like that, but I could understand why they may fear that. I nodded, looking back at the ground and dropping the dress, turning away from her and holding my hands around my ribs and chest trying to cover my bruises. I carefully stepped out of the dress, removing my panties and bra and stepping into to tub. I sat down, pulling my knees to my chest and winced at the pain. “Miss..” I heard Feryn gasp. “What happened to your arms?” She asked, then I remembered. With all the pain in my ribs I had forgotten. My face and my arms are also bruised up. “It’s nothing Feryn.. I’m fine..” I said softly, looking down into the tub. “Who did that to you?” She asked, grabbing a rag and sitting down next to me. She washed the makeup off my face, and as it was removed her face changed from worry, to anger. “Who did this to you Arabella? Your arms.. your face!” She cried. I shook my head, continuing to look down at the water in the tub. She gasped, and I knew that she had seen it. “Your ribs!” Her voice trembled. She washed my body off carefully. I winced as she washed over my ribs. “I’m fine Feryn..” I whimpered as she finished washing me, then helped me stand. Her eyes scanned over me, and I could feel her anger rising. “No! This isn’t okay! You’re not fine! Someone hurt you!” She yelled. “I’m going to find the healer, he’ll be able to heal you right up!” She said, wrapping a towel around me, and helping me out of the tub. “Im not supposed to leave you alone in here, but this is an emergency!” She helped me dry off, and took me back into the bedroom. She grabbed out a loose button up shirt, in a pink, silk, with a matching pair of pajama pants. She grabbed me some pink lacy panties, and helped me get dressed. She then towel dried my hair, and brushed it out for me, then helped me into bed. “You stay in bed, I’ll be right back with the healer, and some dinner!” She said, turning and stalking out of the room. Anger burning through her, as sorrow burned through me.
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