The Fae Realm

1116 Words
{Arabella’s POV} As I took in the nature around me, a soft voice came from the bushes. “Oh.. there you are!” The voice was feminine, and gentle. A young woman stepped out from behind a tree. Her hair was pale blonde, and down to her shoulders. Her eyes were bright pink, and her ears pointed. “I was wondering when you’d get here. Normally this would be the time for a new chosen to join us. Only..” she sighed. “There is a solstice coming in a few months.. that’s when you will be taken in by Arcanum. Until then, our instructions were to talk you to the Castle, and treat you as an honored guest. Please, follow me!” She smiled, turning and walking away. I followed in behind her with my head down, my mind trying to wrap itself around what’s happening. “Do you have any questions, any concerns?” The woman asked, turning and staring at me as she walked backwards in front of me. I shook my head, keeping it down, looking only at her feet. “Miss?” She whispered softly, stopping in her tracks and looking down at me. I rose my head, so our eyes could meet. “Are you alright miss?” She asked another question. I nodded, and let out the breath I had been holding, sending a wave of pain through my ribs. “Do you speak?” She questioned me. This is my way out.. my way to keep anyone from speaking to me. I shook my head no, then nodded, then shook my head again. “Are you in pain? Is that why you won’t speak?” She asked. She towered over me, had to be at least a foot taller than me. My short stature made everyone look pretty tall, I’m only 5’0, I never grew past that. My mother was pretty short too, along with my father’s mother. I shook my head, and looked up meeting her eyes again. I took in a deep breath, which felt like I was being stabbed in the abdomen. “I’m sorry.. it’s just a lot to take in, and I don’t want to bother you.” I said softly, retuning my eyes to the ground, so hopefully she wouldn’t see the tears beginning to brim in them. “Oh dear, you’re no bother at all! Let’s get you into the castle and out of that uncomfortable dress! We’ll get you a home cooked meal, and get you settled into your room!” She cheered, stepping in beside me. “You know, you’re probably the prettiest, and kindest little human that’s ever been sent here!” “Am I?” I asked, as she intertwined her arm with mine. She nodded. “Usually, the humans they send here are angry, and they lash out! You’re so sweet, so kind, and not to mention beautiful! Your eyes remind me of the forest, the lovely lush green of the trees! It’s like you were born as a gift from nature!” She smiled brightly. I smiled back, a soft, but genuine smile. No one had ever said such nice things to me, but I had to remind myself why I was here. “The others are probably just afraid of death..” I whispered. Her smile faded. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking..” she stammered. I smiled up at her. “It’s okay.. I know why I’m here.” “Are you not afraid little human?” She asked, her eyes scanning over my face. Was I afraid? Not really.. the idea of death is something that has loomed over me for so long. Ever since my mother passed, it’s something I have thought about regularly. Not that I want to die.. just that, death is a natural thing, and no matter what I want, death will come for me eventually. I shook my head. “Death comes for all things.. an unbreakable truth.” I smiled, softly, almost bitterly. “I’m ready to go whenever I have to, so don’t worry about me, and anyways.. there are worse things than death.” I looked back down at the ground as we kept walking. Being my father’s punching bag all these years was worse than death, and yet I managed. Even if in the end, I was sent away to die anyways. I was bitter, and angry, but not afraid, never afraid. I had always hoped that when death comes to claim me, that I can fall into its embrace as if it’s an old friend. She kept leading us, until we found ourselves at a large gate. The gate was covered in vines and roses, it was beautiful. “You’re special.. I can feel it. Every other human was afraid and angry, but you’re kind. Maybe.. maybe he’ll spare you!” She smiled, before pulling out a key and unlocking the gate. “I hope he spares you. I’m Feryn.. and it’s a pleasure to meet you! I’ll be the one responsible for taking care of you over these three months. If you need anything I will be here to help!” She smiled, reaching her hand out towards me. I couldn’t help but flinch, but when I saw her hand sticking out in front of me, I calmed myself and took her hand in mine. I shook her hand and smiled softly up at her. “I’m Arabella.. it’s nice to meet you properly Feryn. Thank you, for taking care of me.” “No problem Arabella!” She smiled back, shaking my hand, then leading me through the gate. She closed, and locked it behind us, then turned back to our path. We walked through a maze, it was completely covered in flowers, beautiful and magnificent. Once through it, I could finally see what all of this greenery was hiding, before us a large castle. It was ripped straight from a fairytale, large stone pillars, stone walls, marble decorations. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Large windows strung across it, and a massive front door stood at the top of the main staircase. “It’s beautiful..” I sighed, looking over the castle. “I’m glad you think so, welcome to your home for the next three months. The Palace of Nature, the home of the gods of the Fae realm!” She smiled, gesturing to the front of the castle. “Now let’s get you inside and cleaned up!” She grabbed my arm, leading me up the stairs, swinging open the gigantic doors, and pulling me inside, closing them behind us, and trapping me.
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