Meeting The Boss

1588 Words
    Avery gulped down as she stared at the huge beige door that lead to the man she was every minute thinking about.      Finally, after some minutes of waiting outside the office room, she turned the knob. The door opened and Avery entered. She took a long stare at the office, forgetting to introduce herself to the business man. The office was well decorated with glass all around, too many desks and a black desk in the middle.     Avery raised her head and felt them widen as she stared. Nobody? Where was the old man she was supposed to work for? She cleared her throat, thinking that he was probably in the bathroom. Well, that gives her more time to collect her breath.     Seconds became hours for Avery. She was sweating and waiting for the man with a flushed face. But he didn’t come out. So, she decided to knock on the door to check if he was dead by now.     “Mr. Lueders, I’m your new secretary. Are you okay?”     Silence. It was the only thing she received, so she asked again  “Mr. Lueders?”     Without thinking twice, she found herself opening the bathroom door and peeking inside. Also, there was nobody there. She closed the door and left the office, huffing.     She stood in front of the woman sitting outside, her hands on her hips. “Where is your boss?”asked Avery, sounding a bit rude. She didn’t care about her tone. She was so scared of arriving late so she woke up at an early hour and he stood her up!      “Mr. Lueders has an important meeting at the moment”the woman replied. She looked so mean, Avery kept thinking of a snake while looking at her. Well, definitely a beautiful snake. The woman was in her young, probably in her late 20’s or first 30’s. But she didn’t give Avery a single hint of warmth.     “Oh really, so his meeting is more important than me now, huh?”she clicked her tongue.     “Stop your cocky behavior. You’re just his personal assistant not his wife!”scowled the other woman.     Avery wanted to shout at her, but closed her mouth again, thinking of the woman’s words.”His personal assistant? No, you’re mistaken, I’m his secretary”she shook her head, wanting to shout at her for talking like that to her.     The woman gasped loudly and stood in front of Avery, sending glares her way. “You just came here and already planning to take my position!” shouted the woman.     “Huh? Wait, wait. So you’re the secretary”the woman replied with a sassy nod. “Then what am I?”     “A zebra!”the woman laughed and sat back on her chair.      “How dare you call me a zebra! Look at your disgusting clothes. Cover yourself up with something woman, did your clothes get ripped on the way here or something?!”Avery screamed.      “ENOUGH!”a new voice shouted.      Avery spun her head towards the source of the sound. Her breath hitched in her throat and she gulped down, nervously.     “Mr. Lueders!”the secretary said in alarm.     ‘So this is him’ Avery thought.     “This is your first day here and you’re already fighting with others! Come inside, we need to talk”he slammed his office’s door open and walked in.     Avery was going to follow him when she stopped and turned her back to the door, glaring at the secretary. “And by the way, you’re a fake snake”she winked, leaving the angry woman to talk on her own.     Avery cleared her throat once inside and looked at the man’s back. He had his back to her and was staring outside the glass wall.     She wanted to talk but he was quicker and suddenly said in a scolding tone.     “You come to my company, insult one of my workers, and you want me to see your face everyday! You’re probably not going to close that big mouth of yours and realize that we are in a work place, not a reality show!”he screamed, turning to her.     Avery was shocked. No one has ever shouted at her like that except one person. Her dad. She tried to forget him but every time stared at James, her dad’s picture was playing in her mind.     She kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish in deep water. She was wondering how she would be able to stay there for so many time. It would be t*****e.     “Excuse me sir, your secretary is the one that started it. She called me a zebra!”Avery frowned at him.     “She was just stating the truth. You do look like a zebra”he smirked. Avery gasped again and stared down at her clothes. She was wearing a black blouse and white pants with black lines.         “The nerve of you! First, you left me waiting like a dumb kid in here, waiting for you to finally show up. Then, you shout at me and call me a zebra! Didn’t your parents teach you manners? You’re an old businessman, you should have the morals a man in your position should have”Avery yelled, pointing at the red, furious man.     “GET OUT OF MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW, YOU’RE FIRED. I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOUR DISGUSTING FACE AGAIN!!”     She bit her lips harshly, finally realizing the mistake she had made. She swore she would nail the mission. She couldn’t  step out just from the first day! She would look like a fool and be a Sweven in the organization.     “I-I’m so sorry Mr. Lueders, I just like to joke a lot. I’m sorry, I have been so nervous. I really want this job. Please. I beg you Mr. Lueders. I’m so so so sorry. I regret it! I don’t want to disappoint my sister”she got down on her knees, fake crying.     “Last time I checked, I didn’t see you have a sister”he raised a questioning eyebrow.     “Umm yeah. She’s not my biological sister but she’s lives with me”she corrected, scolding herself mentally for doing a mistake like that.     “Alright. You have one last chance, I don’t have enough time to search for a new assistant, you’ll stay”he rolled her eyes and motioned with his hand for her to get up. She quickly stood up and smiled. ‘Mission accomplished’she didn’t mean the whole mission, just one of the many. It was to  keep herself for one day at that company.     “Sir, May I know why I am your personal assistant, I thought I’ll just be your secretary”she asked.     “You applied for the job”he looked at her like she had grown two heads.     “Oh yeah, never mind. What do I have to do now?”she changed the topic, realizing that it is probably her father. But why would he do that?     “Prepare a small bag containing your belongings. Also, take all the important papers including information about the deal with the Hudsons’ and our company. By tonight, we should be in France” he said in one breath.     “We?”she asked, confusedly.     “Yeah, you’re my personal assistant and you’ll accompany me everywhere. Which hotel are you staying at?”     “No, my dad bought me a home in Rosá di Santá street”she replied.     “Bought a house! Is he crazy?!”Avery was taken aback by his sudden outburst.          “Why are you saying that?”     “Does he not know that every personal assistant of mine stays at my house! I work from home a lot”he glared at her.     “We didn’t know, sorry”she rubbed the back of her neck nervously.     “Then tell him that you won’t be needing it the next week. Don’t worry, I don’t live alone. I have my children and wife with me. Plus, there are maids who will prepare everything for you. From your breakfast to your night bath. I don’t think anyone would reject this offer.”     “Umm yeah, I don’t think I have another choice anyways, do I”Avery joked.     He nodded while looking at her deeply. Suddenly, he smiled and said”You look like someone. A woman I knew a long time ago. You’re the exact same copy of her. Weird isn’t it?”he chuckled.     “They say there’s 40 copies  of every person”she shrugged, trying to sound normal when she really wanted to see the woman he was talking about. She seemed like a special person in his life.”Who is she?” She asked, curiously.     “Not your business”he glared at her for the millionth time.      “Sorry to ask”she apologized which he didn’t respond to. He sat down and turned on his computer. Avery just wanted to leave the company instead of being respectful and working to a man like that. He escorted her out and she left to her home to prepare her belongings.     “I wonder how I will be able to cope in this new environment. Everything is new and everyone I’ve met is awful”she mumbled under her breath when she was at the door of her home. She was wondering how she will start living with strangers, with the  Lueders’. “Go away, Kardashians’. It’s our time”she said sarcastically.
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