An Adventure

1252 Words
    Avery took a deep breath and smiled. ‘This is going to be... an adventure’ she thought, searching for the right word to describe the change that was going to be added to her life.      Her life wasn’t boring back in San Diego. It was full of missions, parties, fun, fights and scolding absolutely. But she knew that in a new city like Los Angeles, her life would be more exciting.      In the end, she was going to live with the Lueders’! That was the part she was dreading. She had no idea how she was going to live with people she barely knew. She hoped that the family won’t be like the father or it would be like moving to hell.      The cab stopped and Avery got out, looking with awestruck at the mansion in front of her. Even she, a woman coming from a super wealthy family was surprised from how awesome that place looked. Her home back in San Diego was completely different, but no one can deny that it wasn’t one of the best houses they would ever see.      She always compared her life to the werewolves she read about in novels. She lived in a large house with several people. There were Swevens, Orates and Kalons. A Kalon is like an alpha, an Orate is similar to a beta, gamma, delta and all the strong spies, assassins etc... And a Sweven is the same as an omega. Except that everyone is treated respectfully the same.      She would take over her dad’s position when she shows that she is truly capable of handling it well.      “Are you Anna Emelcourt, miss?”a gentle voice asked.      Avery turned her eyes to the bulky man next to her. She suppressed her laughter and stared at him seriously, looking dumb. “Are you the one who spoke?”she inquired.      “Yes?”he replied, making her chuckle. This gentle voice was coming from a giant like this? Her ears must be tricking her for sure.      “Umm Sorry. Yeah I am Anna”she nodded, taking her right hand out of her pocket and sticking it out. He cleared his throat and shook her hand.      “Welcome here Ms. Emelcourt, Mr. Lueders is waiting for you inside”He mentioned.      “Alright, I’ll get going then. Can you help me with the bags please?”     “Of course.”     He answered, taking all the bags and walking away.      “Wait, I meant to take a few not all of them”she chuckled, running after him. He was walking quickly, she wouldn’t have caught up to him if she didn’t run.      “It’s my work Miss just follow me”he said professionally, without glancing at her. She watched him walk as she stared at his body. He was so bulky, probably double or thrice her size. She shrugged and continued looking around.      “Home s**t home”she muttered under her breath, sarcastically. She knew she would never feel comfortable in a luxurious home like this full of strangers. She just wished herself good luck while following the guard.      ‘Bulky’, as she called him in her head, talked through a handheld radio. The doors opened and they both entered. Bulky put the bags on the floor and left Avery standing there alone.      She gasped at the inside of the house. Is it possible that it was even prettier than the outside?      She searched for James but he was nowhere to be found.      “Hello?”she called out, mimicking the characters in the movies. “Mr. Lueders? Anybody here?”she yelled again.      “You’re late”a voice answered, making her gasp loudly.      “Oh my god, you scared me” she said, getting out of the surprise and clearing her throat. “Umm sorry Mr. Lueders, I thought I arrived in time”she said, holding her anger from rising.      “Whatever, Sky will show you your room. Sky!”he yelled. Seconds later, a man came rushing towards them. He looked like a chef from his clothes. He was wearing a white half sleeved shirt, white pants and shoes with a white chef hats. Avery always found chefs’ clothes to appear like angels because of the whiteness.      “Yes sir?”he asked respectfully.      “This is Sky, he is our cook. Sky, take Anna to her room.”     ‘Why would the cook show me my room?’ Avery wondered.      “Sure Sir”Sky answered, looking confused. Avery walked towards him and they both walked up the stairs.      “Why did he ask you to show me the room? I mean you’re the cook”she asked once they were away from James.      “I have no idea. So, the last room in the corridor is yours. Now I’ll go downstairs and bring the bags”he said before fading away.      Avery shrugged to herself and headed to the room supposed to be hers. She laughed at her stupidity for thinking she had to knock the door and entered.      She was amazed once she was inside. Black walls, black bed, most things were black. Of course there was several red things too. There were yellow lights, decorating the room which made it brighter. It wasn’t a dark room at all, the walls won’t be seen much from the closet and the photos she was going to stick there.      She smiled and started decorating her room the way she wanted excitedly.      She placed several photos near the window, put roses on the sides of the door and unpacked her stuff after Cedric had arrived with her bags.       Finally, she lied on the king sized bed, feeling exhausted. She sighed, looking around with satisfaction.      “I have to call my squad”she chuckled. She grabbed her phone and FaceTimed her squad. Nate, Cole and Jessica. She called Jessica, knowing they were all hanging together in the backyard, just like the four of them used to do every night.      “AVERY!!”they all shouted upon seeing her face.      “Shhh! I’m Anna now. You have to be careful”she warned.      “Oh sorry. I missed you so much. I wish I could have said goodbye but commander and I went on a meeting”Jessica apologized, pouting.      “I know, don’t worry. I miss you guys already. This house is the coolest house I’ve ever seen! I didn’t have a chance to look around yet but my room is so nice”she grinned.      As soon as she reached her old home, she had called her dad and told him about everything so he told her friends. They were all confused as to why she had to live with them but they knew James Lueders was a weird man.      “Have fun! I hope everything will be easy on you, Anna”Nate said with a small smile on his face.      Cole hit him on the back of his neck. “Don’t be like that dude. Anna is the strongest woman I’ve ever seen. She will nail it!”he assured.      “Don’t listen to this guy! On our fifth date, he told me that I’m the bravest, prettiest and strongest lady but looks like  he has changed his mind now”Jess scolded.      They all laughed at her words and made fun of Cole. Soon, they called it a night and everyone went to their respective beds. 
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