Chapter 5

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Mia's POV I didn't get out of bed for five days. I didn't shower. I couldn't eat. I lost a part of me that day. A part that i dont think I ever will get back. He was my mate. Mates shouldn't be able to cause sauch harm to their own fated mates. At least, that's what i used to think. Everything i ever thought a mate bond was supposed to be was a lie. Now, i will be forced to stay with him or find a way to leave and take a chosen mate. I've never heard the moon goddess granting a third fated mate. As much as i wish that would happen, im not sure that it could. Even by some miracle, i am able to reject Shawn. i don't think he will ever let me leave. Especially if i get pregnant, i will forever be his prisoner. I heard a knock at the door. I knew it was probably Gabby. I'm guessing she's the omega that's assigned to me because i never see anyone else, only her. I yelled out in furstration. I thought she would have gotten the hint by now that i wasn't hungry, and i wanted to be left alone. "I said go away." It didn't stop her from entering. I heard her unlock the door with the key, and she entered anyway. She looked at me with so much pity, and i think slight irratation. "Luna, it's been nearly a week since you had a proper meal. I don't think the king will want to hear that his luna and queen are refusing to eat." I rolled over, so I wasn't facing her any longer. "Then go ahead and tell him. I really dont care. The monster just does whatever he wants anyway. If he doesn't punish me for this, it will just be for something else." I felt the bed dip, and i knew she sat down. "Is he really that bad? He has always been an angry man. I just thought it was because of everything he's been through. He's lost everyone he's ever loved. I thought he would have made a better king than Kane's daughter. He was at least raised here. He understood our ways and knew us all. Rosie was just a stranger. We all feared that she would change everything....If you dont mind me asking, what has he done to you to make you shut down so badly?" "It doesn't matter. I wear his mark. i guess that means he can do whatever he wants to me whenever he wants to." I heard her gasp. I guess she realized what I was trying to say without actually saying it. I hope she did anyway. "You want to leave, dont you?" I sat up. I was slightly annoyed. I know she was just trying to be friendly now, but what was the point? She would always take Shawns side. He was the king, after all. "Why does it matter what i want, and why do you suddenly care to talk to me now?" She put her head down. It was clear that she was ashamed. "Luna, theres rumors going around about the rightful heir threatening Shawn and this pack. She is your friend, is she not?" I smiled. "Yeah, she's my friend. My best friend." "She can be pretty scary. I mean, she must be if she's scaring Shawn the way that she is. I've never seen that man scared for anyone except Kane and maybe his own father.... She calls his phone and the pack daily. I just thought you should know she's not giving up on you. She's fighting for you. Maybe you need to do the same." I gave her a confused look. "Why are you telling me all of this?" She kept her head down. "If Rosie is brave enough to threaten the Lycan king, then it must be pretty bad. I dont know anyone who would risk their lives like that. She may be a lycan like myself, but that boy that calls with her isn't. I saw that he was an ordinary wolf when he was here. Even he has threatened to come here, and i think he might have already. He hasn't crossed the boarders, but I think that's him out there. I take it your're special to the boy?" My heart was racing. Was Jordan really out there? He was so close, yet too far to reach or talk to. I felt hopeful for the first time since i got here. Maybe they weren't giving up on me after all. Maybe, just maybe i could make it out of here. Gabby put her hand on my thigh. "You dont have to answer that. i can tell by the increase in your heart rate that he clearly is important to you too. You should know that if i saw him out there, then others probably did, too. Im sure it's gotten back to the king by now." That hope suddenly turned to fear. "If he catches him, he will kill him. You have to get me out of here." "I take it you love him? Is that why you are having trouble accepting the king?" The comment sent alarms in my head. Was she sent in here to get information from me? To spy? "I did accept him. Sometimes, people aren't who you thought they were. They dont show their true colors until its too late, and then you just become trapped." She seemed taken back by my comment. "Are you trapped?" " I think you already know the answer to that. You have to use a key to let yourself in. What do you think that makes me?" She closed her eyes and put her head into her hands. When she finally lifted her head, her cheeks were stained from tears. "He's not worried about your safety, and you're not in here hiding from someone that wants you dead?" I laughed. "Is that what he told you?" "I came here willingly at first. I just didn't know i wouldn't have the choice to leave if i wanted to. I thought a lot of things would have been different when i met Shawn. I guess i expected to be sharing a room with him. Now im grateful that we dont." She stood up abrubtly. "I want to help you, i do. I just dont see how i could without getting caught. I dont want to be murdered for helping our queen escape." "Then dont help me escape. Is there any way for you to get me a phone? He took mine and my bag that i came with, and i haven't seen it since i got here." She started to pace the room. "First, you need to eat, and i will see what i can do. The only phone my family has is my mothers, and im not sure how i can just walk out with her cell phone. She will definitely question me. Esepcially everyone that i talk to im able to link with in the kingdom. My mother didn't think i needed my own phone, and it's not like we could afford another one. She only gave it to me once when i went to a mall with some friends. As lycans, we really dont leave much. We are feared by too many." I grabbed a hold of her hand. I was practically begging her. It was almost embarrassing. "Please, it's my only hope. I can't stay here. Im afraid as soon as i give him a heir that he will have me killed." She took a step away from me. "Why are you so sure of that?" "Becasue he's forcing his heir in me." It took her a moment, but when she finally realized what i was trying to say, her eyes nearly came out of her head. "I have to go. I promise I'll do what I can. The head omega linked me and asked me what was taking so long. I really need you to eat most of your plates in like the next thirty seconds." I tried to consume as much as i could. I even put what i could on a napkin to make it look like I ate more than what i did. She grabbed the tray and rushed out of the room like her ass was on fire. I just hope i didn't get her into too much trouble by staying up here with me for so long.
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