Chapter 4

1233 Words
****Trigger Warning**** Mia's POV I believed every word he just said. I lost my right to choice the moment i let him mark me. I just didn't know it then. What i couldn't figure out was how Rosie ever learned to trust him. What side did she see for so long, and how come i got a different side of him so quickly? Eventually, she saw right through his little act. She tried to warn me. I was just so wrapped up in wanting the mate bond to work that i didn't want to see what was right in front of my face. Shawn was grinning from ear to ear as i was processing what he was saying. "So what's it going to be cupcake? Are you going to undress and put the gown on yourself, or am i doing it for you?" I was really starting to hate this man. I never imagined i would hate my fated mate not just once but twice. I growled out. I made sure my voice sounded how i felt. "I'll do it myself." He crossed his arms. "Very well. Now hurry up. I dont want the doctor waiting on us any longer than what he has been. He's a very busy man, and you will apologize for taking up so much of his time." I rolled my eyes. He couldn't be serious? We were maybe in the bathroom for five minutes, if that. "Are you going to leave so i can change?" He laughed. "I've already seen it all, Mia. Dont act like you're shy now. Now, strip or, like i said before, I will do it for you." I bit the side of my cheeks until i could taste the blood in my mouth. I have a feeling that im going to be doing that a lot from here on out. I glared at him, but i said nothing and did what i was told. Like i've said before, i no longer have a choice in my own life. I lost that right the moment i let him mark me. I should have waited. I should have gotten to know him better first. It just wasn't out of the normal to mark your fated mates quickly. Most people got lucky, and their mates were everything they ever imagined they would be. I just seemed to be cursed in that department. Once i was in the gown, i struggled to get it tied in all the right spots. It was honestly annoying how many it actually needed to keep it closed. Shawn started tapping his foot and was getting impatient. I growled out in annoyance and just grabbed one side of the gown to hold it close so the doctor wouldn't see my ass. Not that i really cared. He's already going to see down there anyway. I opened the door to the bathroom and stomped out before settling myself on the bed. Shawn was glaring daggers at me for my behavior. Which i have to admit was sightly childish. He came to stand next to me and held onto my wrist tightly. "So Mia, isn't there something you want to say to the doctor?" Oh my f*****g goddess. He has to be kidding me? He started to squeeze my arm, which indicated he wasn't joking at all. He was completely serious. I tried not to flinch from the pain he was inflicting on me. I looked up at the doctor with pleading eyes. I desperately wanted him to be on my side. But i knew that he wasn't. I know he could tell that I was in pain. He just didn't care. "Im sorry that i took so long to get changed." He seemed rather pleased with my apology. I think he was mostly pleased that i was being controlled so easily. He must be a sick, twisted man like Shawn. "It's all good, Luna. Now let's see if we're pregnant already, shall we?" I was generally curious. "Would you even be able to tell so soon?" "We can usually get a clear picture around three to four weeks." I looked over at Shawn in shock. I was having a hard time staying quiet. My wolf and i were shaking in fury. "You're not checking to see if im pregnant with your baby. You're making sure im not pregnant with someone elses. You saw that you took my virginity. You felt it, and you're seriously putting me through this? This is humilating. What is wrong with you?" I watched his eyes shift to black. I fricken did it now. I knew i was going to pay for my words. The doctor excused himself. "Fricken coward." I was having a hard time biting back my words. I was so angry and hurt. I couldn't believe how big of a fool i was. He pinned me down by my throat to the bed. Not that i expected anything less. He always went for the throat. It was his go-to move. I was waiting for him to yell or roar out in anger, but he didn't. He remained calm and kept his voice low and just above a whisper. Which almost scared me just as much as the yelling. "What did i say about embarrassing me?" I gulped out in fear when his other hand started to roam up my thigh. I closed my thighs as tight as i could, but all i did was trap his hand between my legs. He leaned his head down and whispered into my neck. I felt his hot breath over me, and it did nothing but bring me straight disgust. "Dont be like that cupcake." I tried to squirm so he would let me go. It just seemed to anger him more that I was fighting him. I tried to push him with my hands on his chest, but all it did was make him extend his claws into my neck. I felt them pierce my skin, and i knew instantly that if i kept trying to push away from her, i would end up killing myself under his grip. So i stopped moving. He finally let me go, and i thought it was over with. I held onto my neck that was now painfully bruised and cut. I let my guard down just enough for him to strap my ankles to the bed. I screamed out when i realized my legs were spread. At first, i thought he was only doing it so the doctor could do his examination. But the look in his eyes made me quickly realize he had other things in mind. I tried to scream for help, which only made him laugh. "No one is going to help you here. Haven't you figured that out? The sooner you submit and just do what you're told, that happier everyone will be. Including yourself. Don't make this harder than what it needs to be." I felt his hand glide up to my core and slide between my folds. I turned my face to look outside. I felt the tears shedding and tried to lose myself with the outside view. Anything I could use as a distraction. I kept my focus on that as Shawn violated me in a way i never thought would ever happen to me. In a way that will forever make me feel dirty.
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