
Falling For The Beta

friends to lovers

This book picks up where Falling For The Alpha Female. Only this one focuses on Mia Long.

Mia left her family, her friends, and her home to start life with her second-chance mate, the lycan king. Mia fell head over heels for a man she barely knew. After marking him quickly, Mia slowly realizes he is not who he seems to be. In fact. she fears he is a complete monster. Her friends tried to warn and protect her. But she felt like she could change and contain the beast inside him. She chose him even though her heart desired another. Now, she can't help but wonder if she is completely trapped now that they arrived in his kingdom. A kingdom that once was supposed to belong to her best friend.

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Chapter 1
Mia's POV Are you supposed to fear your mate? The one person that is supposed to be made for you. I mean, surely the moon goddess wouldn't pair me with two cruel mates, would she? What could I have possibly done to deserve such a destiny? I prayed to myself that it was just my anxiety playing some sort of cruel joke on me. Oddly enough, I knew better. My gut knew better. I don't think I can put into words how I felt running away with my second-chance mate. I convinced myself that this felt right. That I somehow was making the right choice. His lycan was huge and honestly scared the crap out of me and my wolf. He wasn't affectionate and kept growling back to us when we couldn't keep up. The few glimpses I got of his lycan weren't the best, and I just blamed it on us not being able to bond yet, but his lycan didn't even seem excited to even meet my wolf. He almost looked disappointed with our size and color. It almost seemed like he didn't want us. Maybe he never did. Shawn was so persistent on leaving right after my brother's funeral. We didn't even bother taking any of the stuff that I had packed. All I had was the things I quickly tossed into a duffle bag that I could carry in my mouth. I didn't exactly agree to leaving this way, but I could tell I didn't have much of a choice. I feared he would leave without me if I didn't agree. I knew he just wanted to get out of here after what Rosie did to his hand. I felt like the entire run to his palace was just me repeating to myself that he was my mate and that he loved me and that I was doing the right thing. I thought if I kept repeating it, that maybe I would actually feel it, but I never did. Regret slowly crept in when I felt like we were getting close to his home. Also, a great amount of fear. We crossed over a bridge and were met with a few warriors. At least, I think they were warriors. Their beasts were just as frightening as Shawn's. I hated how unsafe I felt. I went to shift back like he had done when his beast growled out at me. I wasn't seeing the big deal. I've seen countless people naked that I wish I could unsee. But being naked came natural to our kind. I stood still after that. I was too scared to shift and was too scared to move. I think what hurt the most was that Shawn laughed at me. I think he was questioning how he got paired with such a weak mate. I was nothing like Rosie, but in this moment, I wish that I was. Maybe then my mate wouldn't be looking at me the way that he is right now, with pure disgust. In this moment, I wished I listened to my gut and opened up to Jordan about my fears. I had wished he would have been my second-chance mate, and I was disappointed for a brief second when I leaned that Shawn was mine and not him. I told myself the moon goddess had her reasoning, and I'm still trying to believe that. One of the warriors handed Shawn a change of clothes before he shooed them all away. He looked at me coldly. "Shift." His voice was so demanding, and his aura was stronger than most alpha's now that he was king. I had no choice but to obey. Even if my instincts were telling me run the other way right now. Once I shifted, he handed me a pair of sweats and t-shirt the warrior had just given to him. "Thanks." He voice remained cold. "Come, I'll show you to your room so you can rest." I noticed he didn't say our room, just mine. Did that mean we wouldn't be sharing a room? He fricken marked me. I thought that would entail that we would act like mates.This was feeling more and more wrong every given moment I was here. He brought me to the top floor. It was rundown and cold. I felt this gut-wrenching feeling that something wasn't right. There was broken glass and ripped wallpaper in nearly every hall and room that i could see into. I dont even want to talk about all the broken furniture and holes in the walls that looked like it was caused by someone's fist. I couldn't help but wonder if it was Shawn that caused this mess and what kind of anger he was hiding from me. I've seen bits of it already, but this seemed almost feral. Like he couldn't control himself. We got to set of double doors, and i knew instantly that this would be my room. He opened the doors, and i was hit with all the familiar scents. Rosie, Jordan, and Noah's. They must have stayed here. It kind of grossed me out that the room obviously hadn't been cleaned properly since they stayed here, and the other part felt really grateful that it wasn't. The scents of my friends lingering in the room were actually comforting and bringing me a little peace. Shawn scrunched up his nose. Im guessing because of the scent. "I'll have an omega come up later and clean up better and get those scents from those awful people out of this room." He rubbed the hand that Rosie burnt. I bit the side of my cheeks to keep myself from saying something stupid. He kissed my cheek. "Aww, don't be such a sour puss. i know you thought they were your friends. At least you learned who they really are now." He went to walk out, and i turned around to face him. "What do you mean by that?" His back tensed up by my speaking. "You wouldn't want to be friends with people that treated your mate so poorly, would you? They questioned our bond and my intentions with you. That is not okay. The way i see it is they were going against the moon goddess herself by doing that." I hated how he put that. It almost made me feel guilty, or that maybe I was wrong in a way. The truth is i still wanted to be friends with them. I was just angry and hurt by their actions. I needed to figure out things for myself. I didn't want them to intervine like they did. I know they only did it because they care about me and dont want to see me hurt, but it didn't change the fact that they did this behind my back. He walked out of the room with his head held high. He acted arrogant, like he knew he was right and that i would see it his way. He never kissed me goodnight or let me know when i would see him again. Just walked away and shut the door. I turned around, trying to hide the hurt and the tears that were all over my face. I knew the door was shut and that he couldn't see me, but i still felt this weird urge to turn around and hide my feelings from him. I jumped slightly when i heard the sound of the door click. Wait, he didn't lock me in here, did he? I walked over to the door and pulled on the handle. It was f*****g locked. I grumbled out "mother fucker." I guess he was still on the otherside of the door because he growled out. "It's for your own good. It's for your safety." My safety? Why wouldn't i be safe here? From what i understood, the fricken wicked witch sharon never came back here. I banged my hands on the door. What the f**k did i do? Why couldn't i just listen to my friends. Now I just feel like a prisoner.

Dreame-Editor's pick


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