Chapter 6

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Mia's POV I didn't see Gabby for the rest of the day. In fact, no one came up to bring me the rest of my meals. The next morning. I sat on the couch. I had already showered for the day and was waiting very impatiently. I just hope her not showing up meant she was trying to get me a phone. All i needed was to make one phone call, and Rosie and Jordan would come for me. I just know they would. I heard a light knock and the sound of the key unlocking the door. I stood from where i was seated. I was about to pounce on her with hope and excitement when I realized that it wasn't Gabby at all, but a younger woman just like her. Maybe even slightly older. She had blonde, almost white long hair and sparkly blue eyes. I seemed to startle her by standing so close to the door. "Hi Miss Mia. My name is Harlow, and im here to bring you your breakfast." She sat the tray down on the table. She seemed friendly enough. "Thank you, Harlow. Can you tell me what happened to Gabby? She was the omega that has been serving me my meals since i got here. I wasn't expecting someone new." She frowned. "Im sorry, miss, but Gabby was fired from the kitchen staff yesterday afternoon. I will be taking over from here on out." I was shocked and worried. I was praying i didn't just get her in trouble or, worse, killed. "Why did she get fired? She did her job well, and we got along great." Harlow looked at me suspiciously. "It was the kings decision. If you have any concerns, you would need to take it up with him." Shit, s**t, s**t. I did get her in trouble. The guilt was eating at me. I tried to keep my facial expressions neutral. I didn't want her to report back to Shawn that i was acting weird. "No, it's fine. I was merely curious. She is a very nice girl." Harrlow nodded. "Yes, she was." I twitched slightly. She said she was. As in she no longer is? What the hell did i just do? I tried my best to fight back the tears that i desperately wanted to shed. She was my only way out of here, and i got her killed because of my own selfish reasons of wanting to leave this hell. Harlow turned away and walked towards the door when i didn't say anything. I was merely counting down th seconds until she reached the door so i could cry as soon as it locked. Instead, the door was flung open before she even got the door open. I watched the woman bow before batting her eyelashes. "Hello, my king. I was just headed out. Is there anything i can get you?" Was she seriously flirting with him right in front of me? I guess she might not know he's my mate like Gabby. Shawn smiled down at her. A smile that i rarely have seen. "Im good. Just meet me in my office around noon. Thanks, Harlow." She smiled eagerly. "Certainly you're heinous." She looked back at me and bowed like she did to Shawn. "Luna, i will be up for your plate later." She walked out the door and i literally wanted to slap the blonde b***h in the head. She did know he had a luna and still openly flirted with him like that and he just allowed it. She should just be lucky that i no longer want Shawn anymore. Otherwise she would have gotten a shoe to the back of the head. "I see that it's finally out there that you do infact have a luna prisoner, and here i thought i was a big secret." Shawns smile that he just had on his face quickly disappeared. "Arent you funny today." I was kind of shocked that his wolf didn't come forward and that i wasn't slapped or grabbed by the throat for being a smartass. He reached his hand out for me, and i just glared at him and his stupid hand. "Why would i take that?" He took a few deep breaths. "Please, let's just go for a walk." I continued to stare at him for a few more minutes. "I'll go on a walk, but only because i want out of this damn room, and im not holding your hand. I think we both can agree that you dont deserve to touch me." I saw his eye twitch and glaze black. He was fighting it with everything he had, but why? He never fought it this badly before. Except maybe when we were at Rosie's pack. He walked next to me. He never once walked too fast so that i couldn't keep up, and every time we turned, i could feel his hand slightly on my mid back, guiding me to where we were going. I tried not to cringe every time he got to close. He was an awful, disgusting man. But i didn't want the whole pack to see me disrespect Shawn. They were my only way out of here. I needed to make connections, and in order to do that, i needed freedom, and the only way i was going to get that is if Shawn thought I wasn't going anywhere. He needed to think that i wanted to be here, and i have a feeling pretending it is going to be by far the hardest thing i will ever have to do. How does one pretend everything is fine when the man next to you raped you and showed no remorse for taking what he thought was his to take? The answer is you can't. I just have to let him think that im submitting. He's smart enough to know if i act like im fine than its a good reason to be suspicious. I just need him to think that he's in control and basically do whatever is asked of me until i can find a way out of here. We made our way outside. I started to get nervous when he was guiding me towards the woods. I instantly regretted going on this walk with him. My body was tense, and i was sweating. It was noticably dripping from my forehead, and it wasn't even hot outside. If anything, it was starting to get cooler. We came to a sudden hault on a bridge. He turned my body towards his and placed his hands on my shoulders. He looked me deep in the eye. I felt the light spark as his hand grazed my cheek before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You really are beautiful." He was being kind and gentle, which was really throwing me off. Why is he acting like this now? i held his gaze when i suddenly heard a click like noise. When i looked over, i saw Sloan, his beta, taking a picture with his phone. I brought my attention and confused look back to Shawn. I pointed back and forth between us. "What is this? You haven't been kind since we left my pack." He brought me close and hugged me tightly. I wanted to vomit with how close his body was to mine. He whispered down into my ear. I heard the camera click again, and new something was wrong with this. "Rosie is demanding pictures. So im giving her exactly what she wants. I can't have her destroying my kingdom over you. As much as I hate to admit this. Rosie is far more pyschotic than i ever imagined. I just never thought this firey side would have come out of her, literally. Until i can come up with a plan to keep her away, i will do what she asks. Unless she leaves me no choice but to find a way to kill her." I gasped and pulled away as fast as i could. I had a hard time acting like i was submitting. I spit my words out with pure disgust for the man. "I thought you loved Kane like a father? Would he even keep you alive if he knew you were threatening his daughter, or would he cast you aside like the piece of s**t you are? You are no better than Lex and Sharon." He smiled. "Funny how, Rosie, and you didn't figure that out until it was too late. You were pretty easy to get. You were so desperate for love from the mate bond that you didn't even bother seeing what was in front of you. Just like Rosie wanted any way to be close to her dead father. I have to give Jordan props. He always seemed to be suspicious of me. It's like he knew something wasn't right, and he was spot on about it. My whole body ached, hearing Jordans name out of Shawns mouth. If i was stronger or like Rosie, i probably would have popped him one straight in the mouth, but i wasn't Rosie. I was weak pathetic, Mia. So all i did was take another step back. He took two long strides and grabbed me by the wrist. "Don't ever ask an omega for help again, or you won't be fed for a week, am i clear?" I gulped in fear. So he did know. I gave a small nod, and he grabbed my hand into his tightly and walked back to the pack house like nothing happened. Like he was this kind, loving king. I just hope all these people knew better. I hope they know the monster he truly is.
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