Chapter 7

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Mia's POV As soon as we went to our floor. Well, I think it was our floor. I've never actually seen his bedroom, so I'm not exactly sure where the devil sleeps. It could be under a whole other roof and I wouldn't f*****g know. That actually would give me some peace if he did. I keep trying to tell myself that he's not all evil, but the more im around him, the harder it gets to convince myself that he's not. He never wanted a mate he's made that perfectly clear. I think if he didn't actually need something from me that he probably would have rejected me on the spot. Part of me thinks the only reason he even wants an heir is because he's the king now. I have a feeling that's the only reason he even bothered marking me. Once i knew we were out of the pack members' line of vision, i ripped my hand away from his. I didn't want him touching me unless it was absolutely necessary. He could keep his slimy hands to himself. He actually laughed loudly when he noticed my change of attitude. It was just pissing me off that much more that he thought this whole thing was hilarious. There was seriously a screw loose in his head. Most people wouldn't get off on their mates' distress. But not mine. It fueled him, and if im being honest, it aroused him. Which made me that much more sickened by him. Every part of me that once found him attrated was long gone. Now, i can't even remember why i thought that in the first place. Maybe i had a screw or two loose myself. He opened the door for me, which honeslty just made me roll my eyes. Im not even sure why he was acting like a gentleman. There was no need for it. We both know how he really is. I walked in and tried to slam the door behind me. I was feeling a little bolder than usual. I guess pretending to be the loyal obedient mate was out the window. I was never going to gain his trust at this rate. He just made it so damn difficult to behave. Besides, as long as he sent those pictures, i doubt Rosie would come here. She's probably waiting for me to reach out to her. She just didn't know i had no way of doing so. I heard him catch the door before it actually hit him. I was kind of disappointed, but it was to be expected. I think most of our kind would have caught the damn door. His voice was like nails on a chalkboard now. I just desperately wanted him to shut up. If he would just not talk to me, it would make things a hell of a lot easier because all i wanted to do was pop in one straight in the mouth every time he opened it. Okay, maybe I wanted to pop him regardless if he spoke or not. I turned around quickly. I was half ass expecting him to lose his cool for disrespecting him as he likes to call it. Instead, he just had a raised eyebrow and looked slightly amused. "Easy there cupcake. Im kinda liking this fiesty side to you. It seems you have more spunk in you than i expected." I flipped him off. He wasn't wrong about the spunk. He turned me into something that i wasn't. I didn't feel like the sweet, innocent Mia. I felt like she was long gone now, and this new version replaced everything i used to be. What's funny is I haven't even been here a full month. He was cauisng me to change that quickly. Im sure my brothers death and losing my first mate didn't help my case. But i know the sole reason im turning into this girl is because of him. Good or bad, he's created a monster. "I figured since you like the spunk." He laughed again, which just made me roll my eyes. He instantly stopped laughing. "If you roll your eyes back one more time, im going to give you reason to be rolling them like that." Now, i was the one laughing. "Right, i think that ship has sailed. I dont see myself ever enjoying being with you again." What the hell was i doing. I was probably going to get my ass kicked for acting like this. I just couldn't help it. The anger inside me was more powerful than the urge to leave here, and i just couldn't watch my mouth. For the first time in my life, it's like i had no filter. He grabbed a hold of my wrist, and I instantly yanked it out of his grip. "Don't f*****g touch me." If he was pissed he wasn't showing it. But i knew better. I knew he was going to make me pay for this. I just know it wouldn't be death. He needed me alive. We both knew the only reason Rosie hadn't attacked was because of me, and as long as she got those pictures, he didn't have to worry about himself and his precious kingdom. He was safe for now. He turned around and faced the door. My guess is he was trying to calm himself down from beating the living s**t out of me. I expected him to. So, the fact that he was actually fighting it right now shocked me. i decided poking the bear any further today was probably not in my best interest if i didn't want to spend the next day or two in bed trying to heal from whatever pain he inflicted on me. When he turned back around, he looked calm like he had before. "I think i will leave you now. You seem to be on edge and upset. I fear for what my wolf and i were to do to you if this conversation were to go any further. If you keep pushing us, Mia, this won't end kindly for you." I opened my mouth and quickly shut it. I fought the urge to say something snotty, but true. He seemed pretty pleased with himself that i just obeyed, and i really, really wanted to say something for that reason alone. He smiled when i still remained quiet. "Dont worry, cupcake, you will stay pay for the disrespect. I am the king after all and can't let those things slide just because you're my mate, right?" I bit the side of my cheeks roughly. He came up to me and tried to graze my cheek with the back of his hand. I jerked in one quick swift motion. I thought he got the hint that i didn't want to be touched by his crummy hands. "Suite yourself cupcake." I held my breath until i heard the door click shut, and the lock went in place. I let it out and had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I was losing it, and it was getting harder and harder to control. I wanted his head. I just wasn't strong enough to do it. But being a rather big pain in his ass did seem to help. I pushed an armchair against the door. I knew realstically that the chair wouldn't keep him out if he was bound and determined to get in here. It just gave me a little bit of piece of knowing it would be that much more difficult for him to get to me. After I stared at it for a moment, I decided to move it. He may punish me that much more if he saw I was purposley trying to keep him out. I gathered my things for a shower. As i was about to head to the bathroom, i stopped myself and pulled out the pillowcase that smelt of Jordan when i got to the kingdom. The scent still lingered slightly. I put the pillowcase over my face and just cried. The tough act i was putting on for Shawn was wearing me down. I knew leaving here was going to be difficult, and i just couldn't helpself from making it that much harder. I just wanted him to pay for what he did to me. I carefully put the pillow case back and gathered what strength i had and headed toward the shower.
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