Chapter 8

1297 Words
Mia's POV I wasn't even halfway through my shower when i got a rush of pain in my abdominal. It started out at first as a slight tummy ache, but the pain quickly got stronger. I bent over holding my stomach. I was starting to feel weak and dizzy. My vision was nothing but a blur. I reached out for the shower door only to black out. Im not sure how much time had passed before i finally woke. I was on the cold shower ground with scrapes and shards of glass hanging out of my skin. I lifted my body painfully to see that i had fallen through the glass shower door. I slowly stood from the ground. I walked toward the bathroom counter and tried to pull as much glass as i could out of my skin. Even my feet had glass in them. I knew exactly what was happening, but right before i blacked out, my wolf whined and confirmed that Shawn was hooking up with someone else. I knew he would make me pay for disrespecting him. I should have known when he didn't lay a hand on me that he would still find some physical way to cause me pain. This, by far, was worse than any time he grabbed me by the throat. I would much rather endure this than have him rape me. I reached for the towel next to me as i leaned my back on the cool mirror behind me. My body would heal quickly. It just still doesn't change the fact that this shouldn't have happened. I was cursing under my breath at the moond goddess for putting me through so much pain. How could i ever forgive her for gifting me with two shitty mates. I heard the door unlock. I looked at the window to see that the sun was starting to set. I had to have been out longer than i thought. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. The bitchy omega was setting the tray with my dinner on the table. When she truned around she gasped out in shock. "What the hell happened to you?" I noticed a few hickeys on her neck and she f*****g reaked of my mate. My wolf was debating on kiling the b***h, but she quickly changed her mind when she realized it wasn't worth it and this w***e might just keep Shawn from touching me that way. i should have known it was going to go down when she was openly flirting with him right in front of me earlier today. I think you are aware that my dad is gamma blooded, and my mother has alpha blood in her, correct?" She nervously shook her head. "No, i didn't know that." I got very close to her and traced the outline of her hickey. "I guess i owe you a thanks for keeping my monster of a mate busy." She gulped out in fear which only made me smile because truth of the matter is i may have that type of blood running in my veins, but i sure as hell didn't know how to fight and if this omega knew that she wouldn't be so scared right now. She was a lycan for crying out loud. She started to shake and mumble. "I, umm. So it's true you are fated?" I nodded. "Yes, so you're probably figuring out right now that i felt all of that." I reached over to grab a dinner roll off my plate, and Harlow jumped and backed away from me. I thought it was funny that she thought i was going to hurt her. I looked at her with an amused expression. "Jumpy much?" I couldn't believe how impossibly bold and confident I was being. Even if I didn't fully feel that way inside, I was determined not to show it. Her heart rate increased even more if that was even possible. She started to stutter, and i cut her off. "If i actually wanted Shawn, you would already be dead, so relax. You're doing me a huge favor. It just shows me what kind of person you are, and i promise you that down the road, you will end up paying for it. It may not be by me, but someone who would sleep with someone elses mate is bound a deteremined to have a front row seat in hell. If not worse, death. You just better hope when you find your fated mate that they dont reject you for this becaue i promise you ill glady be the first one to tell them that you slept with a man who already had a mark just becasue he came from rank." She gulped. "I doubt that will ever happen. He's never going to let you leave this room. " I laughed. "We will see about that. I know you know who Rosie is. She is my best friend. Do you really think she won't come here wanting to see me? Do you really think Shawn stands a chance against her?" She gulped again. " i didn't realize that you were close with her." I smiled. "There's a lot that you dont know about me. But the few seconds you met me, you decided I wasn't a threat because i was just an ordinary wolf, correct? You were right not to fear me, but you should fear what's coming, and you just got on my s**t list. Now i think you should leave and not come pack today. I dont care if you're still the omega that brings me my food. Just next time you try to gloat and come in here smelling like my mate or even around the pack house. I won't hesitate to make sure that you are dealt with by my friends." I really didn't care that Shawn was sleeping with Harlow. I just didn't want the whole damn kingdom to know. I needed someone to respect and help me, and if they all knew Shawn was with someone else, they all would probably treat me just as badly. I know the rumors are out there now about me being his mate. There has to be someone in this damn pack that respects the bond, right? Or maybe they are all like this, and I really don't stand a chance until Rosie comes here for me. Harlow ran out of the room like her ass was on fire. It serves her right. It was really brave of her to come in my room smelling like that. She was balsy. I'll give her that. If I had to guess, she probably wasn't expecting me to confront her or say anything. She just didn't know i felt these pains before. I didn't do anything about it back then. I let Theo sleep with girl after girl, and nearly every time I kept my mouth shut about it. You would think I would be used to that kind of pain, and I know with time it will just get easier. I just hated that I had another mate like this, and I have a feeling he's just going to continue to do it because he knows it's hurting me. I've gathered that's all he wants to do. He wants to hurt me in every way he could. All because he never actually wanted me to begin with. I was still in a towel nibbling on a dinner roll when my door was kicked down. He didn't even bother unlocking it or using the door handle. His wolf was present and in full control. I knew I was in for it. I dropped the dinner roll and backed away slowly to the nearest wall.
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