Chapter 3

1366 Words
Mia's POV It's been two days since I saw Shawn last. The only interaction I get is with an omega who won't speak to me. At first, i thought that maybe she didn't speak any English. I quickly realized she was just ignoring me, and I don't think it was orders from Shawn. My guess is it's because I wasn't a lycan like them. I was alone here, and I felt every little bit of that. I found a stash of old books in the room. I got bored quickly and realized this was really the only thing to do in the room besides eating the three meals that were brought to me. All of the books were love stories. Every bit I read was like adding fuel to the fire. It just kept making it burn. My heart was hurting, and I had no way out. I felt stupid for crying myself to sleep. I just didn't know any other way to cope. I was too scared to seek the comfort of my friends scent in fear that Shawn would come in again. My wolf has barely spoken, only whimpers. I'm not sure if she's whimpering from missing her mate or if she's whimpering because she knows we need to find a way to reject him. Or maybe it's just both because either way you look at it, it's sad. ------------ A week went by now. One long, depressing week. I found myself shutting down. I was already losing hope that there was a way out of here. How could I escape when I wasn't even allowed to leave the room? Hell, I wasn't even allowed to have a butter knife to use for my meals. I wasn't trusted here, and they had every right not to trust me. He knew I wanted out, and now he was going to do everything he could to make sure that I couldn't. I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the omega girl to bring me my breakfast. I still hadn't learned her name. No matter how many times I asked, she never budged. She handed me the tray with the same eggs, bacon, and toast that they had given me every day. If im being honest, I was getting sick of it, but I guess I couldn't complain. They were at least giving their prisoner food because that's what I was, a prisoner. The omega came back twenty minutes later. She checked over the tray to make sure the fork was there and there wasn't any broken glass. I laughed because if I wanted to hurt her, I could easily find something to use as a weapon in this room. I just wasn't exactly wanting to get murdered by a lycan. I had no real fighting experience, and I wasn't ready to die just yet. As she was leaving, I was shocked to see Shawn barging in. The omega bowed to him. "My king, what can I help you with?" I rolled my eyes and mumbled out. "Glad to know you can speak." Shawn gave me a questioning look. "What do you mean by that, Mia?" I was angry. I'm not sure if it was the lack of interaction or what, but I was raging. "The omega wouldn't even tell me her name or speak to me." Shawn looked at the omega in question. "You disrespected your luna?" If her eyes could have come out of her head, they would have in this moment. The poor girl had no idea that I was his mate, and what pissed me off the most was that he didn't even feel like he needed to announce it to his pack. The omega lowly mumbled. "I didn't know she was our Luna. I wasn't even made aware that you had taken a chosen mate. Especially one that was just an ordinary wolf." Shawn grabbed the omega by the throat. I actually felt bad for the girl. That s**t hurt, but she insulted me, and that feeling quickly went away as fast as it came. He pulled his shirt aside. "She's not my chosen mate. She's my fated mate, and Gabby, you will treat her as such." Finally I got her fricken name. He placed Gabby down, and she looked terrified. He pointed to the door for her to leave, and she took off in almost a sprint. Part of me was scared for myself now that she had left. Shawn reached out his hand for me to take, and I reluctantly grabbed it. Part of me didn't want to, but the other part of me desperately wanted to get out of this room. I wasn't sure I should ask him where we were going. My curiosity got the better of me. I just decided to take the risk, even if he thought it was a form of disrespect. "Where are we going." He sounded annoyed with me. "We have an appointment. " I was getting nervous now. "What kind of appointment?" "He growled out at me. "Don't worry about it." I bit my tongue. There was no point in arguing with him. It would just end up with me getting hurt again. I let him lead the way, not that I had much of a choice. I was confused and slightly afraid when we got down the kingdoms hospital. I froze from walking. "What are we doing here, Shawn?" He squeezed my hand painfully. "I told you not to worry about it." Such an ass. A grumpy looking doctor came out of a room. He had to be at least seventy years old and didn't seem to be pleased to be working at this moment. "Ah, you made it. Right this way." Shawn pulled me behind the doctor and led me into a hospital room. He handed me a gown and then pointed to the bathroom. "Why am I changing? There's nothing wrong with me?" I yelped out when Shawn grabbed ahold of the back or my arm and pulled me into the bathroom. "Don't you dare embarrass me in front of another pack member again, am I clear?" I pulled my arm out of his grip. "I wouldn't have to if you would just talk to me and tell me what's going on and why the hell I am here?" He gave me an evil grin. "The doctor is going to do an ultrasound to see if you're pregnant, and if you're not, he's going to track your heat and the best times for you to get pregnant." I was shocked. He didn't even even seem to want me. Why the hell would he want to have a baby with me? "You want me to get pregnant?" He was angry now again. "Oh, don't seem so shocked. I need an heir, and I prefer that it happens before Rosie tries to take the crown from me." I took a step back and gave him a questioning look. "Why would you think that Rosie would take the kingdom from you? She's the one that gave it to you in the first place." He gave me that same evil smile. "Let's not pretend you don't know how powerful she is. You know what she will do to me if she finds out I'm holding you here against your will." I gulped in fear. He knows that I want to reject him and leave his sorry ass. He laughed out. "I knew I lost you the moment I grabbed a hold of your throat. I saw how you looked at Jordan. I know you want him, Mia. Your eyes were begging for him to save you. He just didn't see it, and you weren't going to admit it so easily. I know girls like you. Girls that believe in the bond. I hope you realize now that the fated mate bonds only hurt you." "I'm sorry you feel that the mate bond is such a curse. But I will not carry your child. I won't carry anyones child that I don't love." He stepped closer, so he was only inches from my faces. "Who said you ever had a choice."
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