Chapter 2

1273 Words
Mia's POV I looked around the room, not knowing what to do now. I was stuck. I practically sprinted to the window to see that it was bolted shut. Even if i wanted to go out this way, it was too long of a drop. I would most likely end up with a broken bone or worse. I sat down on the bed, trying to figure out how i was going to get myself out of this. How i could reach out for help. I noticed the small duffle bag i carried in my mouth wasn't in my room. Shawn must have taken it when i shifted. I flopped backward on the bed. He had my phone. That was the only way i could contact my friends and family. He surely wouldn't keep me from contacting them for too long. Rosie would get suspicious, and I know Jordan would be stupid enough to come here looking for me. Wouldn't they? Or maybe they wouldn't. i didn't exactly end things good with either of them. Mine and Jordans interaction was practically a goodbye, like a goodbye, as in there's a good chance i'll never talk to again type thing. What if i burned the bridge with them, and im stuck here forever? Shawn was turning out to be not what i was expecting. I mean, what kind of man lockes their fated mate in a bedroom? Any decent man wouldn't. This told me everything I needed to know about him. I needed to reject him and leave, but how? I rolled to my side and smelt Jordans scent on one of the pillows. Did the omegas seriously not clean a single thing in this room? Maybe they weren't expecting us so soon? Either way, i didn't care right now. I grabbed a hold of the pillow that smelt like Jordan and snuggled myself into it. I really was tired, and he scent was comforting. It didn't take long before i found myself in a deep sleep thinking about Jordan and how much i hated myself for hurting him. The image of him walking away when Shawn claiming me as his mate will forever be embedded in my brain. I tried to focus my dreams on the hot chocolates we made and the twizzlers. I jolted awake when i felt myself being shaken. He had one hand around my neck and the other that was helping him shake my body. I couldn't breathe. I scratched at his hand to let me go, to let me breathe. I think the only reason he let me go was because i started to drift off to oblivion. He got off of me so i could sit up. I was coughing and wheezing, trying to get my breathing even again. I looked up at him, holding my chest. What the f**k is wrong with you? Why would you wake me up like that?" His eyes were blacker than the night sky. It wasn't Shawn at all, but his lycan. He growled out at me. I guessed because of the attitude i had towards him. In his lycans eyes, i probably was coming off as disrespectful, and the truth is i didn't care. It's what he deserved for choking someone in their sleep. He didn't answer my question, so i asked again as i rubbed my neck. "What was the meaning for this?" He went to reach for me again and backed away on the bed. He gave me an evil smirk. He was enjoying that i was terrified of him. I saw the tent growing in hs pants, and it was sickening me. He was getting arroused over my fear of him. How did i not see how sick and twisted he was? His voice was low and husky. "You were hugging onto that mutts scent." Shit i was busted. I tried to think quickly over how i was going to get out of this. "It's a pillow, Shawn. Get over yourself. It's not my fault that this room wasn't cleaned before you locked me in here." This time, he came charging toward me on the bed, and i fell back off the other side and hit the hard wood floors with a loud thud. He grabbed me off the ground by throat and pinned me against the wall. Why did he always have to go for the throat? I know my bruises will take forever to heal from him, constantly grabbing it so roughly. My gut was telling me he wouldn't kill me. He knew what my family and friends would do if it got out. He would be a dead man walking. I waited for the moment for him to drop me. I was shocked when he slapped me across the cheek rough enough to bust open the side of it. I couldn't even cry out in pain from the grip he had on my neck. He finally dropped me to the ground and saw that his eyes were no longer black. Shawn was foward now. "You need to learn some respect. You can't talk to my lycan, and i like this." He dropped me to the ground and stomped out of the room, and slammed the door behind him. I heard the door lock shut, and all i could do was cry. Im not sure how much time passed as i sit on the floor holding my knees to my chest. I looked over at the bed and realized he never took the pillow that smelled of Jordan. I quickly ran to the bed and took off the pillow case, and opened the closest to try to find a place to hide it. I knew the scent wouldn't last forever, but i wanted its comfort for as long as i could. I looked around the closet to see that it mostly had womens clothing, but to the left was a pile of mens clothing. I dug through and smelled each piece. They were Jordan's and Noah's clothing. I know it was probably gross to smell the clothing because they were clearly dirty. I just didn't care. i needed this. I needed my family. I folded up the clothing and hid it behind some of the womens baskets that were in the closet. I even hid Noah's in fear that if Shawn saw a pile of Noah's dirty laundry that Jordan should probably have some too. I didn't want to give him any reason to go searching in this room. I found some clean sheets in the closet and tore the old ones off the bed. I didn't want Shawn coming back smelling Jordan again. I didn't want him hurting me for missing them. More specifically, for missing Jordan. I knew i made the biggest mistake of my life, but how could he ever forgive me. I chose my mate over him. I made that choice. Why wouldn't he move on or try to find his own fated mate? I think i wrecked any chance of ever being with him. I prayed so much to the moon goddess that she would make Jordan my second-chance mate. She burned me with two horrible cruel mates instead. What did i do to deserve this? Am i that bad of a person? Now Jordan will think he was the second choice. I just so desperately wanted that fated mate bond. I wanted that unconditional love, but this is not what i thought it would be. Maybe i got the whole fated mate bond thing wrong. Maybe it wasn't as great as i made it out to be in my head.
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