Chapter 5-Permission

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(Millie) I stared out the car window, my eyes focusing on the light rain that slid down the glass as Dylan's head rested on my shoulder. Of course he fell asleep..and as much as he claims to be cool and uncaring..I know better. Dylan sadly is one of my best friends..even though he is freaking nine. But for a nine year old, I won't lie, he is pretty cool. But I would never tell him that, it would go straight to his head...even if it might be true. "Did you have fun tonight baby girl?" My mom asked from the front seat, her head turning to peek back at me. I smiled softly while nodding my head yes. "It was great. Thank you for putting it all together." I whispered, not wanting to wake Dylan up. It really was great..even though I felt not so great inside. I'm trying not to think about that though. Penny agreed to go out with Ronan and Adrian, which did suck..but hey, what can I do? I should've seen it coming. I looked back out the window as my mom and dad started to talk. They chatted about the upcoming weather and plans for what we are doing this summer when I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. I slowly pulled it from my pocket, not wanting to wake Dylan as I turned the screen on and saw I had a text. From Ariel: Hey! We are all getting together at Cody's house coming?! I read the message, feeling my dad's eyes on me as I bit my lip anxiously. "Who is it?" He asked curiously, making me clear my throat before speaking. "'s Ariel. She just said a lot of people from school were getting Cody Nelson's house." I grumbled the last part and that's when I heard my dad scoff. "Nelson huh?" He muttered, making my mom shoot him a look as I shifted slightly in my seat. "I-I told her I'm not going to go..of course." I rushed out, putting my phone down before looking back out the window. I have known Ariel since grade school, her brother actually played on the same basketball team as Ronan and Adrian. We weren't necessarily close though..I mean..I didn't really have that close of friends besides Luca and Jax..and my family. But other than that it was just surface-level friendships. She was nice enough though. "You should go Millie." My mom stated, making my eyes widen just as my dad swerved the car slightly, waking Dylan. "Are..are we home?" He asked groggily, but I couldn't even answer..what did my mom just say? "What did you say?" My dad asked, speaking my thoughts out loud. "Well..I think she should go. Millie is eighteen..and she is responsible enough to know right from wrong. Right, Millie?" My mom asked me, making my mouth drop open as I nodded my head dramatically. "Go where? What is going on?" Dylan asked, still thoroughly confused. "It's not Millie I am worried about..of course our daughter is's the people around her that will act like complete jackasses I don't trust." My dad stated while pulling down our road. "Honey..just let her have one night to spend some time with friends..maybe Luca and Jax can go with her." My mom added for good measure and I just continued nodding as she fought for me..who knew?! " Millie going to a party? I want to go to a party!" Dylan suddenly exclaimed making my mom and dad give a resounding "no" at the same time while glancing back at Dylan. "No fair.." Dylan grumbled while crossing his arms in front of his chest as my dad let out a long sigh.. "Fine..we can call Carson and see what he says." My dad mumbled while clicking a few things on the screen. I looked at my mom, seeing her smile at me softly as I couldn't believe this was really happening. "Hey, did the boys mention some type of party to you?" I could hear my dad speaking on the phone after putting the car in park. "Yeah..that Nelson boy." Dad added, then he glanced back towards me as I smiled at him brightly, trying to win him over more. "Why do you always get to do fun stuff?" Dylan pouted before leaning his head back onto the seat. "What fun stuff do I get to do?!" I asked, really wondering what he could be jealous about. "Well..I got to stay overnight with Dad that one time." He suddenly said making me raise an eyebrow. "You mean when I broke my arm and stayed overnight in the hospital? Yeah..real fun Dyl." I rolled my eyes..this kid is unbelievable. "Okay..yeah..I agree..bye." My dad said before hanging up and I realized I missed the whole freaking conversation..thanks, Dylan. I scooted to the edge of my seat feeling my stomach twisting into knots as I waited on baited breath for my dad to make his decision. "Jax is coming to pick you up in twenty minutes..I want you to text me the moment you get there.." My dad began and I didn't even let him finish before I took off my seatbelt and practically flung myself over Dad's shoulder. "Thank you dad!" I exclaimed as he hugged me tight before sighing. "Your mother is have been nothing but responsible and you deserve to have fun..without drinking or doing anything illegal of course!" He added at the end making me groan. "Of course dad..I'm not going to do that. I promise." I declared, making my dad let out a deep breath he must've been holding. "I are a good girl Millie." He whispered, the love he felt for me not going unnoticed. "I love you daddy." I said before turning and hugging my mom next. "Thanks mom. I love you too." I said excitedly before practically sprinting out of the car and going up to my room. What was I going to wear?! I mean..I'm not sure what this party will be like..if it's a party at all..his parents will probably be there..right? I stripped off my plain black dress and began rummaging through my closet as I heard my phone go off once again. After pulling on a white oversized sweater and light wash jeans, I headed to my bed and picked up my phone. From Penny: Uhhh..this is so boring..I should've gone back with you. What are you doing? Also..I have a few things I wanted to give you. Stuff I don't need anymore like one of my laptops and a few school supplies. I'll drop it off tomorrow. To Penny: Oh nice! Thanks P..also, I am going out with Jax and Luca, my dad said I could go to one of my classmate's parties!! I responded as I felt that excitement bubbling up inside of me before settling on my face in a huge smile. I quickly hopped off the bed and went to my mirror as I began to run a brush through my curly hair. Then I quickly added some mascara and lip gloss before I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I announced, my head turning towards my dad who was now walking through the door. "Hey sweetie, you almost ready?" He asked, making me nod as I placed my lipgloss down and watched my dad carefully. "Yeah, thanks again for letting me go dad." I whispered. "Of course Mil..I know I have been a little..protective over you." "A little?" I raised an eyebrow, making him smile sheepishly. "Just know I have my reasons okay? If something ever happened to either you or your brothers..You guys are my whole world." He explained and I couldn't help but sigh before walking to my bed and sitting down. I patted the spot beside me as my dad made his way over and plopped down. It's funny how big he is complained to my queen sized bed..but without a single complaint he would sleep in here with me if I ever needed him to. "I know dad..and I understand. Yeah it was hard at times..but I know you only did it because you love me. Even if it was a tiiiny bit annoying sometimes." I added playfully before bumping my shoulder into him. "I know kiddo..but just be careful tonight..okay? And if you feel unsafe at any call me right away..or even your brother. But please make it me.." He grumbled, causing me to laugh as I nodded my head in agreement. "Okay..I will." "Mil!! Jax and Luca are here!" Mom called from downstairs. This was first party..I couldn't believe it..I mean, mom and Dad went to parties when they were younger right? They seemed to survive this should be a piece of cake..
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