Chapter 6-Like Father, Like Son

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(Ronan) I can't believe my dad is making me do this shit...I mean, Millie is eighteen now..and it's just a graduation's not like something crazy is going to happen.. Okay..the moment my dad called and told me about the party..I was in. I won't lie, I worry about my sister just as much as Dad does. Penny had just left to go back to Uncle Jack's house when Ronan and I were about to leave the bar..that's when I saw my dad was calling. "Hey? Did you guys get home already? We are just about to leave." I said while sliding my debit card across the bar counter. "Yeah..I need you and Adrian to do me a favor." Dad said quickly, surprising me with the urgency in his voice. "Your mother just went to the I don't have much time." He continued and before I could even respond he blurted something out that I didn't expect. "Millie is going to that Nelson kid's house for a party..I need you and Adrian to keep an eye on her. Jax and Luca are going..but it might get out of hand." My dad explained as I quickly sat up straighter, making Adrian look at me curiously. "A party? Why the hell is she going to a party?" I asked flatly. "Who? Mil?" Adrian mouthed, prompting me to nod once. His face hardened immediately as my attention was drawn towards the bartender as they passed me back my card. Ever since my sister was born..I've had this bond with her that I just can't explain..I can still remember holding her small hand as she walked with me at the park..she was so precious and adorable, I needed to protect her at all costs. That's how my family is..we watch over one another and our bond is so strong that you don't even need to be blood to be a part of it. Like how Jax and Luca are just as much my cousins as Penny and Bonnie are. "Okay, they still live off of Peterson?" I asked..knowing the Nelson house well. Derrick Nelson was in the same grade as us and the parties they had there were definitely wild. Dad never really trusted Derrick, since he would always start fights on the drove Dad crazy. "Yeah..oh crap, your mom's coming..I gotta go. Just keep me updated, I will add you to the group chat in a minute." My dad rushed out before hanging up on me as I glanced down at the chat? What group chat? My question was soon answered as I saw my dad sent me a text that added me to a group chat named "The Chamber of Secrets.."..seriosuly? From Dad: Okay, they're in. From Uncle Jack: Good..I was about to drive my ass down there myself. From Grandpa Scott: Need me to track her phone? Oh god..what was this?! From Uncle Carson: I got Jax and Luca updating me now..I will screenshot it. My uncle Carson added as I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief..I think dad needs a new hobby.. This is where I f*****g get it..these guys right here. I swear they are part of some secret FBI agency or some shit..jeez.. But for real I feel like Grandpa Scott really might be..he is a man you do not want to mess dad has told me stories..ones that even Millie probably doesn't know. "What is this group I just got added to?" Adrian grumbled while reading through the texts. "Some weird-ass neighborhood watch s**t my dad doesn't want my mom to know about." I laughed while glancing towards Adrian with a smirk. He knows how my family is..he has been around us long enough. Adrian Dawson, my best friend since I was eight years old. He is my ride-or-die and I swear he is just as important to me as Dylan and Millie. He is my brother..just not in the blood relation sense. I don't know everything about Adrian's background, but I know he and his mom moved here around the same time we did. I obviously knew the area considering my Grandpa lived here and we would visit every summer. But when I moved here it was nice to have someone else who was new to the school to go through it with. I'm not sure what Adrian's full story is..but his mom I would see now and then and I never heard a word about his dad..I mean..not a single word. Adrian never brought the subject up himself..not even to this day. I tried to ask about him once, and Adrian just said his dad left when he was a baby and that was all. Now, Adrian's mom, Amanda..she is something else.. I think Mom and Dad picked up on it right away. There would be times when Adrian would ask to stay the night..and his mom wouldn't so much as call for days to even see how he was doing. Mom never thought twice about letting Adrian stay..she welcomed him with open arms and he became a part of our family. It felt natural.. Now when I was in my teens, I learned why his mom didn't show up..because she was drunk off her ass and wasn't able to. It got so bad that Mom even spoke to the school..they threatened to call CPS on Amanda, but she promised to get better and I guess she really did. She was still a pretty absent parent, but the drinking seemed to stop. Now she has met some guy and moved to Texas. Adrian never talks about any of it much..but then again he never really does. Like the fact that he has always had a thing for Penny.. With the way he looks at her, I can just tell. I wouldn't mind if they got together..but Adrian isn't Penny's type..not even close. But she won't have any problems telling him that..if anything tonight should've been an indication that she wasn't interested in him. She seemed bored out of her mind. I haven't really seen Adrian date though..I mean..he will make out with a girl now and then..but never has he had a single girlfriend. So I'm not sure if it's because he is holding out hope that one day Penny will change her mind..or maybe he just hasn't met anyone he is really into yet. "Fuck..I still have my motorcycle." Adrian cursed, making me glance outside where it was still drizzling. "Why don't you follow me to my Granpa Al's. It's just a few miles away. You can leave it there overnight..or don't have to do this with me, you can just go to the house if you want." I offered, knowing this might seem lame to him..I'm sure he would rather be doing something else than spying on my little sister..for real. "Nah, let's drop it off." He said quickly and walked out the door before heading straight to his bike. I felt a little relieved..I won't least if Millie catches us I won't get all the, Mom seems to have a soft spot for I know for a fact he can butter her up for me. Sorry though dad..nothing is going to help you when mom finds are going to be in deep shit..and we all know she WILL find out somehow..she always does.
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