Chapter 4-Getting Through Dinner

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(Millie) I felt my leg bouncing up and down nervously, my heart racing as everyone around me chatted happily. I don't know what is wrong with me..I mean, it's not like I haven't seen the guy a million times before..but now, wow..he was on a whole nother level of hot. I peered up at Adrian through my long lashes. He was laughing about something that my brother Dylan said as that one dimple on his cheek quickly appeared..I swear I almost fainted. I told myself I was over him..I mean..I tried to tell myself that anyway..why won't my stupìd brain listen?! ", your food is getting cold." My dad whispered, causing me to jump. "Hey, what's going on? Are you feeling sick?" He suddenly asked worriedly and I quickly shook my head no before shoving a huge bite of steak into my mouth. "Nope, all good!" I said between chews, causing my dad to shake his head in disbelief before chuckling lightly. "Your appetite never ceases to amaze me." He grumbled. "You definitely got that from your father." My mom chimed in, causing my dad to reach over and start pinching her side playfully. I was used to this type of affection by now..they always were touchy-feely no matter where we were. "Geez, I'm trying to eat over here." Uncle Jack grumbled when my mom and dad began kissing. "So Mil, did you get the list of everything you need at the dorm yet?" My brother asked, forcing me to look towards him..which I was trying not to..considering who was sitting next to him. "Umm..yeah, I think Mom said she will take me next week to start looking for stuff." I said, swearing that I felt a certain pair of blue eyes burning into me..but of course when I went to look..his gaze was on Penny instead. "Adrian and I will go with you. I know what you need." Ronan declared as my dad nodded in approval. I didn't need everything for a few months but my mom said it would be good to look now so we get ahead of the school rush. "I want to go with..Mil probably needs a professional like me to know what's cool." Dylan chimed in, making me look at him flatly as everyone at the table stifled a laugh. "I think I know what's cool Dyl.." I grumbled. Dylan just stared at me expectantly, his eyebrow raising as I quickly reached under the table and went to kick him. I seriously didn't need my younger brother airing out my lack of coolness at the dinner table..especially in front of Adrian. I reached Dylan's big ass foot before stepping on it and smirking when Dylan stuck his tongue out at I pressed harder. That's when I felt those cool blue eyes burning into me once more as I tried my hardest not to look. Dylan pulled back from the table and peeked underneath it before giving me a smug look. That's when my brow furrowed..why wasn't he pulling away? And why did he look like he was holding in a laugh? I bent my head down, sneaking a look beneath me as my stomach suddenly dropped..oh god..I followed the large black sneakers up and saw a pair of dark-wash jeans.. Please no...this was Adrian's foot! I quickly jerked away, hitting my head in the process as I tried not to cry out. "Millie, what are you doing?" My dad asked, looking over at me as I rubbed my now throbbing head. I swear my cheeks had to be as red as a tomato... "I just..dropped my fork.." I lied, making my dad look at me suspiciously as I heard Penny burst into laughter. My eyes darted towards her, seeing a smug look just like Dylan's which told me she witnessed everything. Could tonight get any worse? "Okay, who wants to look at baby pictures!!" My mom suddenly announced.. Okay..apparently it can.. I watched as Mom pulled out a small photo album with pictures of not only me but Jax and Luca as well while everyone clapped with excitement. Just kill me.. " I know where Millie gets it from." Dylan least he was on my side for this one..even though what he said was still a burn toward me..I will take it though. I watched as pictures of me, Jax, and Luca were passed around while everyone relived the memories. Grandma Tina even started to cry as my dad wrapped his arm around me, squeezing me tight. "I can't believe you are all grown up now." He stated for the fifth time. I think he was drinking too much wine or something.. Mom kept giggling at him as Dad started kissing the side of my face and pinching my cheeks. At that point, I couldn't even look anywhere near Adrian..if I had any chance to show I was not a little kid all went out the window. Eventually I just ignored him long enough that I started to laugh with Jax and Luca..who were just as embarrassed as me by the way.. "Oh look, it's little baby Dylan." I pointed to one as my dad peered down at it. The picture was of all three of us..Ro, me, and Dylan. "He had so much hair." Lacey chimed in as she leaned across the table, looking at it. I looked over at my little brother, seeing the embarrassment on his face as I quickly jumped up before running over to him. "I guess you still are kind of cute!" I exclaimed before wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tight. I couldn't help but laugh as he squirmed in my arms, trying to break free. "Why don't we get a picture of all the kids together again?" My aunt Jackie spoke up as I saw everyone nodding in agreement. And before I knew it, all of my cousins were coming over. We crouched around Dylan as I hugged him around the neck and felt my brother step beside me. "You too are a part of the family too!" My mom ordered as I peeked over my shoulder, seeing Adrian had backed away from the table. "Go stand by Millie." She stated, making my eyes dart straight ahead as I felt his energy creeping closer and closer. I swear the hairs on the back of my neck began to rise as I felt him scoot behind me. "Come on, closer together everyone." My grandma Tina added while holding up her camera. Grandpa Scott was right next to her too, smiling widely as I couldn't help but fill with emotion from seeing all my family together. Then I felt it, the large hand brushing against my back as I felt my body tingle in response. "Smile Millie!" My dad shouted from behind my mom as I tried my hardest to smile. All I could do was feel that hand placed against me and I knew that there was no way I could ever get over Adrian Dawson.. But the part that confused me the most is why do I feel like he is just as nervous right now as I am. I pulled back after everyone snapped the pictures..and that's when I saw it..Adrian wasn't just standing beside me.. he was standing by Penny too, and the moment I glanced over my shoulder, what he said to her next made my heart drop. "Hey Penny, do you want to go out with us tonight and go get a drink?"
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