Her Secret Obsession

Her Secret Obsession


Standalone Story# Millie McNeal has lived her life sheltered and protected, never being able to do a single thing without her overprotective father and brother right by her side. Now that she is 18 and going to college..she vows to live like she never has before..because she isn't just going to any college..she is going to the college where her brother's best friend is attending. Adrian is much more than that though. Millie has been obsessed with the guy since she was eight years old...but all he ever saw was his best friend's annoying little sister. Millie vows to change that.

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Chapter 1-A New Beginning
(Millie) There are a few crucial moments in my life that I know will stick with me forever..days that shaped and formed me..making me who I am today..memories that remain etched into my mind and will always stay there forever. One of those memories is the day that my little brother Dylan was born. I remember my mom was getting ready to drive me to soccer practice and it had just started to rain. Washington was known for its rain but today there was also wind, making it even worse. Dad was busy coaching the basketball team with Ronan so Mom opted to take me to the indoor stadium where I practiced. I wasn't any good..and I'm pretty sure I quit like a week later..but Mom was more than eager to back me up on anything I tried..she grabbed my gear and slipped on her raincoat as we ran to the SUV parked outside. Dad was constantly telling Mom to take it easy..but she never listened..so when she slid into the car and winced while gripping the steering wheel, I looked at her with worry. "Mom..I..I don't have to go today if you aren't up for it..Daddy.." I began making my mom roll her eyes before she turned the car on. "Your daddy just wants to win the bet..there is no way your brother is coming this week..both you and Ronan were late.." She grumbled and gave me one of those reassuring smiles that could calm any storm. "He has been confident lately..saying he felt it in his bones." I grumbled..it was girls vs boys for the prediction of when baby Dylan would arrive. I was so excited to get a little brother..I mean...I love Ro..but now I won't be the baby anymore, so maybe Daddy won't worry as much. "See..we can't let daddy win..I refuse to. This baby is staying in here no matter what!" Mom declared..and I kid you not..literally one second later..her eyes widened and traveled down to the seat where she was now peeing..well..I thought she was..but I guess it was something else. "Baby girl..call your daddy." She sighed before resting her head back and closing her eyes. Yep..Daddy won the bet..and he never let it go. Not for the past nine years..he still talks about it today. That was one memory that always stuck with me..another was when I broke my arm after my cousins Luca and Jax tried climbing the tree in the back and I fell off of it..yeah, Dad had a little meltdown after that one. But the memory that stuck with me the most, was the day I met him. Adrian Dawson..the boy of my dreams.. I remember the day I met him for the first time like it was yesterday. We had just moved to Kentville and my dad was the new coach for the kid's Basketball team. I was sitting on the sidelines with Mom when the boys all filed into the gym..and I swear time stopped. Adrian came walking in..his black shaggy hair and bright blue eyes made my stomach flutter as he looked around cooly before lining up. Of course, he didn't even glance my way, but I couldn't keep my eyes off him..Adrian was my first real crush..the only boy to ever make me feel that way and still to this day I can't look him in the eyes without getting butterflies. But yeah..nothing was ever going to come of that..Adrian was off limits. He is my brother's best friend after all and Ronan made sure that I was always seen as a little sister to him. Since they are three years older, that really wasn't much of a struggle for Adrian. I tried to hide my crush pretty well, but Daddy was still overly protective and made sure I was constantly being watched over. He even recruited my two best friends, Jax and Luca..they might not be related by blood, but they are like my brothers. Considering they are the same age as me, they were always hanging around at school and acting like my own personal bodyguards or something.. But that's all going to change..because today marks another milestone in my life..one that is going to change everything. Today is the day I graduate from high school.. "Dylan! Where's Dylan? He is supposed to be down here already." My dad yelled, searching the kitchen for my little brother before peeking around the corner. "He's outback." My mom yelled to him, her fingers running through my hair and loosening the curls she just put in. "That kid..I swear." Dad grumbled, causing both Mom and me to stifle a laugh. Dylan had just turned nine a few weeks ago and all he loved to do was play basketball and ride the quad my grandpa got him for his birthday. Surprisingly Dad was more worried than Mom about that..something about inheriting Mom's ability to drive. I heard the stories about how mom scared dad a few times with her lead foot. I glanced up at the woman before me, my eyes examining my mom's beautiful face carefully. Emery McNeal, the most beautiful woman in the world..well, besides me..that's what Dad says at least. Me..maybe not so much but I believe it about Mom though. Mom says I got the best of both her and Daddy. But I feel like all I got from Mom was her height..and brown hair..but my eyes and skin tone are all Dad.. But Ronan and Dylan..they are my dad's mini me's to a tee. Dylan does have mom's hazel eyes though.. "I can't believe my little girl is all grown up now." Mom whispered, emotion filling those hazel eyes as her hand rose, cupping my cheek. Dad is still in the avoidance stage of coping right now..he already broke down crying twice this morning. Once while making the eggs, and another time while just staring at me from the other side of the room sadly. "Mom..not you too." I laughed lightly, making her smile before waving her hand in the air dismissively. "It all just went by so fast..now all I have left is Dylan..who is going to be on my side when your dad and I fight?!" She said dramatically, making me roll my eyes before wrapping my arms around her thin waist. "Mom..first off..you and Dad never fight..and it's not like you will never see me again. I will just be a few hours away." I reminded her, making Mom nod as she inhaled deeply. She and dad really did never fight.. "Well, it's a good thing Ronan will be there too. At least your father won't have a complete meltdown." Mom muttered, and it was true..that was the only reason I was able to go to college a few hours away was because Ronan attended there as well. Even then Dad was talking about buying an apartment out here and staying every other week. My Dad..Asher McNeal..a lot know him for being a first-draft pick for the Los Angeles Lakers, but to me, he is the silliest, most loving, protective Dad I could ever have. Plus he is obsessed with my mom..their love is one that you would read about in novels. The way my dad loves my mom..it filled me with the notion that there has to be someone out there like that for me too..a person who holds my other half. That's when Adrian popped into my head and I try so hard to push those thoughts away..because while I feel that pull for Adrian like my dad probably felt for Mom..he feels it for someone else. Someone who is a part of my family and has always felt like a big sister to me. My cousin Penny..my Uncle Jack's oldest daughter. So while I looked at Adrian with hearts in my eyes..he looked at Penny the same way..and she, well she has bigger dreams than what Kentville can ever offer her.

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