Chapter 7-Going All Out

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(Millie) "Holy this really happening right now?" Jax asked, his blue eyes darting towards me from across the car. Of course Jax and Luca inherited the signature Prescott blues..but they were nothing like Adrian's..not like I'm comparing..or thinking about him at all.. "Pinch me Luca, I think this might be a dream." I said dramatically, making Jax laugh as Luca reached forward and pinched my arm really hard. "Ow..okay didn't have to do it that hard." I grumbled while rubbing my now aching skin. "We are going to get so wasted!" Luca cheered from the back seat. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I pointed at him over my shoulder. "Don't even joke like that. My dad probably has a hidden camera in the car somewhere secretly watching us." I teased, but we all went silent for a moment before looking around suspiciously. "Whatever..he didn't even know this was happening. Your angel of a mother made it possible and now you actually get to live for once Mil." Jax said happily. "I bet everyone is going to be shocked. Especially Cody, he has been trying to get us to take you out for a long time." Luca laughed, making Jax shoot him a warning look as my mouth fell open. "Cody Nelson has? Since when? The guy hasn't even spoken to me once." I scoffed, that had to be a joke. "That's because we do what we do pretty damn well. He isn't the only f*****g one." Luca explained and I glanced towards Jax to confirm it. "Your dad is a scary man when he wants to be..don't blame us." He muttered and I was in complete shock. I mean..I knew people saw Jax and Luca as intimidating so they stayed away..but I didn't know guys were asking them about me..that was freaking news to me. "Well, I guess tonight I might as well live it up then.." I grumbled before crossing my arms in front of my chest. "What does that mean exactly?" Luca asked, his mouth right next to my ear as he had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who knows..we will see where the night takes us." I shrugged and turned to smile at a smirking Luca. " we will not see where the night takes us..and you, don't even encourage her..yeah your dad let us all go out tonight, but I have no doubt in my mind that he will know if something goes down." Luca spoke as the voice of reason. "How can he know that? Unless you tattle on us..are you a narc Jax?!" Luca asked, making me giggle as I saw Jax grip the steering wheel tighter. "Shut the hell know Uncle Asher has his ways..and I'm not going to risk it. So you both better f*****g behave.." Jax warned and Luca and I shared a look before bursting into laughter. Did I forget to mention that when I broke my arm from falling off the tree, Luca was the one egging me on? While poor Jax watched from the ground..he said it wasn't a good idea..and yeah, he was right. Was I going to go crazy? No way..but I liked to pretend that I would..I'm not brave enough to really do it though..Jax is right, my dad would kill us all..well, lock me in a tower forever and kill my social life at least..if you could even call it that. "Holy shit..there's a lot of people here." Jax suddenly murmured as Luca and I turned our attention to where he was looking. I watched as dozens of kids from our class exited parked vehicles and made their way toward the huge two-story house ahead of us. I have heard about parties at Cody's house from school. I guess they had this huge barn outback that was remodeled and that's where Cody actually lives. The outside looks all rustic but the inside is super modern I guess. "Okay..we need a game plan." Jax stated before parking the car and turning it off. "A game plan? Really dude?" Luca rolled his eyes and stuck his head between Jax and my seats. "Yes..if any of us get separated and we can't find each other, we come back to the car as our meeting point. don't drink matter how persistent someone is being." Jax ordered as I nodded my head hastily..why was I getting nervous now? "Bro..we aren't going to get separated..Millie will stay by our side and we will just hang around for a few hours and leave..besides, we all have our phones on us." Luca added and that's when I remembered I was supposed to text my dad. Whew..that wouldn't have gone over well. I quickly pulled my phone out and sent the text. To Dad: Just got here dad. Thanks for letting me again and for trusting me. I love you sooo much. I sent, laying it in thick and hoping he hadn't changed his mind. Then I got a text instantly, making my stomach twist into knots. From Dad: Of course Mil..I love you too and have fun. Call me if anything happens and I will come get you. Be you. He responded and I had to read it twice because of how calm it sounded. Wow..was he really going to let me do this? "What did he say?" Luca asked, being all nosey like usual. I flashed him the screen, making him blink a few times before pulling back. "Wow.." "Yeah..that's what I said." I laughed and Jax read it next. "Well..we better go do this then!" He said a lot more excited now. Maybe seeing my Dad's text put him at ease too. "Shall we?" Luca asked, wriggling his eyebrows as I nodded yes eagerly and quickly went to jump out of the car. The moment we exited the vehicle, I swear chaos erupted around us. A whole bunch of guys and girls appeared out if nowhere as they said hi to Luca and Jax. Considering Luca and Jax were the star players on the basketball team, they were pretty popular at school. I was just known by association..and for being the coaches daughter.. "Millie! Hey!! You made it!" Ariel yelled above the crowd before squeezing her way through. She quickly engulfed me in a hug and I couldn't help but look her up and down. "Wow, you look great!" I exclaimed, realizing most of the girls around us were dressed pretty similarly. Ariel had on a black pleated skirt with stockings and a pink crop top. She looks pretty adorable and couldn't help but feel drastically underdressed. "Yeah, since it's our last time getting together the squad wanted to do our usual routine." She explained sheepishly. Ariel was on the cheer squad and this year they even went to a competition and won second place. It was a pretty big deal. "Hey Jax." Ariel said quickly, glancing behind me as I watched Jax smile at her cooly. It was sooo hard not to roll my eyes..those two are such freaking flirts I swear..every girl here has wanted to date them at least once.. Surprisingly Jax and Luca are pretty tame in that area..Luca has had probably a total of three girlfriends since middle school and Jax maybe four.. They aren't the type to just randomly hook up girls. They have to have a real interest in them to do that. I am actually proud of them for that..because honestly..girls throw themselves at them all the damn time..and I don't think they have gone all the way either..maybe Jax..but there is no way I am asking that. It would be like asking my brother if he has..ew. "Hey you think I can hangout with you tonight?" Ariel asked, her eyes darting back towards Jax as I looked at Ariel in surprise. "Umm..yeah sure! If you want!" I said, feeling deep down I knew why she wanted to..but I can't blame the girl..she seems to have it just as bad as me with Adrian. Speaking of..why the hell can't I stop thinking about him?! He is probably pining over Penny right now.. "McNeal, I didn't think I would see you here." A deep voice said above the crowd, prompting me to look over my shoulder as I saw none other than Cody Nelson standing a few feet away. I let my eyes scan him quickly as I smiled shyly. I won't lie..he was pretty handsome. He had light brown hair and the typical chisled jawline with an impeccable physique that no eighteen-year-old boy should have..yeah, normal right? "Hi." I squeaked, feeling Luca step beside me as Cody began to smirk. "Can I get you a drink?"
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