Chapter 8-Protect Her at All Costs

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(Adrian) "f**k, I can't see s**t over here..should we pull up closer?" Ronan, my best friend asked. We were outside Nelson's place and it was dark as didn't help that it started to rain again. "I don't think we are going to see anything unless we go out there." I told him, my eyes scanning the property as this anxious feeling rose deep inside of me. "Yeah, you are right." Ronan muttered, his eyes shutting before he tilted his head back and sighed. "I think I'm turning into my f*****g dad." He grumbled, and I couldn't help but laugh at this. "Isn't that what you always wanted?" I asked, trying not to show how hilarious I thought it was. Ronan just gave me an incredulous look before turning and going to open the door. "f**k it..I'm going out there. Who knows what the hell is happening..we just need to get eyes on Millie and then we can come back to the car." Ronan declared and I couldn't help but feel a rush of relief flood through me.. I won't lie..I was just as worried about the girl as he a brotherly way of course. It's always in a brotherly has to be. Not many know this, but the McNeal's saved me. Even Ronan didn't know..but my life was something that will always stay with me for the rest of my life. If it wasn't for Mr. and Mrs. McNeal, I don't know if I would even be here today to tell you the truth. But I don't like to talk about that shit..and the fact that Ronan accepts me without even knowing much about me or my past, it's something I cherish greatly. So I look at him like my real brother..that doesn't just end at him. Even freaking Dylan is like a brother to me...and Millie..well, she is the little sister I vowed to protect right alongside Ronan. Mr. McNeal made it very clear about the situation..he even opened up about the past with his wife and the things she had gone through with the guy that stalked her when they were younger. So I get it..I understand the need to watch over and care for Millie..hell, I feel it too. "Wait..maybe we should give it another five minutes and if the rain doesn't let up, we will check it out then..Millie is going to be pissed if she sees us, I just know it." Ronan changed his mind, making me slump back into the chair as I let go of the door handle and continued staring outside. We sat there for a few minutes in silence before Ronan finally spoke first. "So..are you ever going to ask Penny out on a real date one of these days or what?" He suddenly asked, making me stiffen. "Wouldn't that be weird? Since she is your cousin." I asked awkwardly, making Ronan laugh. "Dude..I have seen the way you look at her..Besides..Penny can handle herself..I know what kind of guy you are. You wouldn't f**k her over..right?" He asked more seriously as I smirked to myself. "No, of course not. Jack would probably murder me." "Yeah..he might." Ronan agreed in a serious tone..and I knew it could be a possibility. "Okay, well..thanks dude..I just might." I stated, my gaze traveling back out the window as I searched the crowd of people, looking for that brown hair I knew from anywhere. Then I saw her..I saw Millie's small curvy frame standing right outside the barn and I felt my heart practically leap from my chest. Then that rush of excitement turned to something else..something I didn't like one f*****g bit. "There she is." I said darkly, my overprotective brother persona coming forth as I nodded toward Millie. She was standing in a circle with some guy's arm slung over her shoulders and a f*****g drink in her hand. Luca and Jax were on the other side of the circle laughing loudly at something someone said as I had the sudden urge to smack those happy looks off of their faces. "Who the f**k is that?" Ronan boomed, his body leaning closer to the window as he stared at his sister angrily. "Looks like a Nelson to me." I grumbled, recognizing the guy the longer I glared at him. He looked exactly like his smug ass brother. "Nope, I'm not letting her do this s**t, not with that prick..I am dragging her ass.." Ronan began and I quickly gripped his jacket sleeve, stopping him from storming out of the car. "We have to do this know if you go in there like this, it won't end well Ro." I said, making Ronan tense as he sat there frozen for a moment before nodding once. Even though Millie is one of the kindest people I have ever met..she is stubborn as tell her she can't do something..and she goes and does it ten times more determined than before. Honestly, when I saw her earlier today I wasn't sure if she would be a lot different since the last time I saw her. But if anything..she was more like herself than ever..if that makes sense.. Seeing the way she fought with her little brother..and how she openly loved her family..I knew she was the same Mil as always.. "Why don't you call her..ask how it's going?" I said quickly, making Ronan pull out his phone as my eyes stayed glued to the guy with his arm around Millie. She is just like a little annoying sister who always followed us around. I repeated the mantra over and over again..trying to drill that information into my head until I felt my heartbeat slowing. I was like Jax and relationship with her was no different from theirs. If anything, I should be more protective right? Because I'm older..just like Ro. That's what this is..that's what it always is. I like Penny..that's who I have always liked. Suddenly Ronan put the call on speaker phone as I heard the loud ringing fill the space between us. Then our eyes darted to where Millie was outside. We both watched as Millie pulled out her phone and stiffened immediately. Her eyes widened and she slipped out from under the guy's arm before motioning to Jax and Luca who came to her side immediately. "Look at them.." Ronan scoffed, humor filling his voice as we watched the three of them scurry to a more secluded spot. "H-hello?" Millie answered breathlessly before clearing her throat. "How's it going Mil? Staying out of trouble?" Ronan asked, the smile growing wider on his face. "Of course, Dad told you.." She grumbled, the tone of her voice making me fight a smile. "Is that Ro? Hey, cuz!!" One of the guys said..not sure if it was Luca or Jax..but I'm leaning more towards Luca. "Shh..Luca." Millie whispered and I watched from the car as she slapped her hand over his mouth and practically jumped on his back. I felt a frown forming on my lips as I saw the way she was so comfortable with him. "Millie..have you guys been drinking?" Ronan asked in a serious tone..and I saw outside how Jax seemed to pull a laughing Luca away as Millie began twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "Don't be mad..but..well..Luca might of had a little.." She admitted. "Who else?" Ronan asked, fishing for more. "Maybe Jax..just a little." She blurted. "Millie! What the hell!" I heard someone say, making both Ronan and I fight a laugh. Why was this so hilarious..and why was Millie being so adorable? "I'm sorry know I can't lie!" Millie rushed out. "Please don't tell Dad Ro..they just had a couple of sips..I'm going to drive home so we are fine." She began to sputter as I watched outside when one of the twins started to wrap their arms around Millie's waist from behind before picking her off the ground and laughing. I don't know what the hell came over me..but before I knew it..I had left the damn car and was now marching toward them..
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