Chapter 3-Driving With Penny

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(Millie) I rolled the car window down, letting the air whip through my hair as my cousin Penny turned up the music. "You are finally free! This is it Millie, I can feel it in my bones..this is going to be our year." She shouted happily as I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. If anyone knows the struggles I have gone through with my's Penny. Considering my Uncle Jack is super protective himself..but Penny didn't sit back and let it, she pushed and fought her way to get some independence and raised hell along the way.. Yeah..I'm not brave enough to do that..but I would like to think that me graduating high school was a small victory in itself. I mean...I always felt caught between two places. I love my dad..more than anything in this world..and I would never change a single thing about him. But..I always felt like I was stuck inside of a bubble. I just never wanted to push on it like Penny did..because I know my dad was just doing it because he loved me. It really has affected my social life over the past few years. While my classmates were all going out and making memories, I was given a curfew and watched by Jax and Luca like a hawk. But now..that is all going to change.. Jax and Luca decided to stay local and work at their dad's auto shop. My uncle Carson..who isn't blood-related..owns an auto shop with my grandpa and fixes up old cars for high-end clients. Jax is super into the idea but I know for a fact Luca isn't..he decided to try it out for a year, but what he really wants to do is be a photographer. He is so crazy good and he even took our family Christmas photo this past year. I tried to encourage him to do it, but he was scared to let his dad down. Uncle Carson isn't like that though..Aunt Jackie won't let him be. She is so loving and supportive and would push Luca to do this, I know deep down she would..but I think Luca is scared to leave Jax, to be honest..they have always done everything together. So I think he is more worried about Jax than anyone. "Sooo..are you going to any parties tonight? Need me to drive you?" Penny suddenly asked, making me turn my head towards her before rolling my eyes. "Yeah know my dad would never let me." I had to laugh..was she crazy? "Well..he doesn't have to know. You could say you are spending the night with me." She added while wriggling her eyebrows. I felt my stomach tying into knots as I shook my head no. I had never lied to my dad..even when I broke something I would blurt the truth out immediately because the guilt would eat me alive. "I know, I know..I just had to can breathe now, I'm not going to pressure you into anything." She laughed, making me let out the breath I had been holding before leaning my head back against the headrest. "My dad, let alone yours, would probably kill me if I took you anywhere. I swear he gave up on me and put all that energy into you and Bonnie." Penny smiled mischievously before brushing her blonde hair away from her face. "Well, after I go off to college it will be better." I said, trying to remind myself of that as she turned her head and looked at me. Luckily we were at a red light and the car was now stopped. "You know Ronan isn't going to let you do shit..let alone your precious Adrian.." She said his name in a mocking tone, making me narrow my eyes at her. "H-he's not mine..besides..I'm over that now." I grumbled while crossing my arms in front of my chest and looking away quickly. It was a lie..obviously. Penny was the only one who knew about my obsession with Adrian. One year when she was over for Christmas we were hanging out in my room and she found my notebook where I had written his name was a one-time thing I swear!! But she grilled me about it and I spilled everything. I honestly was afraid she had a crush on him..considering how Adrian always looked at her, but apparently Penny said he wasn't her type. She likes bad boys..or something..I don't remember exactly what she said because the moment she told me she wasn't interested..a small seed of hope was planted inside of me that day. I guess they are just friends but I swear he is always looking at her like she is the only girl in the world.. "How are you going to handle seeing him at dinner? Ronan said he is meeting us there." She explained causing me to start choking on the gasp I rapidly inhaled. "Here? A-Adrian is coming here?!" I squeaked out, making Penny nod her head and smile mischievously before hitting the gas and driving once again. "Ronan said he tried to make the ceremony but Adrian hit traffic or something. I guess he might be staying with you guys..not will have to ask him." Penny added while giving me one of her dazzling smiles. Oh god..I hadn't seen Adrian in a good year..last Christmas maybe? He came down with Ronan but stayed with his mom. She recently moved to Texas though so it would make sense why he was staying with us.. Why doesn't anyone tell me things?! This can't be a last-minute decision type of that I think about it Mom was getting the guest room ready.. "Hey, relax will be fine okay?" Penny said, her hand reaching out and slapping my knee as I nodded my head and chewed my lip anxiously. Why was I freaking out? Penny was would be fine..everything would be.. "Holy shit.." "Holy crap.." Both Penny and I said at the exact same time. We pulled into the restaurant's parking lot and sitting right there in front of us was Adrian Dawson..on a freaking motorcycle.. He had just parked it apparently and as we drove up he was pulling off his helmet, shaking out his shaggy black hair. My jaw practically hit the damn floor as we drove by a lot slower than we probably should have.. Adrian peeked into the car, his eyes darting from me to Penny, who was gawking at him by the way, as he waved at us awkwardly.. Then our eyes met..those ocean blues made my stomach explode into millions of butterflies as he stared into me intently. If it wasn't for Penny driving us away, I swear I would've burst into flames with how warm my cheeks became. "Okay..don't take this the wrong way..but good f*****g luck..Adrian has gotten hot! Like super hot! Damn! No way you are surviving this summer." Penny laughed, making me frown as my heart started beating frantically in my chest. Penny is right..there is no freaking way.. I think Adrian has become even more gorgeous if that was somehow possible ..that's it..I'm never leaving my room this's official.
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