Chapter 4

500 Words
Andras hadn’t wanted the position he was in, leader of The Malgoth. He only ever wanted to be a researcher, to discover new (or old) ways to coexist with humans, or to make demon lives easier at least. He’d become leader by unanimous vote seven years ago when their previous leader had been brutally murdered by a group of humans. Their previous leader, Shae, had been Andras’s lover. Not just lover actually, his soul mate; his twin flame. Andras thought it cruel that he should have to follow in her footsteps, as she did in her dead father’s. But the group believed that he knew the most about running things as he had worked closely with Shae before her death. He had vowed to find the humans who had killed her and end their miserable lives, but then this Dazomar bullshit had cropped up. Not only that, but his rage had softened after meeting a new recruit, her name was Osera, Sera for short. Initially Andras had despised her, unduly of course. But she was unrelenting in her compassion and kindness towards him. He didn’t deserve her care at all, he’d been a bastard to her. He resented his attraction to her because he felt it was unfair to Shae. Deep down he knew Shae wouldn’t have wanted him to be so closed off and angry. Especially seven years later. Andras knew Shae would never be truly gone from his heart, but he was finally coming to see that he needed to allow himself to heal. Properly. Andras welcoming Raina and Rygel into his office, as well as some other Malgoth demons, including Sera. “Alright so, I’ll just cut to the chase. This fucker is dangerous. He’s already killed some of us. We do, however, have a plan.” The demons around him all shifted nervously, anticipating the danger ahead. “Rygel, you’re going to find out where this fucker plans to hit next, the rest of you will set up a trap there so we can stop dickface long enough for Raina to pour nastiness into him. Once he’s properly weakened, the spells protecting him shouldn’t work as well and we can stab him in his stupid face”. Andras breathed deeply, “Sera, you go with Raina to the hospital, see what you can rustle up. But not yet, wait until we know where and when we need to be”. Raina nodded, biting her lip. Rygel resisted the urge to place a reassuring hand on her leg. This was going to be difficult for all of them. “You got it boss”, Sera said, cheerful despite the circumstances. Andras smiled at Sera, then nodded to the rest of the demons. “I’ll be in contact with you once Rygel comes back with the info.” The demons dispersed, satisfied to wait for further orders. The demons organising the trap peeled off into their own meeting room to discuss what they would need.
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