
Incubus Denied


Raina is the only one who can stop the impending doom threatening her community. But she will need to be strong and push through previous trauma.Rygel is an incubus, he generally doesn't have long term romances, unless you count 9 hours as long term. Something about Raina is different, he finds he only wants her, making his nature as an incubus difficult to manage.

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Chapter 1
“You're the only thing powerful enough to stop the fucker”, Andras rubbed his temple, avoiding Raina's furious gaze. “f**k”, Raina stormed away, the heat of anger radiating off her. Rygel watched after the curvaceous redheaded demon, enjoying the furious sway of her ass. “Andras…?”, Rygel didn't bother finishing the question. Andras heaved a sigh, “Raina has this… superpower I guess you'd call it. She can absorb pain and illness from people.” Rygel raised a dark eyebrow, “I don't see how that helps us”. “Listen. She can absorb the bad stuff, and put it somewhere else.” “Oh”. “Yeah, so if she absorbs some really f****d up injuries, she can transfer them to dickface and he'll be weak as hell. s**t she could even kill him if we're lucky.” Andras sat heavily in his office chair. “Why is she so pissed about it?” Rygel leaned against the door jam. “Ahh well, she used it on a healthy person once and it messed her up pretty bad. The guy had it coming though, super nasty creep”. “Wait so, can she just absorb the ick and that's it? Or does she have to put it somewhere… where does she put it?” Rygel pulled the chair opposite Andras out and sat, leaning back with a puff of overwhelm. “Well, she can usually chuck it into vermin, or comatose folks who are already dying, it's brutal but better than what happens if she doesn't transfer it”. Once again Rygel arched his brow at Andras, inclining his head. “Ah, if she doesn't get it out of her system, it manifests in her, and she can't remove it from her own body. Nowhere to go.” Rygel let out a “woof” of air, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well s**t that's a predicament”. “No kidding. Look I have stuff to do here, can you go make sure she's OK?” Andras began rifling through papers on his desk. “Can do boss.” Rygel stood and left the room, making a point to close the door gently behind him. Intriguing. He had seen Raina around headquarters sometimes, but had never had reason to speak to her. His job here was mostly stalking and spying on the enemy, while Raina was more about the big fights and healing the injured. The Malgoth were a group of supernatural folk who represented their community, a government of sorts. They kept a close eye on happenings in the human world, and sought to quash any rogue beings that threatened the peace. Of course the relationship between creatures was not perfect, there was infighting, anti-human sentiment; but the sole source of concern was groups of supernatural creatures who didn't agree with the peace treaty with humans. Presently there was a particularly powerful demon called Dazomar who had taken it upon himself to conquer The Malgoth. He had warded himself against most weapons, spells, curses and other powers possessed by those fighting him. But through thorough research, Andras had concluded that Dazomar wouldn't have been able to predict Raina's power. The whole thing had been a shitshow. Rygel didn't understand it but Dazomar had somehow recruited a bunch of imbeciles to fight for him, which had caused at least fifteen casualties on The Malgoth side of things. “f**k this”, Rygel muttered to himself as he walked through the halls of the elegant, antique offices, searching for the fiercely gorgeous Raina. His ears pricked when he heard a gentle sobbing from inside a storeroom. He listened at the door for a moment, confirming that the sobs were coming from Raina. He let himself into the closet to find Raina on the floor, her back against the wall, head in her hands. She quickly wiped her tears away when she saw him. “Rygel was it?”, she peered up at him with big, doey eyes that made his incubus heart melt. He slid down next to her, leaning his body against hers. “Yeah. Raina? Andras told me… you know, your dealio”. Raina shifted against his body, causing a flare of heat to shoot through his centre. Now wasn't the time to be getting all incubusy on her. He thought back to the last time he'd had s*x and silently cursed himself for waiting so long. He couldn't touch Raina or he'd get too aggressive with her, which he instinctively knew wasn't what she wanted. Rygel slowly moved his body away from hers, not wanting to offend her but equally wanting to calm his instincts. Raina sighed deeply, “yeah, look I know it's the right thing to do, I just… yeah.” “I understand. I know we just met but I want you to know I'll be here if you need me. I understand how f****d up stuff like this is, and I'm a pretty decent shoulder to cry on” Rygel smiled gently at Raina. She looked at him again with those gorgeous pale green eyes, still red from crying. Her rose tinted lips curved up in a weak smile. She held his gaze perhaps longer than comfortable, then traced her eyes down his neck, to his chest which threatened to tear open his sweater. She bit her lip and looked back up at his eyes with a half-lidded ‘f**k-me’ look. Something in Rygel broke. He felt the muscles in his neck and chest contract. He put his hand firmly on Raina's neck and drew her in for a kiss. Raina followed suite and wrapped her hands around his neck, twisting her body to face him. The kiss was passionate, exploratory, and hungry. Rygel felt himself grow hard and quickly pulled away from Raina. He threw himself to the opposite side of the room, panting. “Uhh… what?” Raina looked at him with an expression of pure confusion. “Sorry.” Rygel said weakly. It wasn't enough, it wasn't what she deserved. Once he composed himself he'd explain better. “I thought… aren't you an incubus?” Raina asked, simultaneously seeming hurt and presumptuous. “I. Yes. But I can't.” Rygel worked hard to control his breathing. “OK, I just thought… it doesn't matter.” Raina stood and wiped the last of her tears. “See you round I guess” she said, still visibly confused and hurt. “Wait”, Rygel reached to stop her, with pathetic lacklustre. Raina left Rygel in the storeroom. He rubbed his face, cursing how stupid he was. If she wasn't so damned gorgeous this wouldn't be a problem. His mind wandered to Raina's soft, rose lips, her luxurious curves, the sway of that ass, how it would feel to be inside her. f**k. He was supposed to be helping put Dazomar down, not fawning over the one person who was actually capable of doing so.

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