Chapter 5

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Chapter 5. Carolines POV We got out of school at 3pm. Jessica came home with me to help me get ready for my date. I decided to go with a knee length black t-shirt dress with a jean jacket and my knee high boots with my favorite fuzzy boot socks. I hop in the shower and shave just about every surface of my body and make sure to use my favorite vanilla scented soap. After I get out and lotion up and get dressed jessica starts doing my makeup. I just got done curling my hair and jessica squeals after she looks at her masterpiece. I have about 20 minutes until ryan gets here. "Do you know where he's taking you?" She asked. I frown "no I thought you knew I was going to make you tell me" i laughed. We decide to write some letters to cole and my dad in the meantime while we wait. Before i know it I hear a knock on the door and hear my mom yelling for me to come downstairs. I see ryan dressed in dark jeans, and a fitted long sleeve v neck shirt that is practically form fitted to his arm muscles. "See something you like?" He comments and I wipe the metaphorical drool off my chin and shut my jaw. My mom giggles and tells us to have fun and reminds me of my curfew at midnight. We decide to take my car since ryan drove his motorcycle. I dont complain my car is my baby. He opens my door for me and i slide in. Who said chivalry is dead. We hit the road and I keep trying to pester him to tell me where he's taking me. We drive about an hour and a half to an apple orchard. Carter mountain apple orchard is what the sign says. Its sunset out so everything looks so beautiful. "I know its not mangos but I figured this would be fun too" hearing him always puts my mind at ease but just knowing he remembers the small things about me makes me melt and sweat like a sinner in church. We make our way through the orchard picking apples off of the trees! About 45 minutes in and we finally filled our bag. We walked back to the main building and order fresh hot apple cider and apple cider donuts and walk to the balcony overlooking the mountains. He wraps his arm around me and we just take everything in. I think I'm really falling for ryan. I cant help but wonder does he feel the same? "Hey Ryan can I ask you a question?" "You just did goober but sure what's up?" He laughed. I just gave my 'seriously  face but finally asked what ive been dying to know. "I know were dating but how do you feel about us about this?" I asked gesturing between us "i know we haven't been together long Ry but I feel so attached to you. I can feel myself falling for you and I guess what I want to know is how you feel too. I know i have alot of baggage but..." i trailed off. He sat there quiet for what seemed like an hour but in reality was just a couple of minutes. He finally spoke up and said "you know I've been thinking of asking that myself. And to yell you the truth baby, I fell hard for you the first time I looked into your eyes. You were it for me. I can honestly say that I think I'm in love with you. I dont know the exact moment that I knew but it was more of a combination of these past couple of mo ths together. You truly are an amazing person caroline. Im so lucky to have you, baggage or not. Im not going anywhere" i cant help but let the tears break the metaphorical dam and pour down my cheeks. He jump into his arms and straddle his waist. I lean in and kiss him with everything that I have. He moves to deepen the kiss but I dont let him in just yet. Thats when he bites my lower lip causing me to let out a shaky moan. He seized the opportunity and slid his tongue into my mouth battling mine for dominance. Thankfully we are the only ones up here. I trail open mouth kisses down his jaw and to his collar bone where his shoulder meets his neck and give little nibbles in between kisses. He inhales sharply as i start to grind on him. That was until he cupped my face and push me away. "Let's not get carried away baby. Not here. Not until you're 100% sure you're ready. We have forever ahead of us, there's no rush." I blush realizing how far I was about to go in a public place. Thank god ryan has control over his lust because apparently i don't. "How about we play 20 questions?" I suggest not wanting the night to end. He nods his head. So I guess that means it's my turn to go first. "What do you want to do after highschool?" I ask. He responds with "my dad owns a small chain of mechanic shops and I am really good with engines and cars. I want to take over for him so I might go get a business  degree just to handle that side of things. I eventually want to open up an extension of the shops for just motorcycles!" The way he talks about what he likes and what he's good at makes me smile. "What about you?" I think on it. "I originally wanted to he a veterinarian but as long as im working with some kind of animals ill be okay. I eventually want to have my own farm and run a rescue on it as well. I have so many dreams and ideas I dont know how to make them reality" "Caroline you can do anything. I will be there by your side. For as long as you'll let me. Heck your parents love me, my parents love you, you tolerate me. We got this" he laughed trying to add humor to not make this so serious. Thats another thing I love about him. Hes always so conscious of what every situation needs. We wrap our game up and head back home and by the time we get onto the porch he gives me a quick goodnight kiss. "This has been the best ryan. Thank you seriously" i say and he just looks at me with love in his eyes. "Caroline you don't need to thank me for taking you out. I will always take you on dates, spend time with you. As long as im with you im happy" im not going to cry, im not going to cry, I am NOT going to cry! Im about to lean in to kiss him when we were very rudly interrupted. My mom loves ryan but I swear she has the worst timing ever! My mom swings the door open and you could tell she was spying. We both laugh and ryan leaves to go home after giving me a quick kiss. "You guys are so cute together. He seems like a really nice boy baby" my mom says and I just nod my head staring after the red tail lights fading down the road. "Caroline i have some news for you. I just wanted to let you know that we'll be having a guest stay with us. Their house had a pipe burst and their whole house flooded. They'll probably stay for about 2 weeks tops. Theyre in the dining room eating and getting settled in but its a good thing you already know them. Just make sure they know where the spare bedrooms and blankets and etc are baby okay?" My mom informed. "Sure thing mom, thats just awful. You said I know them, who's staying?" I questioned  "oh baby its coles friend jake and his parents" have got to be f*****g kidding me...i start sweating, fidgeting, breathing rapidly, i can feel the room spinning. I feel like im going to be sick. What am I going to do? Everything crashes at once and next thing i know im on the ground and succumbing to the darkness.
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