Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Carolines POV I wake up on the couch my mom sitting nervously next to me. She's biting her finger nails. A nervous habit of hers that I had inherited. "Mom.." "Jesus christ caroline you had me worried baby girl" she yelled. You could tell she was curious about what happened but I just told her I felt lightheaded and that I was fine. Jake is going to be staying here. This cannot be f*****g happening. I climb the stairs to my room and plop on the bed and text ryan and jessica in our group chat. Me: we have a problem. Not small, like huge end of the world problem. Ryan: what is it? I just dropped you off, miss me that bad lol? Jess: whats up babe? Me: ryan not funny this is serious. We have an unexpected guest living with us until further notice.... Jess: I don't like the sound of this.. Ryan: ..... Me: Satan's spawn jake will be living with me until further notice Its a good 5 minutes before I get a response but my phone rings with a joint FaceTime call. Its jessica and ryan. "Hey.." I'm practically sobbing. "Babe if he hurts you ill kill him. I can come stay with you tonight." Ryan says Jess looks so mad you can see the steam coming out of her ears. "This is bullshit why is he even staying there?" So I explain the story about his pipes bursting and him and his parents will be staying here. Both of them are not happy about it but we realize we could get him for his crimes sooner than expected. I just have to get him to admit it on recording. Easy peasy right? I cant helo but feel like this is going to be a disaster. I finally end the call and head down to the dinner table to find my mom, jake and his family there as well. I apologize for being late and notice the only chair available is next to jake. Of course. Just my luck. This is going to be the worst. Dinner goes be about as awkward as possible. Of course jake acted like Mr perfect while around my mom but as im about to walk in my room I'm pinned against the wall and I feel his hand around my throat. Squeezing just enough to restrict some air but not enough to cause any harm. "Dont think for a second im happy about this and don't you f*****g dare think i want to be close to a worthless slut like you" be grits out. He opens my door and throws me inside. As I land in a ball on the floor I choke for the air that was denied to me. Theres definitely going to be a bruise tomorrow. I get ready for bed and lock my door. I cant risk anything else. ***trigger section read at your own risk*** One week later... I slam the door to my bathroom. I swipe everything off the counter and just curl into a ball and cry. I cant f*****g do this anymore. This week has been the worst. The first few days were bareable. A few punches and slaps when people weren't looking. My clothes torn up, my makeup and room destroyed. The endless streams of insults. "Youre worthless, youre nothing, the world would be better off without you. You are a w***e, no one in their right mind would want you" jessica and ryan try to help but theres only so many words and things I can take. But my breaking point was this afternoon after school. My mom was still at work. It was just me and jake. Earlier this afternoon I got in the house and dropped my backpack by the door. I run to my room to hide out. Me jessica and ryan bugged my room with cameras and a recorder. Just in case you never know. I pop on my headphones and start to dance while listening to five finger death punch. I apparently wasn't paying enough attention because I didn't hear my door open and shut. Before I know it im thrown on my bed being straddled by jake. I make sure to say no clearly for the cameras and try to fight him off. He clearly doesn't understand what no means. He starts kissing my neck and loosens his grip on me. I bring my knee up and kick him in his netherworld. I manage to get out from under him but I'm not quick enough. He punches me in my stomach and throws me to the ground. He gives my ribs a couple of good kicks before he wraps his fingers in my hair and lifts my head "you really shouldn't have done that freak" he picks me up and throws me back on the bed. Im pretty sure yoy can guess what happened after that. He pulled up his pants and smirked. "You know this world would be better off without you. You are fat, ugly, worthless, i bet you can't even please that boyfriend of yours. Why don't you do the world a favor and just go kill yourself. Because all you're good for is wasting the air others need" he spits out. I tried to hold my tears in but they spill over. I take in his words and I realize that he's right. I am worthless. No one will want me now. Im broken, weak, and I definitely don't want to be here anymore Back to the present I know this is the cowards way out. But I don't see any other way. Im tried of living like this. Im tired of being treated like this. I have been r***d by my brother's best friend twice now. Im clearly used goods, no better than the trash on the ground. I dry heave in the toilet feeling nauseous about what I'm about to do. I start to shake and cry some more. I grab my phone and send one lest text to ryan that said Me: i love you, so much, im so sorry..i hope you can move on and forgive me. After I send his I sent one to jessica pretty much saying the same thing. And shut my phone off. I know they'll call me and try to talk me down. I know they'll want to know what happens. But theyll see the footage. I am just too broken, too hurt, too destroyed to care anymore. I grab a notebook and write 6 letters. One for ryan, one for jessica, my mom, my dad, cole, and one for jake. I seal them in envelops and label them and place them on my dresser. Tears spill down my eyes onto the envelops as I try to gather my courage up. I peek into the hallway to make sure jake isn't around I place my ear up to the door and hear him on the phone. Probably with madison or someone from the football team. I dont care as long as he gives me these last 5 minutes of peace. I sneak into my mom and dads room and go into the closet. I reach the gun safe and enter the code and pull out my dads 9 mm pistol. I stuff it behind me in pants belt loop and run back to my bedroom. I sit on my bed and with shaky hands make sure the gun is loaded. I rub my hands on the cold heavy metal and sob a little harder. I look directly into the hidden camera and I dont know what my reflection looks like but I cant seem to care. Why did this happen to me? When did my life get so f****d up. I look at the camera one more time and say "im so sorry" I c**k the gun and stand up. I think about this. I dont want my brains all over the walls. I would like to have an open casket for my funeral. I decide to aim for the spot that was damaged the most. My heart. I place the tip of the pistol against my skin right at my chest. I hear tires screeching and shouting. I can tell irs ryan but i can't do this anymore. Without wasting another second i pull the trigger. I collapse into the floor gasping for air. Why didn't u die right away. I start tonpanic as my door Flys open and ryan and jake run in. Ryan cradles me in his arms and jake is screaming curses. Ryan grabs the gun off the floor and hands it to jake "Caroline baby what did you do!? Baby please just hand on. Jake get me some towls now and call 911" i cant feel anything anymore. I reach up and grab his cheek. Tears falling down. I feel so cold. "Im sorry ryan. I love you" and with that I shut my eyes and fade away. Jakes POV After wrapping up with the little b***h I head back to my room. I dont know why I do the things I do or why I treat her the way I do. Its not like I cant get any because I that can't be the furthest from the truth. I get more action in one week than a public restroom toilet seat. I get a call from my buddy Brandon and we talk about football practice this coming week and what needs to improve. We finally get on the subject of the plans for prom. He tells me he's taking some sophomore. I will probably take madison but not like I care she knows we're not exclusive. BANG**** "dude what the f**k was that?" I dont even think i just run to the sound and find ryan beating on carolines door. "Brandon im going to call you back." I dont even give him a secind to respond i just hang up and help ryan bust down the door. And the scene we see will haunt me for the rest of my life. Caroline is lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. Gasping for air. In between breaths she has blood fly out of her mouth. I freeze. That is until ryan orders me to get some towls and call 911. I rush to the bathroom and grab as many as I can as quickly as I can. What the f**k man? Why would she do this? I get i did things I shouldn't have but to try to kill herself? I get back into the room and see brandon in tears and finally notice Caroline is passed out and her body limps i hand him the towls and force him to put pressure on her chest wound. I take my phone out and call 911. "911 what's you're emergency" "Please help shes dying. PLEASE" I shout. "Sir calm down. Im dispatching units and a rescue squad to your location. tell me what happend?" "My best friends sister shot herself in the chest. Shes dying please send help" im loosing my cool and you can tell. She asks a few more questions and I hear the sirens blazing. I give the operator her moms name and number and she promises to call her. The emts burst in the room and try to shove ryan out of the way. He refuses until an officer squats next to him and says they need to work on her to save her life. He reluctantly gets up and leaves the room. I follow behind. We get to the living room with the officer and he asks us what happened. We tell them about out sides of the story. I didn't know she sent ryan a goodbye message. Mother of God what have a done. The EMTs come down the stairs with a very pale caroline on a stretcher and rush out the house. A fire fighter that was also here came up to the officed and handed him what looked to be letters. He listed off my name, ryans, and her parents and jessicas. "Thats us what is that?" I say. Next thing i know ryan is shouting "WHAT THE f**k DID YOU DO TO HER THIS TIME YOU f*****g PRICK?" i dont even answer i just stare off at the officer when I get tackled to the ground. Ryan is on top of me throwing punches. He managed to get 3 on my cheek by the time the officer peeled him off of me. "Now is not the time for fighting. Now what the hell is going on" the officer asks ryan. I ponder just what does he know. How much does he know. Oh god don't say anything "This piece of trash has been harrowing, beating and r****g that girl for the past few months. As far as I know only one r**e has happened but that mother fucker did this to her." Ryan spits with so much anger and venom. I gulp as im being thrusted into the wall and cuffs placed on my wrists. 
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