
Stay with me

friends to lovers
first love

Caroline collins is your average teenage girl. She has an amazing and supportive family, and has great friends. But go figure she is the subject of bullying and abuse at her local highschool. Her main tormentor, her brothers best friend. Things take a dark turn for Caroline and she struggles to find herself. What will push her to the edge? Will she come back from pulling the trigger on everything? Will a new found love be what saves her and helps her find herself?

Be easy on me i wrote this a long time ago. This story does have triggering theme's such as r**e, abuse, violence, and attempted suicide/self harm. Read at your own risk. Chapters that have triggers will be labeled at the beginning.

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Chapter 1
Carolines POV Chapter 1 "Flight 2187 will be boarding in 15 minutes please make your way to the terminal" the announcer called over the intercom. I started crying again. Today we were seeing my brother and father off for another 9 month deployment. It felt like they had just gotten back. My my mom, my brothers girlfriend Jessica who was also my best friend came to see them off with me. I just finished hugging my dad and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I love you caroline. Be good for your momma and well be back before you know it." He said. Tears falling down my face I manage to choke out a quick "yes sir" but I couldn't help but feel like things will be different this time around. I have a bad feeling. But i stuff it down deep inside as I'm engulfed into a big bear hug from my brother Cole. "I love you care bear" that was his nickname for me. We always had such a close relationship and could tell each other everything. I swear sometimes we could read each other's thoughts. He is 2 years older than me and has always been my over protective other half. He stood up for me throughout highschool even when the bullys ran rampant in my life. Everyone always said we acted more like twins than anything else. "Just promise me you'll come home cole. Me and Jessica need you, mom needs you. Im going to miss you" he didn't say anything and he didn't need to. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek and pulled back. He wiped my tears from my eyes and broke off. He went over to jessica and hugger her and kissed her.. i fake gagged causing everyone to laugh. Most people wouldn't be okay with their friends dating their siblings but in this case it works. Jessica and cole are great for each other. He hugged mom and picked up his bag as him and my dad boarded the plane for Afghanistan. 9 months this will he over before i know it. I hope. We just finished dinner and me and Jessica decided on a sleep over and to carpool to school tomorrow. We sat on the couch and watched sappy romance movies stuffing our faces with popcorn and Ben and jerrys to ease our sorrows away. I checked my phone and saw it was close midnight so we decided to call it a night and head to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. But I cant help but dread going to school. Jessica knows my situation. My mom somewhat knows, my dad has been kind of kept out of the loop for fear of him going all American sniper on some immature teenagers asses. "It will be okay caroline. Im right here with you. How about after school we go to the mall? Jessica mentioned. I agreed and I set my alarms and finally drifted off into the abyss. *beep* *beep* *beep* *WHACK!!* next thing I know im on the floor wrapped up in my comforter while jessica is groaning to turn the alarm off. This b***h really smacked me with her pillow instead of turning it off herself. She's lucky I love her. I turned off the dreadful alarm and went into the bathroom and started a shower. Today is the first day back at school after summer break. I lathered up my long blonde hair with my vanilla shampoo and made sure to shave every part of my body. I may be the loner of the school but I was blessed with what everyone tells me is good looks and a rocking body. Turning off the shower and wrapping a towel around me i start to lotion my skin and get ready for the day. I decided on a pair of high wasted black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, ankle boots, and a mint green flowy off the shoulder shirt. I straightened my hair and applied minimalistic makeup. Just winged eyeliner nude smokey eye to enhance my blue eyes. Theyre my best feature Blue with green and yellow specks in them. I finished off the look with my favorite lip gloss. It tastes like mangos, my favorite fruit. My skin was always clear. I never needed foundation or blush as I had a naturally rosy set of cheeks. By the time I finished my look and went downstairs for breakfast Jessica's was already put together and looking as perfect as always. She had shoulder length jet back hair with bright green eyes and tan skin. She was a goddess for sure and sometimes it was easy for me to be jealous of her. We hopped in my 2020 camaro SS and headed to school. As I parked a wave of panic set over me. I noticed all of the cliques keeping to themselves and my eyes kept searching for the jocks. Those were my main tormentors. Of course the usual cliche situation. The quarterback and head cheerleader, Jake and Madison, were the leaders in my daily beatings or as they call them "social lessons" because apparently I need to learn my place in the social pecking order. If cole was here he would be appalled. Jake is his friend even though he's a year younger than him. He never did know about how jake treated me and he made sure to make me too scared to tell him. Of course he acted like a good guy when he was around. My whole family loved him except jessica. She knew and hated him for it. She tried to tell cole once and cole had confronted him but that got nowhere except for my beatings and torture getting worse. f*****g prick. I gathered all of my courage, got my backpack out of my trunk and treaded into school. "Hey freak long time no see. How was your summer? Ready for another lesson?" That God awful voice...here we go again. I attempted to ignore them. I kept walking passed. Jessica holding my hand. That was until I was suddenly kissing the pavement. Feeling a bruise coming on, jessica helped me up. "I was f*****g talking to you loser. What are you stupid?" Madison commented "What do you want jake? Madison?Why can't yall just leave me alone? What did I ever do to yall?"  I managed to squeak out. Hoping he didn't hear me but of course he did. They all did. "Wow someone found their metaphorical balls this summer" madison jabbed. "Geez madison when did you learn to use such big words. Must have taken alot of energy from you. Having a pea sized brain and all" Jessica added. Maidson sneered and lunged for her but her minions held her back knowing full well jessica could beat her at any fight. Having had enough, i turned around and continued my trek into my personal hell ignoring eveyone else. I heard a faint "your brothers not here to protect you now. I'll be seeing you around freak!" Cole why did you have to have such shifty friends, and why did you have to leave me. 3 periods later and I was finally waiting in the cafeteria for jessica. Usually I sit alone but surprisingly today someone decided to join me. I decided to look up from my book and saw this Greek God of a guy. If you could classify a teenage boy as a Greek God that is. "Hey my name is Ryan I'm new here whats your name?" "Its Caroline, but if you value your reputation you would want to move tables or not talk to me I highly suggest both" I commented. He looked flabbergasted at my blatant honesty but didn't move. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "I think I can manage who I want to talk to and who I dont. I dont care what others think." As he said that i heard applause as jessica finally made her way to the table "i dont know your name but I love you now. My name is Jessica this girls future sister in law" she jutted her hand out and Ryan shook it. i just chuckled and rolled my eyes at her. She is so upfront and in your face but you have to love her. We all continued to talk and get to know each other. I couldn't help but ogle ryan. He was tall, atleast 6 foot had dark brown hair that almost looked black with warm brown eyes, a muscular jaw and perfect lips. He was physically fit and it made me wonder why he didn't hang out with the jocks instead of us but didn't comment on it. I wasn't going to turn down a new friend on our side. Mid conversation and I felt something cold and slimy all over me only to realize that jake, madison and the entire jock clique poured milk and today's lunch all over me. Just great, spaghetti and milk. I tried to be strong but I couldnt stop the tears this time. I let them flow freely down my cheeks while everyone points and laughs. Jessica is loosing her s**t screaming at them and Ryan looks at my in sympathy. I mouthed an i told you so to him and he jerked up and yelled "what the f**k is your problem man?" While Ryan had him distracted jessica snuck around and kicked out jakes knees and punched him in the nose. Everyone freaked out "ooh jake got his ass handed to him by a girl" Jake looked shocked that someone dared question him but he gathered himself quickly shooting his crew a death glare and spoke "come on dude its just the school freak. I had to put her in her place. You don't want to hang around with the wrong sort of people. And you b***h you'll get what's coming to you" snickers and laughs were heard. Where are the teachers when you need them? Im almost convinced that they're in on all of this. Mid thought about how to get out of this situation I hear Ryan speak up. "I think I can tell for myself who the wrong sort is. I suggest walking away. Now. Im quite enjoying my time here with these lovely ladies" he spoke dangerously low and jake looked rattled but most people didn't notice. He just scoffed and walked away. Muttering on about how ugly and freakish we were. Ryan suggested me go get cleaned up and he'd watch our things. Jessica lead me to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and sobbed even harder. Covered in today's lunch and makeup running down my cheeks, I'm looking like a real prize. Freak is right I guess. She cleans me up and fixes my makeup, calms me down and give me a hug and a pep talk. We leave the bathroom and sure enough ryan is still there. I meekly walk up to him and hug him whispering a thank you. He surprises me and wraps his arms around me telling me it was his pleasure. "I guess there goes your shot at trying out for the football team" i mention vaguely remembering him saying something about being wide receiver at his old school. He just chuckled. I had a feeling good things were going to come from him and from our group of friends. We started walking to class and I couldn't help but look at our trio and feel so lucky to already have them with me.

Dreame-Editor's pick


Bullied By My Brother's Friend


Hanging Out With The Bad Boys


Elites of Vanderbilt high


The Football Player's Rebel


The jerk next door


The Badboy's Steamy Book


Mated to a Werewolf


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