Chapter 3

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Carolines POV " what do you say caroline?" He asked me. I didn't say anything at first. I was ugly crying. Full on ugly cry face sobbing while nodding my head yes. Granted this is awful timing. Im lying in a hospital bed after being assaulted, but it put a smile on my face and made me forget about what happened and I cant help but think that was part of why he did ask now. It was a good distraction for sure.. He kisses me on the lips and just holds me. I feel so contented with him.. its like everytime we touch i feel electric tingles. I pat the bed and he climbs in next to me and wraps me in his arms. I see jessica standing in the door way nervously. I motion for her to come in. I see fresh tear stains on her cheeks and she rushes to my side. She engulfs me in a hug and ryan puts his hand on her shoulder to ground her and comfort us all. I am the first to speak up and say "how did i end up here?" They both freeze i guess unsure what to say or how to even say a word of the situation. Ryan couldn't find the words to say so jessica spoke for him "We got your message that you overslept, but by the time first period was over you still weren't there. We looked everywhere for you. We saw your car so we knew you were at school..we called you so many times and followed the sound of your phones ringer until we found you locked and unconscious in the janitors closet. Caroline who did this to you?" I stiffened contemplating whether I should say or not. I finally go with "i cant tell you. He said he would hurt you and ryan and anyone else im close with. I cant risk it." They both laugh. And its not just a chuckle its a full on belly laugh. Im pretty sure none of this is funny. What the hell? Finally jessica speaks up "honey whoever it is can try but I'm a black belt in karate, my father taught me how to fight, and your brother has been teaching me how to shoot. And ryan Im Pretty sure can fend for himself especially the way he knocked jake out earlier we will be absolutely fine i guarantee it. Don't underestimate us" "You hit jake? Oh no, no no no. This cant be happening. Hes gonna think i told you. No!" I start to freak. I hear the heart monitor racing and the nurse comes in with the doctor getting me to calm down. Not wanting to be knocked out i breathe deeply. Ryan speaks up "caroline you're saying jake is the one who did this?" i could feel the anger radiating off of him. He started to shake. He was so mad. I couldn't say anything so I simply nodded. He stood up so fast and started pacing. "I'm going to kill him. I knew he did this. That mother fucker I knew it was him the way he smirked when you were brought out in the ambulance" wait what? That sadistic son of a b***h. Also great that means everyone saw me half beaten on a stretcher. There's going to be so many rumors going on. I cant take this. "Guys we cant tell anyone. I dont want anyone to know yet. I cant take anymore things happening especially not to either of you." I demand. They look at me like i have 5 heads. They insist that we tell people. That I speak up about my story. That jake deserves to rot in a prison cell for what hea done. That he needs to pay before he hurts anyone else. I want that more than anything but I have ti think logically here "You guys forget its my word against his. His dad is the best lawyer In the state and has half of the police force under his pocket. Hell get away with it even if we tried. Its hopeless." We all start to agree that its likely jake would get away with this even if we pursued charges And decided to wait until the right time to say anything. We devised a plan to try to get him to admit it on recording. "That might just work, caroline youre a freaking genius. Get him to say it on camera" jessica piped in.. ryan looked nervous about the plan.. "my only fear is him doing this again" he stated. I thought about his words "he can try. But I am going to be prepared. I want to start taking self defense classes. I dont want to be helpless.. jessica, ryan will you help me?" They both agree to help and My mom comes in the room with an officer for questioning. Me jessica and ryan stick to the plan on holding off on giving names until we have more proof. We don't know which officers are corrupted and which ones aren't. After a while my mom takes jessica home and ryan insists on staying with me. He climbs into bed and we watch the hospital TV until i fall asleep him drawing circles on my lower back. It was so easy to drift off with him wrapping his arms around me. Its 11AM the next morning and I'm about to be discharged. The officers gave me their cards demanding I call them if i remember anything about the attack and the doctor gave me some i formation on counseling incase I wanted to talk about what happened. This plan has to work. Ryan takes me home and as soon as we walk through the door to my house im in my mothers arms. She's crying again. I guess she feels guilty as well.. im her daughter. But its not her fault. Its jakes. I feel so bad for not telling her the while truth. Worst part is she knows who jake is. She thinks he's the sweetest boy. I cant help but wonder what their reactions are going to be when they find out. Oh God, how is Cole going to react. As im stuck in my thoughts my mom places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a somber look. "I still haven't been able to get ahold of your dad or brother. I have no idea what to say to them." I tell her its okay that we will figure it out when the time comes and I attempt to stifle a yawn but epically fail. Ryan hugs me and tells me to text him. I head upstairs and collapse in my bed and pass out. I wake to a knock on the door and my mom comes in with the laptop. How long was I asleep for? It's completelydark outside. I see its a Skype call with my dad and brother. "Its muted baby girl but I had to tell them what happened. They wanted to speak with you baby." I groaned not wanting to talk about this again. "What time is it momma, how long was I out for?" She rubs my back and says "about 8 hours baby girl. You were exhausted and I didn't want to wake you unless I had to." This is going to he dreadful, I lost a piece of myself that day. I rub my ha d dramatically down my face and attempt to wipe the sleep from my eyes. I have to tell my father and my brother i was beaten, and r***d. That i lost my virginity against my will. To my brothers best friend of all people and i cant even tell him about how sick he is. Because if I did it would ruin the plan and they both would come home whether the army allowed them to or not. We're so close me and cole, and tell each other everything. Hell be able to sniff out a lie on me from half way across the globe. I just hope I can do this without him knowing. Without further waiting She unmuted the Skype call and turned the screen towards me. They both look like they've aged and have bags under their eyes. Its 7pm here in Virginia so its around 3am there. "Hey daddy hey bubba" is all i can manage to say before im bombarded with how are yous, are you okays, im coming homes, the whole 9 yards. I interrupt them. "No you're not coming home. Im okay, well as okay as I can be right now. Im sore all over but the dr said thats normal. Mom said i can stay home for the next week or two. And my boyfriend and jessica will bring me my missed work" "Boyfriend is he the one who did this?" Cole interjects. I immediately tell him no "well who the f**k did this care bear? Who is sick enough to f*****g r**e my baby sister?" I flinch at his tone and he immediately apologized. I dont know why these things happen to me. I feel so bad because I'm going to be the reason cole looses his friend. But he will know when the time is right. "I dont know who did it. I cant remember much." I say trying to sound as confident as possible. My dad just looks defeated and cole looks at me for a good minute or two before he speaks again. "Well well fix this carebear. We will be home in a few months, and I cant wait to get my hands on whoever did this. How is jessica handling everything? Mom said she and your boyfriend found you. Where was jake in all of this i asked him to look out for you?" I stiffened at that and gave a half assed excuse for jake. After all he doesnt know the real jake. We talk for another 15 mins or so before they both have to go and the call is ended. Im in tears. I miss them so much. Only a few more months. I can do this. My mom comes in with a plate of dinner and some sweet tea and hugs me. I text Ryan and jessica about my conversation with my dad and told her that cole said he loves her. I attempt to fall asleep but I cant. I end up turning on my TV and watching reruns of grays anatomy when my phone dings. Its an email, when I see who its from i freeze. It's from cole. I click the email open and begin reading the words he sent me. Cole: I know you have been through so much caroline. Me and dad love you so much and it hurts that I couldn't protect you. I wish I could have been there to stop them however dont think for a second that I believe you don't know who did this to you. I know you better than that. Sibling telepathy remember? But I'm not going to push you on this. I know what you went through is traumatic and you wi open up at your own pace. But when you do i will be there for you. I may be thousands of miles away but I am here for you. I want to meet this boyfriend of yours, make sure he's worthy of your love and put the fear of God in him for if he ever breaks your heart. I have to go now. But I expect you to tell me who did this by the time we arrive home from this deployment. P.S. we loved the care packages, next one can you send me some playing cards and oreos? Love always your big brother. So he knew i was lying. I hope he doesnt say anything to dad yet. Hes giving me till the end of his deployment. We have to get this plan in action. We have roughly 7 or 8 months left and I know those days will fly by. With this information I force my brain to shut down and close my eyes to get some sleep. Im in a dark room. I cant see or hear anything. Its so creepy in here. I see a light flicker and start to walk towards it. That's when I hear it that sinister laugh. "You worthless slut. You know you liked it. Everyone hates you. You're so weak" the insults keep coming and im full on sprinting when I am tripped and land into the arms of jake. He spins me around to see ryan beat up and unconscious and jessica covered in blood lying on the floor. He slaps me once, twice and a third time. Before i realize it im naked.. I attempt to cover myself the best i can.. I dont even realize im screaming until he shakes me. "Stop screaming caroline" I cant stop. "Wake up caroline" he says. "Baby its okay. Wake up" wait what? That voice isn't jakes. I open my eyes to see my mom cradling me and me drenched in sweat. It was a dream. A horrible nightmare. I start crying and my mom strokes my hair until I fall back asleep. I just want this nightmare I call reality to be over. I want this to end. I want to be strong. I want to be me again.
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