Chapter 2

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Carolines POV **trigger warning for this chapter** (I will put stars right before the trigger scene) The first week at school went be fairly well. Besides a few incidents here and there with jake and madison. I genuinely don't understand what happened to make them hate me so much. Its currently Friday and we are in our final class of the day. Ryan, jessica and I have the same schedule besides our first 2 periods. So we were huddled together at our desks trying to come up with a plan for this weekend. "What about the movies? That new comedy is supposed to be coming out soon!" I suggest. We all agree and move on to our usual gossip and talk. Ryan just tunes me and jessica out at this point, but he loves us.  We get to the theater and no matter how many times we insist, ryan buys our tickets for us. We get our popcorn and make sure to get the best seats in the room! Halfway through the movie i feel something warm on my hand and look down to see ryan has intertwined his fingers with mine. J look at him and blush deep red. He keeps giving me hints here and there making me assume he likes me but he hasn't come out and say it yet. We stay like that until the end of the movie. I wonder if he likes me as much as i like him. Not only is he attractive but he's funny, kind, an absolute blast to be around. He's the entire package! Its been about a month since school started and my father and brother left. 8 more months,  I can do this. Ryan and jessica have been my biggest support system for all of this. The issues at school havent let up not that i expected them too but with having jessica and ryan by my side things have been bareable. We've been exchanging letters with my dad and cole. Talking about the usual, how much we miss them and can't wait to see them majing sure they stay safe. Jessica and me decided to send two separate care packages one for my dad and one for my brother. My dads had deodorant, razors, gum, crossword puzzles, a bottle of Jim bean, socks and boxers, my mom put a few things in as well. My brothers had his favorite candy, gum, deodorant, iTunes gift card, and jessica put a sealed envelope in but I already knew what it was. But last thing I need is an image of my brother with those pictures of jessica we took he better freakinglove us for this. I chuckled to myself as we put some comic books, snack foods, and anything else they might need in their boxes. We sealed them off and dropped them off at the post office. Me and Ryan have also gotten really close. We text every day and he stuck true to his word and ignores the bullies. I would be lying if I said I didn't have an attraction to him. Jessica keeps getting me to pursue him. One of these days I'll have the courage to ask him out. A few hours later the 3 of us meet up at the mall. Jessica decided to go to Victorias secret while me and Ryan headed to the food court. He linked his hand with mine and I felt heat rush to my cheeks and I knew they were way past my normal rosy tint at this point, they were full blown lobster. We decide to get ice cream while waiting for slow poke to finish her shoppig, people watching as we ate it. Making up entire life stories about every person we see. Next thing I know my nose is freezing cold. I see ryan laughing so hard hes almost crying. "Very funny asshole" he laughs harder as i launch myself at him and smear ice-cream all over his cheek. He freezes "this means war Collins." I get up to grab some napkins and start wiping up our mess. He takes one and slowly wipes my nose. I blush again and he doesnt move his hand he just cups my cheeks and before I know any better his lips are on mine "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" I'm at a loss for words and jessica being her normal self squeals. She obviously saw that kiss. We finish our shopping trip and head to the theater. I couldnt help but wonder where does this leave me and ryan. What are we?  ***trigger section read this part at your own risk*** Next morning I wake up ans immediately curse. I slept through all of my alarms. I throw on a pretty yellow sundress and sandals and head out the door. after I park my camaro I run into school. Of course I overslept and missed first period. Before I can reach my first class I see jake and Madison in a lip locking session, grinding on each other like they were in a damn porno. I groaned. Trying my best to sneak by without being seen. Of course I'm unsuccessful. They spot me and commence the torture of the day. Little did i know that today's lesson would be the worst one yet. Today a line would be crossed that I could never have imagined. They've always been a tad physical, a shove here and there, a slap or two from madison, but nothing I couldnt handle. "Enjoy the show little freak? Don't you have anything better to do than annoy us with your presence?" Madison snickers. "While I enjoy these talks we have i am just trying to get to class madison. Can't you just grow up and leave me alone?" I felt a burning sensation on my cheek and I knew immediately she slapped me. She kissed jake and sauntered off swaying her hips a little too much. Jake however stayed put. Him eyeing me up and down. "You know Collins you should wear dresses more often. Those legs are to die for. Too bad you're a slut. Its a shame." He spits out. I try to lace as much venom in my voice as I can. "You know jake in order for you to be a slut that means you have to have s*x multiple times with multiple people. Considering ive never slept with anyone I highly doubt I am a slut. So if anyone should be called a slut its you and madison." His eyes darkened. His facial features set in stone, and i dont think ive ever been more afraid. He punched me. Hard, right in the jaw and I ended up on the floor. Holy s**t that hurt. I staggered as I tried to stand back up. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me down the hall. Kicking and screaming I tried to get away from him. Things have never been this bad. What did i do that was so bad? Why did I have to miss my alarm? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? He threw me into the janitors closet and locked the door after he stepped inside. "What are you doing jake, let me out right now!" He didn't say anything just sauntered over to me. He paused for effect then chuckled. "You really look smoking today caroline. You really shouldn't dress like that. It's distracting and very enticing. Its a shame you're brother isn't here to protect you. Its bad for you really but good for me. No one is here to stop me." I wanted to vomit. I held back a gag as I thought about all of the possible scenarios. "I dont understand how my brother could ever be friends with a sick f**k like you. I will tell him everything. I'm not a scared little girl. Not anymore" he doubled over laughing. "You really think anyone will believe you? It's my word against yours. You have no ground to stand on you're just a worthless little slut." He took a rag off of the supply shelf and continued towards me. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around so fast and bent my elbow unnaturally up my back. Before I knew what was happening he was shoving the rag into my mouth. Im screaming and cried. Shouting "no" as loud as I can through the rag. He slides my panties off to the side and starts rubbing me inbetween my folds. I try to clinch my legs shut but he knees me in my stomach. "Now now now princess, dont be like that.. give me what I want and i wont have to hurt you" I dont want this.. i want to get out. I struggle in his hold. He rubs his face in the crook of my neck and bites at my ear lobe. I shiver out of disgust. How he manages to do all of this while keeping me held still is a wonder. Im fighting as much as I can until I feel a blow to my head. I dont know what he hit me with but my vision starts to go in and out and I can feel blood oozing down my head. He grabs me by the hair and slams me into the wall a few times. I feel dizzy and can hardly hold myself up on my shaky legs. He leans in close to my ear and whispers "you messed with my fun this morning. Now I can't be seen walking around with a Boner and youre gonna help with that." I freeze. No he can't, I'm a virgin, I don't want to loose it this way. I struggle harder and I manage to spit the rag out and scream as much as I can. Begging him to stop and to not do this. My pleas fall on deaf ears as he covers my mouth again and plunges himself into me. He doesnt wait for me to adjust to his size he just keeps going. I feel the blood of my innocence running down my legs. Tears streaming down my face. I have no fight left in me. He steadily pistons himself in and out of me until he's found his release. After a few rough shoves He drops me to the floor. He kicks me in my stomach a few times for good measure. He whispers in my ear "you tell anyone about this and you will regret it. Not only will I end you but your friends too. Wouldnt want anything to happen to jessica either" and the last thing I see is him chuckling darkly before I fade to darkness.  Ryan's POV Caroline texted me this morning letting me know she overslept and to not wait for her at her locker. Its a shame I had this whole morning planned out. I bought her her favorite candies because she can't decide between reeses and butterfingers, her favorite Frappuccino from Starbucks, and a muffin. I was gonna finally ask her out. I felt an instant connection with her when we first met. I immediately knew she was the one I wanted to be with. I didn't care that I was only 17. She was it for me. I dont know what everyone has against her. She is quite honestly the most beautiful girl I've seen. Not to mention she has the kindest soul. For example just last week we were driving home from the mall and she saw a dog chained to a stop sign. She pulled over snatched up the dog and we brought him home. Gave him a bath and we were the ones who ended up covered in bubbles. I kept stealing glances at her. She was so damn beautiful and kind it hurt. It took her mom i want to say 3 days to find the dog hidden in her room. I dont think we've ever laughed so hard. Needless to say her mom fell in love with Koda and he's a permanent member in her house. Hes a cute little husky for sure. Coming back from memory lane i have to think of a new way to ask her. Before i realize it the bell for first period has rung signaling the end of class, and I gathered up my things to go find caroline. I get to her locker and she's not there. I text jessica to see if she's seen her. She instantly replied that she hadn't. We met up in the cafeteria and each tried to call her it going to voicemail after 5 rings. This is so unlike her. We go outside and see her car is here. "Where the hell could she be?" I shout. Nerves leaking into my voice. Jessica shrugs trying to remain calm but you can see her facade cracking. We keep trying to call her and at this point the bell has rung and were alone in the halls. We checked all of the bathrooms, the library, computer lab, outside under her favorite tree, she's just gone. When we're about to go to the office we call one last time. I hear her ring tone but its weird its coming from the janitors closet. Its locked. I find the custodian and he gives me the keys and walks away figuring its just a teenager wanting to get into a tiny bit of trouble. Trouble we found. As soon as we opened the door we saw caroline on the floor passed out. She was covered in bruises, blood all over her head and coming out of her mouth. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the nurse. Jessica held the door for me and the nurse gasped as she saw her. She asked what happed and we explained how we couldn't find her and followed her phones ring tone to her. She ended up having to call an ambulance and by the time they got to the school they had sirens blazing. They loaded her onto the stretcher and started taking her away. I told jessica to call her mom and let her know I was riding with them.  People started filing out of classrooms to see what was going on. Whispers and rumors. I see madison just staring like she could care less but what really shook me was jake just stood there leaned against the wall with a smirk on his face. Looking too smug.. i knew he had something to do with this..hes the only one who would do this. I marched over and punched him in his face repeatedly. Shouting "what did you do? What the f**k did you do to her?" I was pulled off by the resource officer telling me this wasn't the time or place. I just looked at the emts and followed them out but not before sending a glare over my shoulder at jake. I know he had something to do with this. I just know it. We get in the ambulance and they work on getting all of Caroline's vitals. She has a pulse but its so weak. I grab her hand and look her over. Even with all of the bruises and the cuts she is beautiful. But thats when I notice it. She has blood on her legs. I notify the EMT and thats when they looked at each other with a pale face, lifted her dress and saw her panties soaked in blood. I immediately started crying. Not only was she beaten, but she was f*****g r***d. At the f*****g school of all places.  They couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect her. I dont care if I was supposed to be this strong macho man. Im gonna f*****g cry right now. We tear out of the parking lot and head to the nearest hospital. We pull up to VCU hospital in downtown richmond and I see her mom and Jessica in the waiting room. I dont know how to tell them what I saw. How am I supposed to tell a mother her daughter was beaten and r***d? How am I supposed to tell her I couldn't protect her baby girl? She runs up to me and hugs me. "How is she? what happend? Ryan you have blood on you what happened?" I look and of course my hand is bleeding from where I blindsided jake. I contemplate whether I should tell them or not but then I decide to do it anyways. "Mrs Collins you might want to sit down for this." She eyes me warily but sits anyways. Jessica follows suit. "I dont know exactly what happened or who did it but based on her Injuries and what I've seen she was beaten and..." I trailed off "for gods sake ryan just f*****g tell me" i have never heard that woman curse..i started to speak again but the doctor came out. "Family of Caroline collins" he said and her mom nodded frantically. He explained what he's found and as soon as he said the words "im sorry to say this but your daughter has been sexually assaulted. We found multiple tears both anal and vaginally. Also there were traces of semen so that indicates whoever did this did not wear a condom. We've performed a r**e kit and will be running it with dna in the local authority systems. But since this happened at school it is likely a student did this and they wont have a criminal record. We have let the local sherrifs office know and they are going to be doing an investigation" her mom collapsed screaming Crying for her daughter. She asked if she was awake they said she was resting but we could visit her. We walked in the room and saw her hooked up to these monitors and tubes. They had an officer outside her door. Me and jessica were questioned by the police and we gave our statements. A couple of hours later she still hasn't woken up. "I cant reach her father or cole. I think they're in the field or on an assignment." You can tell she's stressed. "I will send an email to cole telling him to call us asap. Im so sorry" jessica offers and hugs her. I cant bring myself to let go of her hand. Im going to end whoever hurt my princess. Even though I have a gut feeling I will wait for her to wake up and tell me.  Hours gave gone by and its around 7 in the evening when she stirs. She coughs a little and opens her eyes. Her mom immediately hugs her and she croaks asking for water and air. No one knows how to approach the subject. The tension in the room is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I kiss her hand and she looks at me with tear filled eyes. "Dont cry care bear! Were all here for you." That makes her sob harder. The heart monitor she's on starts beeping louder and faster indicating her heart rate speeding up she finally squeaks out "no its not okay. You'll hate me after this, after you find out what happened you'll hate me and I can't handle that." She is talking so low its barely above a whisper but I heard her. Her mom and jessica leave the room allowing her and I the chance to speak. I cup her face and kiss her forehead and she clutches my shirt sobbing. "Please don't leave me..ryan I need you. Im so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen" thats when it hit me. She blames herself for this. She thinks that what that f****d up person did is her fault. I grab both cheeks with my hands and stare her right in the eyes with my most serious face and say "don't. Don't you dare blame yourself. This isn't your fault. I wont leave you and I'm not going anywhere. You are so strong and special. I was going to give you these at school today." I pulled the chocolates out of my bag "I had a Frappuccino, but that kind of melted" i chuckled. She looked at everything then at me. A questioning look on her face. "Caroline I was going to ask you out. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend. I have had a crush on you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I am so sorry i wasn't there to protect you. I can promise it won't ever happen again. Im here now. And even if you say no im still here. So what do you say Caroline?"
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