First Kiss

1173 Words
I gave him a warm smile when someone came over to take our order. “What can I get for you both?” he asked us, as I looked away from Enzo, I realized it was Jude who came to take our order. “My usual please Jude.” “Sorry Evie, I didn’t realize it was you. No a problem. What about you?” He looked at Enzo, whose eyes were on me. “I’ll just have a coffee with milk and a muffin please.” He said, but his eyes never left mine. I looked at Jude and gave him a friendly smile, and he smiled back before he left to go and get our orders. “Seems you do come here often.” He said to me as Jude left, “I told you it’s my favorite please.” I smiled giving him a slight shrug. “So, how was training?” “Ok really, the lads weren’t happy but apart from them moaning like always It was good.” We just sat talking, laughing and getting to know each other more. I told him about me finishing my training to become a nurse and that I was starting next week. He seemed really interested about my nursing course and I told him a few stories about a few of the patients. He told me some stories about when he was deployed. I still couldn’t believe how comfortable I felt around him. “I’m glad you agreed to have a drink with me. I was worried you were going to think I was a crazy person just turning up at your work without any warning.” He said. Every time he spoke to me his eyes never left mine, “You work in an environment where you could get killed or seriously hurt any moment, and you were worried that I was going to think you were crazy for turning up where I work to take me for a drink? I don’t think you’re a crazy person, far from It actually.” We both sat looking at each other smiling. He broke eye contact with me as his phone started ringing. He apologized before he answered. As he was on the phone, I was able to get a proper look at him. I could see a few small scars on his face and neck, but they just seemed to make him look so much better somehow. He had beautiful blue eyes and brown hair that just seemed to fall into place effortlessly. He was extremely handsome, but the way he was just made me believe he had a kind heart. I don’t know what it was about him, but I seemed to feel drawn to him, in a small way, it scared me. But as soon as he looked at me, it all seemed to disappear. “I’m sorry about that, it was my mum asking if we were still going out because I hadn’t gone there yet.” He said to me, snapping me out of my thoughts, as I looked at the time it was half five. “Don’t worry, you had better get going to get ready. I can walk from here. I know a shortcut.” I said, it looked like I had insulted him somehow. “Don’t be silly, I’m going to pay, then I will take you home.” He said as he winked at me and walked over to go and pay. I put my coat on and grabbed my bag. As soon as I stood up, he was standing back next to me. “Are you ready?” He said to me as he held his hand out to me. I took his hand, smiled and nodded at him. We made our way out to the car. He opened the door for me and shut it when I was in and walked round to the driver’s side, then we drove to my house. It didn’t take us long to get here and as he pulled up outside I had hoped it would take us a little longer, so I didn’t have to leave him yet. “Thank you for taking me for a drink and driving me home.” “It was my pleasure. I really enjoyed spending time with you, Evie. You’re an amazing girl. Still on for tomorrow?” “Of course. I have enjoyed spending time with you too, your pretty amazing yourself.” We both sat looking at each other smiling, then we both started leaning into each other. As soon as our lips connected, it felt like everything had faded around us and nothing mattered at that moment. When we stopped, he still had his hand on my face and our foreheads resting on each other’s while we just looked in each other’s eyes. Once we caught our breath, we pulled away from each other, both of us just smiling. Neither of us had to say anything because our faces said it all. I looked away, grabbed my bag. “See you tomorrow?” “Most defiantly, I will text you later, beautiful.” I leaned over, kissed his cheek and climbed out of the car. I slid down the door once I had closed it and ran my fingers over my lips. I have kissed people in the past, but that kiss felt different. I couldn't explain it, it just felt like more. It was like there was a connection between us that I had never felt with anyone else before and I couldn't wait to see where this was going to go. I just knew if things did go further between us, I would end up falling hard for him. My last relationship wasn't the best and didn't end in the best way and I swore to myself I would never fall for anyone again, but with him, it just felt different. I couldn't explain it, but I could tell he would never treat me how my ex had treated me. I was anxious about if things did go further between us, what would happen while he was deployed, but as much as it scared me, it didn't at the same time. I sent a quick text into the group chat with the girls telling them to come round later. I needed to tell them we were best friends for a reason, plus I wanted to gush about him a bit too. I got up from the door and changed into some slightly more comfortable and tidied round. I got some menus out so we could decide what to eat when they got here, because no doubt they would all rush here and end up spending the night. I didn't mind though, because I couldn't wait to tell them about everything that had happened. They really were going to lose their minds. I got the beds made up and sat in the living room just flicking through the channels waiting for the girls to arrive.
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