My Girl

1277 Words
It’s been just over two months since I have been seeing Enzo. I can honestly say they have been the best two months of my life. We have been on numerus dates, he picks me up from the hospital when I finish a shift, and has stayed over a few times. He honestly is amazing. We have really got to know each other. My feelings for him grow more every day and what scares me is that he is getting deployed again soon, and he doesn’t know how long for. But we have decided we both want to give this ago, so I am going to wait for him no matter how long he is gone. So, for now, we are making the most of our time together. Tonight, I was somehow talked into going out with Enzo, the girls and Enzo’s friends as a big group. It’s not the first time we have all been out, but it will be the last night for a while because for the next week all the lads will be training a lot more for when they get deployed. I was snapped from my thoughts when the girls walked into my room, “Come on Eve, the lads will be here in a minute.” Freya said to me. “Okay, I only have to get dressed.” I said back to her while they all sat on my bed as I got dressed. Just as I was putting my shoes on, I heard Enzo and the lads walk through the door and I heard Enzo shout me. I shouted down to him, we were coming. Then we made our way downstairs. All the lads were standing in the kitchen with beers, all talking. They all started whistling as soon as they saw the girls. Of course, the girls loved it. It was always the same with them, they all loved to flirt with each other, “Okay lads, settle down. Ladies, you look beautiful, but where's my girl?” I always got butterflies when he said that, but he always said it. Just as he finished getting past the girls, he walked into the living room. As soon as my eyes met his, I felt myself blush, and I couldn’t help but smile at him. He walked over to me, kissed me and said, “You look breathtaking as always, are you okay?” “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself and yea I’m okay.” Before he could say anything else, everyone had walked into the living room, “Come on love birds, let go already.” Catrice said as she walked past us linking Smurf heading to the door and the rest followed. “Shall we.” Enzo said to me holding his arm out for me to link him, I put my arm through his and we followed the others. As we walked towards the pub where me and Enzo first met, the girls thought why not go there for our last night out together as a group where it all began. I rolled my eyes, but I knew there was no point in trying to talk them out of it, so me and Enzo both just went along with the idea. As we walked to the pub, Enzo and I walked behind the others. “What’s on your mind beautiful?” he asked. “Nothing love, nothing at all.” Bonnie slowed down and left the others and linked Enzo’s other arm and walked with us. “I don’t know how you put up with them lot.” She said to him, and he just shrugged while smiled at her. As we got to the pub, we all walked in, and I knew it was going to be packed, but I didn’t expect it to be as packed as it was. The only thing that was keeping me here was the fact that Enzo was with me and I knew he wouldn’t leave my side. The lads went to the bar and me and the girls somehow found a table we would all fit on. Catrice, Bonnie and Kira went up to go and dance while Freya and I sat talking. “I’m glad you and Enzo are together Evie, I’ve not seen you this happy in such a long time. He’s good for you.” “He’s a good man. I don’t think I have ever been this happy before. I’m glad you got me out that night otherwise I wouldn’t have met him.” We both smiled at each other and hugged. I felt Enzo sitting beside me as Freya and I let each other go. He handed me my drink and put his arm around me. I honestly felt like the luckiest girl alive. Smurf, Rab and Brains joined the girls dancing while me, Enzo, Freya and Fingers sat talking and laughing. As the night went on, everyone was tipsy, well apart from Rab because he didn’t drink. We all sat around the table laughing and talking. The lads did their fair bit of flirting and the girls loved it. In the corner of my eye I saw someone walking towards us and when I got a proper look I realized who it was. My whole body tensed up, and I could feel myself starting to panic. I knew Enzo had felt me tense because I could feel him looking at me, but I couldn’t look at him. As soon as he got to the table, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “Lilly, what are you playing at?” he seethed. I knew he wasn’t fazed by any of the lads or the fact Enzo had his arm around me. “Come on, let’s go now.” He half shouted to me. At this point, I could feel Enzo tense beside me. I could tell everyone had their eyes on him. “Take a hike Nick, I’d leave now while you still can.” Freya said to him as she stood up, the girls following her lead. “Back off and pipe down Freya, this has nothing to do with you.” I don’t know what came over me but at this moment I was done being scared of him. “Don’t you dare speak to her like that, I’m done being scared of you Nick, so leave!” I shouted at him. I knew he was angry at this point, “Just because you're with your friends and a bunch of lads you think you can speak to me like that. You will keep your mouth shut and come with me if you know what’s good for you.” I felt Enzo stand up beside me and the rest of the lads followed and stood up as well. “I don’t know who you are and, honestly, I don’t care, don’t talk to my girl like that. I suggest you leave now, otherwise I’m going to make you.” Enzo said to him as he put his hand in mine. I could feel the anger running through him. Enzo and Nick just glared at each other. I had no idea what to do because I knew the lads would have Enzo’s back even if he didn’t need it and I didn’t want him getting into any trouble because of me. “Leave now Nick, I’m not your property anymore.” His eyes burned into mine when I said that, I let go of Enzo’s hand and stepped towards Nick, I was done being scared of him and I knew he realized this as he looked into my eyes.
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