
Dating A Marine


Evie is forced to go out with her friends one night but what she doesn’t know is that this will be the night that changes her life when she meets a handsome stranger.

Enzo heads out with the boys after getting home from deployment to let some steam off but didn’t expect to meet the most beautiful girl who he becomes infatuated with. What happens when he gets deployed again? Will there be challenges for them to face? What happens when an ex try’s to force their way back in?

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Night Out
“Come on Evie, It’s been agers since you came out with the girls.” I rolled my eyes, Freya wouldn't take no for an answer to going out tonight. “Freya, we literally finish work in five minutes. Can you give it a rest?” She grabs onto my shoulders to make me look at her. “The only way I will stop is if you agree to coming out tonight. It’s not going to kill you just coming out for one night and letting your hair down with the girls.” I looked at her, I knew she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. It has been a while since I have been out, all I do now is work and stay home. “Fine, you win. Can we finish this off before we go?” She shrieked, then hugged me. We finished filling the shelves before our shift ended. After we finished, we made our way to the lockers, grabbed our stuff, then headed to my house to get ready. Freya had texted the girls to come and get ready at mine because I lived closer to the pub. “Freya, I have absolutely nothing to wear.” I said to her as we walked into my street. “Don’t even go there Evie, you have plenty. I will find you something now come on, get a move on.” She says as she links her arm with mine. When we got into the house, we headed straight upstairs. I sat on my bed while Freya went through my wardrobe. Not long after we had got in, the door knocked, then I heard the girls walking up the stairs and walked into my room. “Evie, I’m so glad you’re coming out.” Catrice says as she hugs me. Then Bonnie and Kira come in hugging me as well. While we started to get ready, I realized how much I had missed these girls. Freya gave me a pair of jeans and a top for me to put on, so I started getting dressed. We had a few drinks while we got ready, then we made our way to the pub. We walked down the street laughing and talking. It felt nice to be back with the girls, but I would still rather be back home. I won’t let them know that. “I will get the first-round girls.” Kira shouts to us when we walk into the pub. Freya went with her and Bonnie and Catrice were already dancing away as the music was blasting. It’s fair to say I’m not used to music being so loud. I scan the room to see how many people are there. The place was packed. Kira and Freya walk over to us with the drinks. I was pleased when I tasted my drink. It was only archers and lemonade, and they didn’t get me anything stronger. Freya winked at me when I took a sip of my drink. She must have seen the relief on my face when I realized what it was. As we stood, the girls were giddy and dancing. I already felt really out of place, but I didn’t need a lecture from them, so I put a smile on my face and went along with it. As time went on, and we had a few more drinks, I could feel myself start to relax a bit, probably because the alcohol was kicking in. “Right girls my round, Same again?” I shouted to them, and they all nodded. I made my way to the bar and Bonnie came with me, “It’s good to see you out Eve, you finally look like you're enjoying yourself.” Bonnie said to me as we were waiting to be served. “I think the alcohol is kicking in, but I have to admit I’ve missed you crazy lot.” I said back to her and we both giggled. We got the drinks and made our way back over to the girls and gave them their drinks, and they all shouted thanks to me. As I looked in the corner, that’s when my heart sank. I felt the colour drain from my face. Of all the pubs there was it was just my luck that he was here. Catrice noticed my face dropped and shouted, asking me what was wrong, so I pointed my head in his direction and as she looked, realizing who it was, I could tell she wasn’t happy. She gave me a look as if to say we got your back and I smiled at her while she then told the others. We all smiled at each other and I tried to enjoy the rest of my night. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night with the girls and I knew the girls wouldn’t let him get to me either. An hour passed, and I had had enough, but the girls were having none of it. They had gone on the dance floor after they realized they weren’t going to get me on there, so I stood with their bags and drinks watching them. Everyone here was either drunk or really merry, there was one group of lads that could be heard over the music. As I looked over at them, I felt someone behind me, but before I could turn around to see who it was, a voice said, “They are a noisy bunch aren’t they?” I turned around to see a man standing inches away from me and was surprised because he didn’t look like any of the lads in here. He was well-built, and I have to admit he was good-looking as well. He smiled at me as I stood looking at him. “I suppose that’s just lads when they are all together and drink is involved.” I said to him, then smiled. “I guess you’re right, but you don’t look like you’re having a good time like your friends over there.” I look over at the girls and see them dancing and laughing together, then looked back at him. “Maybe not. But it would seem like you have been watching me to know I’m with that group of girls.” He chuckled at me and said, “I haven’t been watching you. I just saw you with your friends earlier. So that’s how I knew you were with them. I'm Enzo, by the way.” I gave him a puzzled look as he held his hand out to me and just smiled. I shook his hand with a slight smile on my face, he c****d his head to the side as I shook his hand but didn’t say anything. “Okay I get it, how about we go somewhere a bit quieter and talk?” I looked over to the girls, and they were all staring and smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and put my hand up to say I would be five minutes, and they all nodded at me. I turned back to Enzo and said, “Lead the way.” He smiled at me, and we made our way outside to the smoking area. We sat down on one of the benches opposite each other. There were a few people around us smoking, but it was much quieter than inside. I was glad to be out of there and for some fresh air. “Won't your friends wonder where you have gone?” I said to him as he just sat looking at me, “They won’t even notice I’m gone for a while, the lads that were being noisy before I’m with them, I’m afraid.” He says and just shrugs, “Really? I guess I can see that, you all sort of look the same, but you seem a bit more chilled than they do.” He laughed and took a swig of his beer. “I have to be more chilled to deal with them all, but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. They are just blowing off some steam since we have just got back.” I got confused as to what he meant when he said they had just got back, “I don’t follow, got back from where?” He smiled and said, “If I tell you, does that mean I get to know your name?” He gave me a slight smirk.

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