
1289 Words
As I got into work, I heard my phone ping and as I pulled it out of my pocket, looked and saw he had answered me. I made my way to the staff room and sat down to see what he had said. I’m glad you don’t think I’m a stalker. I hope your shift isn’t too bad. I’m just in training with the lads, then I’m taking my mum, dad and sister out for something to eat. Text me when you finish work love, speak to you soon xx I read his message. It was as if my smile just got bigger each time he texted, I started to reply. I hope you work hard in training. There is no rest for you when you're back home :) It’s lovely that you're taking them out. I bet your mum loves it when you're home, doesn’t she? My shift is about to start and no doubt I will have Freya on my back because my smile hasn’t disappeared since last night. I will text you when I finish work. Have a good day lovely xx After I answered him, I put my phone in my bag, then went and put my stuff in my locker. I checked to see where I was, and I was glad to see I was on the till. That meant I could dodge Freya a bit longer. I went down and took Ella off the till, taking over from her. I couldn’t believe how busy we were, so I was hoping the time would go fast. The day seemed to fly, but all I wanted to do was go and see if Enzo had texted me back. I had half an hour left before I finished. The shop had gone quiet, and I knew Freya would come over soon because she had walked past me a few times and gave me a puzzled look. I asked Ella to watch the till while I went and to do a few jobs before I went home. As I was walking down the aisle, Freya came walking down as well. She was walking fast towards me when she saw me. “Okay, spit it out.” She said, giving me a pointed look. I knew what she was going on about, but I just played dumb. “What are you going on about?” Honestly, if looks could kill I would have dropped dead there and then. “Seriously Eve, you know what I’m going on about. That huge grin you have on your face. Come on, were supposed to be best friends.” As she said this, she started to give me her puppy eyes. I hated it when she did that. “Fine I will tell you, do you remember the lad from the pub the other night I was talking to?” I stopped looking at her, and she looked confused. “Well. He came here last night and ended up giving me a ride home, then said he would like to see me again. Don’t ask where I got the courage or what came over me because I don’t know, but I gave him my number and told him I’d like to see him too. Now he has asked me on a date tomorrow and I might have said yes.” I just stood looking at her waiting for her to process what I had said. When it finally kicked into what I had told her, her face dropped. “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” I just laughed at her and shrugged my shoulders. “I have no idea, I’m just as surprised as you are, but I’m glad I did because, in a way, it just felt right giving him my number and saying yes to going out with him.” I smiled at her, and she smiled back. She threw her arms around me, “I’m so happy for you Eve, it’s about time you were smiling again. So, tell me where he is taking you?” “I’m not sure yet. No doubt I will have a text from him when I finish.” Before she could answer me, a customer came up to ask for help. Before she went with the customer, she gave me a 'this isn’t over look' before she walked off. As I finished the jobs I needed to do. I looked at the time my shift had finished ten minutes ago. I went to my locker, grabbed my stuff, put my jacket on and clocked out. I knew if I left without saying another word to Freya I wouldn’t hear the end of it, so I went to go and find her. As I got onto the shop floor I went to get my phone out to see if I had a text from Enzo, but Freya came walking up to me. “Has your shift finished?” “Yea I was just about to come and find you before I went.” She pulled me into a hug and then went down one of the isles. As I said bye to Ella and Emily I checked my phone and there waiting for me was a text from him. I always work and train hard, it’s hard for the lads to keep up most of the time haha. My mum does love me being home. You're right about that. I hope you had a good shift and your friend didn’t pester you too much. Speak to you soon darling xx I finished reading his text as I got outside, but just as I was about to answer him I heard a car beeping. I looked up from my phone and saw him parked up smiling at me. He pulled next to me, put his window down and said, “Surprise.” That’s all he said as he was looking at me with a huge smile on his face. I leaned down and looked into the car at him. “Anyone would think you are stalking me.” I gave him a mischievous smile. “I finished early and thought why not come, surprise you and take you for a coffee after work.” “I thought you were going for food with your mum?” My stomach had butterflies in it as I stood talking to him, “Were not going till half six, and I wanted to see you. So are you getting in?” I gave him a sweet smile as I opened the car door and got in. As he drove to wherever he was taking me, I couldn’t help but smile, just because he wanted to see me before tomorrow. We didn’t drive far before he turned into the car park outside my favorite café. “I thought we could have a drink in here, my sister and I always used to come here.” He said to me as he turned the engine off. “This is my favorite place. It’s like you know stuff about me already.” We both just smiled at each other, then made our way into the café. We walked in and sat at the table. We both just looked at each other and just smiled. “So, what do you fancy?” He asked me while he looked at the menu, I didn’t have to look. I was going to get what I always get when I come here. “I’m just going to get an English tea and a muffin, my usual.” He just looked at me and said, “You must come here a lot then.” “You could say that.”
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