A Ride Home

1287 Words
I looked and saw Enzo in the driver’s seat and fingers in the back. He leaned over and opened the passenger door. “How do I know you’re not going to kidnap me?” I said to him, giving him a playful smile. He gave me a wicked grin and said, “You don’t, I guess you will just have to trust me.” I rolled my eyes at him but got in the car. As I got in I realized it wasn’t just him and fingers, there was another lad in there as well. Enzo must have noticed me looking at the lads, “Were to?” He asked, “Sutton drive please.” He gave me a slight nod and pulled out, “Those two idiots are Fingers and Rab, they look a bit strange, but their alright.” Enzo said with a big grin on his face, I just giggled. “Hey, speak for yourself. Fingers is the strange one, not me.” Rab said, but just as he finished,. Fingers gave him a quick dig in the arm. “Knock it off you two, Or you can both walk.” Enzo said and they both stopped. I couldn’t help but giggle. I turned to look at them both. “It’s nice to meet you both sober, I’m Evie.” I said to them and smiled, “It's lovely to finally meet you properly, boss man hasn’t shut up about you has he Rab.” “Yea and I wasn’t drunk at the pub, I don’t drink.” Rab said, then they both smiled at me then I looked at Enzo. “Don’t listen to them idiots, they like to chat s**t to amuse their little brains.” He looked over to me and winked. I couldn’t help but laugh. Just by being in the car, I could tell just how close they were. I didn’t take long to get to my street. I told him which one was mine, and he pulled up outside. I un-done my belt, turned and looked at Enzo. “Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it, and it was nice to meet you two as well.” As I opened the door and climbed out of the car, I heard another door open. I looked up and I saw Enzo jump out and walk round to me. I gave him a puzzled look, and he said, “Just making sure you get in ok.” I rolled my eyes and walked to the front door, then turned to look at him. “Thank you again.” “It was my pleasure, can I ask you something?” He said. It made me curious. “Go ahead.” He stood looking at me for a moment, then took a deep breath. “I know we have only met twice, but I’m getting deployed again in three months, but I would really like to see you again.” He just looked at me and I got a really warm feeling inside. Instead of answering him straight away, I looked in my bag for a pen. When I found one, I got his hand and wrote my number on his hand. “I would like to see you again too.” I gave him a swift kiss on the cheek and made my way inside without saying another word to him. I don’t know what came over me because I would never have done that before, but with him, it just felt right as if I had known him forever. I stood by my front door just feeling really giddy. It had been a long time since I felt like this and I just welcomed the feeling. I couldn’t stop smiling when I moved from the door and grabbed something quick to eat, then went and got into bed. As I climbed into bed, I checked my phone and there was a text waiting from him. I’m glad you want to see me again. You don’t understand how nervous I was waiting for you to answer. I will let you get some sleep and I will text you tomorrow. Sweet dream beautiful. Enzo xx I felt as if I was going to burst. I just held my phone to my chest while smiling like a Cheshire cat. I put my phone on the side and snuggled into bed and drifted off to sleep. The light started to beam through the window as I opened my eyes. I still felt giddy from last night and still had a smile on my face. I looked at the time, it was only half ten, and I wasn’t in work till twelve. I leaned over and grabbed my phone to answer Enzo's text from last night and there waiting for me was another one of him. Good morning beautiful, so I was thinking, I think we should go on a date. What do you think? Let me know what day you are free. I have had the lads taking the piss because I can’t get this smile off mine :) Text me back soon, Enzo xx” I got butterflies reading that he couldn’t stop smiling as well. My smile just seemed to get bigger. I couldn’t believe I had another text from him this morning to wake up to. He most definitely isn’t like any other guy and that just made it so much better. I sat up and was thinking of what to reply to him, then started to write back, Good morning, I didn’t expect to have another text from you this morning, but it’s safe to say it was lovely waking up to it. I would love to go on a date with you. I’m free after today for the weekend and haven’t got any plans as of yet. I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t stop smiling :) I haven’t smiled like this in such a long time. Speak to you soon, Lilly xx I got out of bed after I sent the text back and went and got a quick shower. Once I got out of the shower, I went and started to get ready for work. I dried myself off, put my work clothes on and put my hair in a high pony. I had no energy to try and do anything with it today. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs grabbing something to eat. I just got a breakfast bar, then grabbed my shoes ready to put on once I had eaten. Once I had finished, I put my shoes on, grabbed my coat and bag, then made my way to work. I checked the time on my phone and saw Enzo had replied not long after I had sent my text back to him. I hope you slept well. What about tomorrow? I will pick you up about half four if that’s good for you? I’m glad you liked the text this morning. I didn’t want to sound like a stalker. Haha, pleased I am the one making you smile. You should always be smiling because you have an amazing smile. Are you up too much today? xx I opened the text and giggled and replied, “Tomorrow is good for me. I slept very well thank you. Don’t worry, I don’t think you are a stalker, I’m just on my way to work, but I’m only in for four hours, so not much really, are you? Xx” I sent the text and put my phone in my pocket as I was nearly at work. I knew I was going to have Freya hounding me because I couldn’t stop smiling.
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