We Meet Again

1307 Words
“I guess so, I mean it’s only fair, isn’t it.” I gave him a slight smirk back, waiting for him to answer. He looked at me for a minute, took another swig of his beer and said, “We have just got back from a deployment in Syria, we are in the marines.” He just sat there after he said that. It took me by surprise at first because I wasn’t expecting him to say that, but the way he said it he said it with such pride in his voice, “Wow, I didn’t think you were going to say that. I'm Evie.” “Well, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, it’s nice to meet you Evie.” We both smiled at each other. I don’t know how long we sat talking, but it felt nice. We talked about the marines, our friends, all sorts of different things. I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with him. All of a sudden, we heard a load of lads coming outside and that’s when I realized it was his friends coming to look for him. They started to look around and as soon as they saw us they came charging over. “I’m going to apologize now for anything they say.” He said to me just before they got to us, “So this is where you have been hiding, Boss man, ditched us for a girl, ay.” One of them said. “Come on though, brains can you blame him she’s gorgeous, what’s your name doll?” Another said to me as he sat next to me. I gave Enzo a quick smirk, then saw the girls coming outside. I was glad because I now needed a quick get away, “That’s something you don’t need to know darling, It was nice to meet you Enzo.” As I got up, he got up as well and stood in front of me, “Hey, can I at least have your number?” He asked me, “Not this time.” I said to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before I made my way over to the girls. I could hear the lads all taking the piss laughing, saying stuff to Enzo because I didn’t give him my number. I just smiled and felt a bit giddy. The girls were ready to go so we made our way back to my house, but they wouldn’t stop asking me about Enzo and asking if I got his number and about him. I didn’t tell them much apart from that he was a marine and his name. I just couldn’t help but smile and re-run our conversation over in my head. I had a feeling that wasn’t going to be the last time I saw him. ~~~~~~~~ It’s been over a week since I went out with the girls and met Enzo and I still couldn’t get him out of my mind. I was working the late shift and time just seemed to be dragging, it was only me and another girl in the shop. Everyone else had gone home, it just seemed like time was dragging. I was sorting one of the shelves out when I heard someone walking up behind me and that’s when I heard his voice, “Excuse me miss.” I knew that voice straight away, I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was, I turned round and smiled at him and said, “How can I help?” He looked shocked when he realized who I was. “Well, I wasn’t expecting to see you this soon.” He said to me, he seemed happy when he looked at me. “I know, what do you need?” I said to him then saw one of his friends come around the corner and walk towards us, “Boss man you nearly done?” Enzo rolled his eyes when he heard him, “I’m not your boss when were home fingers and yes I’m nearly done.” “Hey, aren’t you the girl from the bar the other night?” He says as he looks at me. I looked at him, then back at Enzo. He gave me a look as if to say I’m sorry. “Yes, that’s me. Now are you going to tell me what you need, or can I get back to work?” I smiled at them as they both stared at me, then Enzo just smiled, “Damn I like her, she's not scared to say anything arsey.” I chuckled at what he said while he nudged Enzo. “Fingers will you just shut the hell up and go wait outside you idiot.” Enzo said to him. He held his hands up, looked at me, winked, then walked away. “I’m sorry about that fool, now where were we?” “You were about to tell me what you needed.” I said to him and tilted my head slightly. “So eager to get rid of me, I’m hurt.” He said as he put him hand over his heart, I just giggled at him. “Okay all jokes aside I need these.” He handed me a piece of paper with a list of things on it, everything was crossed off apart from shower gel and shaving gel. “These are just on the next isle." We walked in silence but in a way neither of us had to say anything. As we got to where the shower gel and shaving gel were, I showed him what we had. He picked the ones he wanted, then we made our way to the till. I checked my watch, we had a few minutes before we shut, so when we got to the till, I told Emily to go and get her stuff and that she could go. I logged onto the till and started to put Enzo’s stuff through, I could feel him looking at me. “Okay, that’s £6.89 please.” I smiled at him, and he put his card in the machine. Just as the payment was going through, Emily walked past and said, “Bye Evie, see you tomorrow,” “Bye Em, thanks for tonight, see you tomorrow.” I gave him his receipt. “Thank you, so what time do you finish?” “We are closing now so I just need to put the till in the office grab my stuff then lock up.” “Do you need a ride home?” He asked me. It felt strange because this was only the second time we had met, and he was offering me a lift home. A part of me wanted to say yes to be with him that bit longer, but I knew I was going to say no. “Thank you, but no thank you, I only live down the road I can walk.” I smiled at him. “Well I’m not taking no for an answer, you don’t know who’s about at this time, I’ll wait outside for you.” He said to me smiled then walked out the shop. I had no idea if he was serious or not. I checked the time, and it was a few minutes past nine, so I went and locked the doors. I took the till off and put it in the office, then grabbed my stuff. I turned all the lights off upstairs and once everything was done I set the alarm and put the shutters down. Just as I was about to start walking home, I heard a car pull up beside me, “I told you I wasn’t taking no for an answer, so are you getting in?”
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