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{Willow’s POV} I sat up in the bed on my own this time. It had only been a day. I felt much stronger, and for some reason all of my senses felt heightened. “Dad, when can I leave? I hate hospitals, you know that I’ve been in and out of them for years? I actually feels better than I have in such a long time, I want to go outside, I need fresh air!” I said pushing my legs over the side of the bed and attempting to stand up. I fell flat on my stomach as soon as my feet touched the ground. “Willow, I know you feel better honey, but you have to get more rest, you’ll feel even better by tomorrow and maybe by then you can walk.” My father said picking me up off the ground and sitting me upright in the recliner next to the window. He opened the window up, so I could get some much needed fresh air, then he turned to the door. “I’ll go grab us something to eat, there’s a little pub down the road that makes the best burgers, you want one?” He said. “A burger sounds great! Thanks dad.” I said turning my attention back to the window. I suddenly remembered something, “Wait! Could you grab my sketchbook and pencil out of my bag please? I just want to draw while I wait.” I asked pointing to my purse. “Sure thing sweetie!” He said walking over and grabbing the sketchbook out along with my pencil and bringing it over to me. He also grabbed the call button and my phone and sat them on the table beside me. “If you need anything call the nurse or me, I’ll be back in just a few minutes.” He said turning walking out of the room. I relaxed into the chair, and grabbed the blanket from behind me, I placed it on my lap and opened up my sketchbook. Suddenly, a person overtook my vision, it was strange, I’d never seen him before, but his features were beautiful. This vision came and went, and all I could do was capture it in a sketch. It was almost like a dream sequence, perhaps it was a dream, someone as beautiful as him could only exist in a dream. He had long, raven black hair, amber colored eyes, he was tall, tan, and muscular. He was easily the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. I began sketching out his features, and soon it was a lovely photo of him holding a cherry blossom in his hand. I heard a knock on the door, and dad walked back in moving the call button and my phone over to the side, as he laid out a burger and some fries, and a chocolate milkshake. “Here you go Willow.” He said looking over to my sketchbook. “Will, where did you see this man? How do you know him?” He asked frantically. “I’m not sure, I saw him in what felt like a dream. It was like a vision, he just appeared standing next to a cherry tree that was in bloom. He was just there in my mind. He’s beautiful isn’t he?” I asked looking to his face. It looked like he was in shock. “Y-Yes. Now go on and eat your burger. I’ll be right back. Just gotta go talk to the doctor for a moment.” He said speedily walking out of the room. Once I was content with the drawing, I sat down my sketchbook and began eating. Dad was right, these are the best burgers I’ve ever had! {William’s POV} I ran quickly to Doctor Julius’ office and busted open the door, unsurprisingly Beta Jackson was here again. “Julius. We need to talk!” I said slamming the door shut behind me. “What’s wrong? Is Willow okay?” He asked starting to get up. “Willow still can’t stand, or walk, she can sit up in the bed on her own now, but that’s it. That isn’t the issue though!” I said quickly. “Then what is the issue?” He said sitting back down in his chair. “Willow had a vision.” I said quickly and quietly. “WHAT? So she’s an alpha female, and she has visions?” He said jumping back up out of his chair. “That’s not the biggest problem yet.” I said. “What do you mean? How can an alpha female that has visions not be the biggest issue?” He asked looking to me for answers. I look over to Jackson, “Now listen, what I’m about to say may be bad, but I don’t know if we should tell the King.” “Not tell the king? Are you kidding? You know how he is, he’ll find out one way or another!” He yelled back. “Ugh! She had a vision about the King!” I blurted out. “WHAT?” They both yelled in unison. “And she said, he’s beautiful.” I finished. “What does that mean? What does it mean to have visions of someone. Don’t the wolves who have visions normally tell future events?” Jackson asked. “Well, most that we know of do.” Julius answered. “I’m more concerned with your daughters fascination with the king than anything else.” He finished looking to me. I nodded, completely agreeing with him. The king can be irrational, and cruel at times. That’s why he is feared throughout all of the kingdom. My daughter having visions of him can’t be a good thing. “I’ll go talk to her, see if she can tell me anything else about these visions.” I said walking out. I walked back into the hallway and leaned back against the wall. This wasn’t good at all. I think I’ve made a mistake bringing her here, but they wouldn’t let her leave even if I asked them too. {Willow’s POV} I quickly scarfed down my burger and fries, and started drinking my shake. The man’s image still burned in my brain as my dad walked back into the room. “Hey dad, everything okay?” “What? Oh, yeah honey, everything’s fine. Just wanted to ask the doctor when he thinks you’ll be strong enough to walk again. He thinks soon, just have to wait it out. I guess you’ll probably start physical therapy later today.” He answered awkwardly fumbling over his words before sitting down across from me and eating his burger. I sipped on my shake and stared out the window, I decided to draw the trees outside. It was beautiful today, and the cool breeze felt great blowing through my hair. Dad finished his food and threw it away and went back to talk to the doctor already. I finished drawing the trees then heard a knock at the door. “Hey Willow.” Jackson, dad and Julius came in and he wanted to check me out. I went to stand and fell back into the floor. “Sh**!” I yelped as I hit the floor hard. I started to pull myself up when suddenly strong arms surrounded me, and lifted me to the edge of the bed. I turned to see Jackson as he smiled and scooted me back a little further. “Be more careful.” He said sternly before walking back to where dad and Julius were. Julius walked forward and pulled his stethoscope from around his neck and checked my heart and my lungs. “Okay, you sound good, could you try to move your toes for me?” He asked. I struggled and couldn’t move any of them, but I could barely move my legs at all. “Is there a reason I can’t walk?” I asked worriedly. “Well, the birth control you were taking was dangerous for someone like you. It has been in your system so long that cutting it off like this has messed with your bodies basic functions. Also, you’re still very weak from everything that happened yesterday. You died, don’t forget that.” He said, reminding me that I could have not been brought back, and I got lucky. “I think once it clears your systems your body will function properly again. It may take some time, but tomorrow we’ll start physical therapy.” He said before turning and walking out of the room, he popped his head back in and added, “I’ll be sending some people in to get some more blood work soon. Rest for now!” He finished and left the room. Dad and Jackson stood at the door, “Well, I better get back to Alister, he’ll be expecting me.” Jackson said before leaving. This comment made dad look so nervous, I didn’t really understand. “Dad? Are you okay?” I asked. Little did I know, that question would be the first of many.
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