The Dream

1454 Words
{Jackson’s POV} I got nervous as I walked to the door, now knowing that Willow was an alpha female, and she has visions, especially about Alister, is worrisome. I raised my fist to knock, but before I got the chance Alister ran out of his office and flung me to the ground. He was smelling the air heavily. “Why do you smell like my mate?” He asked me looking into my eyes, which for the first time in a while were completely shocked. “I don’t know, maybe it was someone at the hospital. I did bump into a couple people today.” I said scratching my head before realization dawned on me. I picked up Willow, sh** this isn’t good! “I need to go to the hospital!” He said getting up and practically running for the front door. “Wait Alister! I need to go over what happened with William’s daughter today!” I yelled and chased after him. He paused, his steps coming to a halt. “What happened?” He asked. “Today, she is feeling better, but she attempted to stand, and fell to the floor, she is too weak because of the medicines she was on. She also.” “Also what Jackson?” He asked trying to get me to finish faster. “She had a vision.” I answered. “A vision? So she’s an alpha female and she has visions? What the he**?” He said turning towards the door. “Where are you going Alister?” I asked him following after him. “To the hospital of course! I have to try to see which person there is my mate!” He yelled running out of the pack house. “Damm**, what have I done?” I asked myself following him out. {Willow’s POV} A nurse came to help me take a bath, I felt disgusting, my hair was a matted mess, and after my bath I felt so much better, they took off my bandages and my arm and leg were almost healed. I couldn’t believe how fast I was healing, must be something they did here. After my bandages were replaced they gave me some clean clothes, a thick, white crochet turtleneck, and some stretchy, black leggings, they even gave me some white socks, the nurse said that my feet were cold, I couldn’t tell. After she left I tied my hair up into a braid that went all the way down my back, with some wavy strands left out at the front and sides. It looked pretty, my pale skin looked even more pale here under the hospital lights. I got covered back up and laid down for a bit before deciding I wanted to go back to the chair to draw. I slowly pushed my legs over to the side of the bed and used the table to hold myself up. {Alister’s POV} “Where are you even going?” Jackson yelled from behind me as I ran in. I could smell her here. Her scent was beautiful, she smelled of honeysuckle and morning dew. They scent driving me crazy. I ran through the doors to the stairwell and up to the third floor. She was there, I just knew it. I followed her scent down a hallway and saw Julius and William talking in front of a door before walking away. She was in there. I knew she was, I could sense her, smell her! I started to bolt for the door, then Jackson grabbed me from behind. “Wait, not there, it can’t be!” He said. I dragged us up to the door. “What do you mean Jackson? Whose in there?” I asked. Just then we heard a clatter come from inside the room. {Willow’s POV} I stood to my feet, I was holding myself up on the table, and just then did I realize how weak I really was right now. I heard dad and Julius outside the door, but their voices slowly went away. I tried to walk, but my legs wouldn’t move, I struggled holding myself up, when I heard another commotion outside, I smelled the most amazing scent. It was like fresh brewed coffee. I struggled some more before realizing I didn’t lock the table legs, they rolled away causing me to fall to the floor. “Damm**!” I yelled before trying to push myself up. Before I knew what was happening Jackson burst through the door, along with the man from my dream. He was even more beautiful in person. I started pushing myself upright. When I looked at my arm where I was bitten before, I could see blood coming through the bandages. “Sh**!” Jackson said as he ran towards me. Suddenly he was pulled back by the handsome man. “I got this, go get Julius, tell him to get in here, now!” He said sternly, Jackson was hesitant but left. The handsome man walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He lifted me up as if I were weightless. He was so tall, easily the tallest person I’ve ever seen. “I-I’m sorry, I just wanted to get to the chair.” I stuttered out. My sketchbook was laid open to the page of his drawing, this was embarrassing! “It’s okay little dove, let me help you.” He said softly and calmly lifting me back up onto the bed, he began to unravel the bandages. “Let’s have a look at the damage.” He pulled the bandages off and could see that some of the stitches popped. “This will have to be sewed back up dove.” He said as dad, Julius, and Jackson ran in quickly. “I told you to rest!” Julius snapped at me. “I know, I know! I just wanted to go to the chair. I’m sorry.” I said quietly and dipped my head down. Then the handsome man reached his hand out and lightly caressed my cheek. He pulled my face up towards his. “It’s okay little dove, just be careful next time.” He said smiling at me. I couldn’t help the blush that crept across my face as I nervously looked away. “Okay..” I answered looking back to my sketchbook, making me blush more. “William, we need to discuss some things.” The handsome man said. “Okay, yeah, I think that may be best Alister.” Dad replied. So Alister was his name, such a beautiful name to match him. He was so gorgeous, his eyes burned with a fire I wish I could grasp! They walked out of the room as Julius grabbed some medical supplies and began stitching me back up. “Listen, we just want to make sure you’re okay. Okay?” Julius said. “I’m sorry, I thought if I could just try again, that I’d make it this time. I’ll rest for the rest of the night.” I said looking at the door. “Don’t worry about them, they’ll be back in to check on you, I’m sure of it.” He said before finishing off the last stitch and wrapping my arm back up. “Now rest!” He said throwing out all of the bloody rags and the needle. I nodded and laid back in the bed. It was so comfortable I couldn’t help but fall asleep. {Alister’s POV} “What was that Alister?” William shouted! “Are you forgetting who you’re speaking to William, I am the King, and though I allow you to address me as my name in there, does not mean I’ll allow it in private.” I said coldly. “Of course, sorry your highness. What we’re you doing with my daughter?” He asked hatefully. “William, I think you know what I’m going to say. It’s just as shocking to me! Did you think I came here expecting her to be my mate? No, of course no! But she is, and I’m not letting her go anywhere!” I stated plainly. “My daughter doesn’t know anything about this world! She doesn’t even know what a mate is, or why she would have one!” He yelled. “Your daughter will learn William, she is mine! I’m not losing her. Are we clear?” I asked. “Yes, your majesty.” He answered before walking away angrily. “Alister, are you sure?” Jackson asked me. “Of course I’m sure, how could I not be?” I asked angrily before walking back toward her room. I needed to see her.
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