The Beta

1374 Words
{Willow’s POV} “Girl” I heard shouted, just as I was beginning to wake up, and give this jacka** a piece of my mind, I heard my fathers voice. “Willow! She won’t respond well to being called girl!” He said harshly criticizing the man from before. “Willow.” The man said in a softer tone. “Wake up, I need to ask you some questions.” He continued. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, my eyes landing on an older looking man. He had grey hair peeking through his black shaggy hair. It looked as if he’d been running his hands through it. He looked disheveled and uncomfortable every time he looked at me. He stood easily at 6’2 he was huge! I sat up slowly, fumbling on my arms as they felt weak and flopping back on my back. What was strange is both men in the room jerked their arms up to try to catch me in response. “Sorry, I just still feel a little off.” I said adjusting myself to be more comfortable. “Here honey.” My dad said walking over and helping me sit up placing a pillow behind my back. “Thanks dad,” I said then turned my attention to the other man in the room. “You said you had questions for me?” I asked. “Yes.” He said his voice deep and slightly unnerving. “So, your father had requested this visit, and we knew you were coming. What we didn’t know was that there was an attack outside the gate. What exactly happened?” He asked striding over to the chair next to my bed and sitting down, pulling out a note pad and a pen. “Well, I was driving here following the map that dad had sent me. When I saw a large animal in the road. I slammed on my breaks and got out of my car. I was unsure of what to do, but I felt bad for the poor thing. Then I noticed it was still alive. I was about to go back to my car, when another wolf appeared and lunged at me. I put up my arms to try to keep it away, and it bit my arm. It tore off a chunk of my skin on my arm, and I got up to run away. The wolf ran after me and bit my leg, I fell down and saw more wolves coming out of the brush, then I passed out.” I recounted the event and shuttered remembering. My arm and leg still hurt, but not as badly as it did. I guess it was the pain medication they were giving me in the iv. I noticed the first time I woke up that I had a blood bag hooked up to me. “Okay.” The man said standing. “The wolves that attacked you are taken care of. I will come back if I have any follow up questions.” He said before walking out and motioning to my father to follow him out. I laid back and tried to rest more. My arm was itching and burning, so I could barely rest at all. {William’s POV} “So.” Jackson started, turning to me once we were back in Dr. Julius’ office. “I know that she is an alpha. Which means, you have alpha blood, but what I don’t understand is how Marie had alpha blood? Wasn’t she a human? She never smelled like a wolf or anything really.” He continued looking over my face. “I’m not sure. She had to be human, that’s the only thing I could ever smell was a human scent. Her being an alpha, what does that mean for her? There aren’t many alpha females? Is she even safe?” I asked looking at Jackson worry evident in my face. “I’m not sure, but you know I have to report my findings to him. Who knows if she’ll be safe once he finds out.” He said looking down. I knew who he was speaking off. The king Alister. He could be power hungry, and crazy at times. Who knew what he would do once he found out about Willow. “Do you have to tell him everything?” I asked already knowing the answer. He nodded sadly before saying,” You know I have to, but I’ll also report that she is no threat to him, or our pack. Hopefully he’ll understand that and there won’t be any problems.” He turned and walked out of the office and straight out of the hospital. This was truly a nightmare, the king was kind and just to those in his pack, but to anyone that could pose a threat to us, he was ruthless and monstrous. My poor daughter, what had I done bringing her here? {Jackson’s POV} I walked slowly into the castle, and straight to Alister’s office. I knew he’d be busy at this time of day, and normally I wouldn’t dream of disturbing him, but this was important. I just hope his temper won’t get the better of him. I knocked on the door, only to hear him cursing. “What do you want?” He yelled out loudly. “I got the reports from William’s daughter.” I said. “Who?” He asked. Honestly he pis*** me off sometimes. He’s the one who said it was important that we find out what happened. “The girl who got attacked at our border, the one you sent me to get a report for earlier.” I said gaining more irritated by the second. Suddenly with concern in his voice Alister say. “Come in. Sorry I’ve been a bit busy, I had almost forgotten about that.” He was going through folders on his desk, and his hair was disheveled as if he’d been running his hands through it. “So, what happened?” He said looking up from his desk. “Well, apparently when she was coming into the territory a wolf was laying in the road, she got out of the car to attempt to help it, when she was attacked by another wolf. They tore off a chunk of her arm, and her leg was injured. At the hospital.” I paused not wanting to say what came next. “At the hospital?” He asked, I could hear the irritation in his voice. “At the hospital she needed a blood transfusion, she almost bled out in the woods. Doctor Julius found something in her blood that worried him. Apparently she is an alpha female.” I said. “What?!” He yelled. “There hasn’t been an alpha female in centuries! What the he** does that mean?!” He continued screaming out in anger. “That’s not all.” I continued pulling his gaze back to me. “While at the hospital she took a pill, and it caused her to flatline.” I said. “So she’s dead?” He asked worriedly. “No, the hospital staff brought her back. When she woke up, we found that she had a large amount of wolf suppressant in her system, Enough to kill even me. When questioned about it, she said she was on birth control that her mother had put her on. We tested it and it did have a large, lethal amount of wolf suppressant in it. She’s been taking it for a while now, so we’re not sure how she survived.” I finished. He looked intense, like he was angry, and couldn’t find the words to say. He sat back in his chair grumbling to himself before saying,” When she is well enough for travel, bring her to the castle. I need to speak with her immediately and ask some questions of my own.” “Yes, your highness.” I said backing out of the room and running my hands through my hair. I just hope he won’t hurt her, she’s been through enough. I thought to myself as I fixed my shirt and walked back toward the hospital.
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