Chapter 10

2020 Words
This f*****g sucks,  how was I suppose to concentrate on the job with her here. s**t her in my t-shirt this morning nearly had me bending her over the counter. Since when did she have a tattoo aswell, it occurs to me that's she's probably changed alot too. The girl I did know inside and out , wasn't entirely there anymore. My feeling where getting the better of me and I couldn't let them. I've seen how these men treat there women , I've seen guys that are a but gentler too. Some that don't share , I could pass as a non sharer but that would upset Jase. He liked to f**k in groups , me to lead that group. He was also my in , the person who's closest to me. The one that would pick up on the slightest change or if anything seemed amiss. Then there was Quinton , I'm sure my apartment was bugged. Even jamming a signal last night was risky , my ex girl shows up and all of a sudden we go silent. He wouldn't know she's here yet , I'd tried to keep quite before I blocked the signals. Hopefully any noise heard would just be something falling down or off something. Walking out the shitty apartment that dosent even have more than one piece of each cutlery. We head down the hall and the steps , I planned to get out of here. But now I needed to get out quicker , I couldn't let her stay there. I didn't mind the s**t hole , but I wouldn't let her stay there. Rupaul had apartments he rented to members , I'll ask Jase how I get one when I see him later. Once we get outside , the same junkies are still around the fire from last night. One look at who it is they look away " hey" I shout to them. One looks up in our direction " Watch my bike today , that gets stolen its on you guys ". I point to my bike that's chained up, it wouldn't get pinched anyway but I needed them kind of onside be that through fear or p*****t. " if its still there I'll fetch you guys a bag " all there heads snap up now. Willing and eager , inside I sneer at them. They'd never truly be loyal highest bidder will always win them out. Turning I hold my hand out to Alissia , she looks at it like it's about to bite her for a split second. Then she walks closer grabbing hold like it's natural,  her smile sweet as pie as she looks up at me. " I have a car " I say and walk her down the street to the houses that have a garage underneath them. These was the posh houses of this neighborhood and even these where run down and rotting. Rounding the corner , I approach a little old lady who's sat in her rocking chair on the porch. A glass of lemonade and a blanket wrapped around her legs , knitting needles in hand. She looks up at us her smile widening " Ryder " she says cheerfully and I smile up at her. " Gina how are you today " she rolls her eyes. " One step closer to death young man , who's that pretty thing on your arm". She's eyeing Alissia with interest " This is Cora , she's from back home my pain in the arse on and off girl ". Gina laughs " hey now you men are just as bad , my John ohhhh he knew how to press my buttons same with me him. We had a very fiery relationship ". She sighs like she's remembering a good time , I'd met her when I was walking the neighbourhood. Getting a lay of the land , two young thugs was giving her grief and she was ready to stick her knitting needles in there necks. I'd scared them off and she'd eyed me then smiled , the next thing I knew I had lemonade and a piece of brownie sat in her porch listening to her story. Her and her husband had moved here before it became a rough neighbourhood. She said there was trouble but her John he was a force to be recognised. He'd been a sergeant for the cops his whole life , when the trouble started coming to the area. People left them alone through the look of John alone, I'd asked why she hadn't left. She'd looked at me her eyes really studying me " You've known love and loss haven't you young man " I'd nodded in response. " Then you'll understand this is my connection to the person that was the centre of my universe,  I'll die here just like he did " I'd understood that. So I spent more time of this porch,  letting people see she had a new protector. " Is this the one I was talking about ?" She asks me , I look back at Alissia she looks confused. " yea Gina it is , I've come for my car. Have you been taking good care of her " I ask changing the subject. I didn't want Alissia to know I'd spoke to Gina in great detail about her obviously a short version without a name , just my girl. It's a good job I did , hell I never saw Alissiarunning to my aid . Mum tells me she passed her classes with the highest grades, I didn't want her to start shrinking me. Gina eyes me knowingly,  but she seems to be letting me get away with it. " of course I have, nobody dare to try Rob my s**t anymore. Now a big brute like you is present on this porch again. Even when my John got old , he kept a shot gun at his side. He was always my protector until the very end ". She says as she slowly climbs down the steps. I go forward and help her the last few , she tries to shoo me away. But one hard stern look has her quietened,  she rolls her eyes at me but she stops protesting. When we are stood infront of the garage she reaches in her pocket and hands me a remote. I press for it to open and there my baby is a super up 1964 pontiac GTO muscle car. I'd changed the plates the colour , Abram had made a whole new car purchased history for me he knew how much this car meant to me knew I wouldn't be leaving her behind and fetched it from Russis with me. This had been my hobby and down time when I wasn't training. " would you look at the love in his eye's Miss Gina , I'd say there was more love there for that car than me." Alissia laughs , Gina laughs too " Yea my John would have looked at that car the same way too , boys and there toys ". Leaning down I kiss her cheek and hand the remote back , when I'd got to know her I'd asked if she would store my car here. I'd been renting a garage across town for her. " Thanks Gina , I'll be fetching her back later " I nod my head at Alissia to get in. " Nice to meet you Miss Gina " I think Gina falls in love with Alissia without actually even talking to her much. " good bye dear keep our boy here safe won't you ". Alissia nods her head and heads off into the garage getting into the car. " You keep her out of all that trouble you mix with young man " she looks up at me with stern eyes ." I'll try but she searches out trouble herself " Gina smiles at me and turns around heading back to her chair. Getting behind the wheel , I feel my body buzz with anticipation. No matter how many times I drive her she makes me nervous. " Wow you really do love this cat don't you ?" Alissia laughs. Starting the engine , I close my eyes at the roar as she comes to life. " This car I rebuilt from scratch , I focused all my negative feelings for five years into creating something beautiful. This car saved me , from f*****g it all off. f*****g off training , our family , our business. She kept me sane ". Alissia goes quiet and I realise I've just massively over shared. I know what she's thinking and she isn't wrong,  I pit all my headache into this. When I missed her I'd work on this , when I couldn't sleep because she wasn't there I'd work on this, when I felt lonely or needed my bestfirend to talk to. After every text or attempted phone call this car distracted me. Clearing my throat I pull the car out the garage " What motel you at ?". She seems to struggle to talk she clears her throat too , a couple of time. Like there was something lodged there " Motel Sunrise , just off the highways " she says hoarsely like she'd been shouting all night. I drive us there in silence,  the ride not seeming as enjoyable as normal . When we reach it she climbs out without the car fully stopping. I park and watch as she walks up the steps to and upstairs room. I could just stay here , avoid the can of worms I just opened up. Let her get changed and collect her s**t. But I find myself climbing out , following behind her. When I open the door she's doing what I expect her to be doing she's sat on the bed holding her face in her hands and she's crying. I shouldn't feel guilt that I'd made her cry , she was the one that broke my heart in two. She's the guilty party here , steeping in I close the door. She looks up at me and I see my Issy , the girl who came to me when a boy had pulled her ponytails or no girls wanted to play with her , because of who she is. They was all just jealous she's was beautiful inside and out , more beautiful then they would ever be. This room would be a safe place , a place we could be Alissia and Carter before we have to fully become our disguises again. But just to be safe I reach into the inside pocket of my jacket and pull pit my fake phone that is a phone but has an app that can jam signals Abram had designed it .Shit I f*****g hated she made me feel this way , I didn't want to give her an easy out. Let her apologise and I be cool again with her , I'd never be the puppy she once had don't get me. Ryder was very much just me , but doing it for someone else. Going over to the table I pull out a chair and take a seat. " You broke my f*****g heart Alissia , you tore it out. I had anxiety attacks on a night for months , I wasn't used to sleeping on myself. s**t I wasn't even used to functioning for just myself. I didn't know me without you , I had to learn who I was again. Since the age of 4 since I can remember I did everything with you in mind. So who was Carter without Alissia, f**k if I knew. It made me unstable like a piece was gone. Let me ask you Alissia,  how as a shrink would you advice a client that was Co dependent on another person when that person ups and leaves like you mean nothing , how would you advise them to get over it ?". 
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