Our Story Part 9

4304 Words
It had started out like any ordinary day. I had left my house. Beth had stayed out the previous night, so it was only me in the house. Just as I was about to get on my bike, I heard the voice of the last person on Earth I wanted to see "It's been a while, beautiful." Simply the sound of his voice had caused me to shiver. "Jacob PenaVega," I said venomously. "Come now Beautiful, what's with that tone? Didn't you miss me?" he asked with a cocky smile. "When did you get back to town?" "Last night, what? Did you miss me?" he asked, brushing my hair back and caressing the side of my face. The simple act of his hand touching me had caused my skin to crawl. "I'm sure d**k missed you enough for the both of us," I said, moving his hand. "Yeah, d**k threw a welcome home party and everything. But I couldn't help but notice that my little spitfire wasn't there." "Yeah don't call me that," I said. "Why weren't you there, darling?" he asked, causing me to shiver in disgust again. "Sorry, but I had better things to do," I said. "Like what?" "School, you should try it sometime," I said, walking past him. "Sorry, not really my scene." "Obviously," I said. "So I've been wondering why you haven't been to the house. Our friends say they missed you," he said. "Sorry, but I don't know what friends you're referring to. I don't hang out with lowlifes," I said getting on the bike "Lowlife?" he asked "Yeah, lowlife, like you," I said. "So who do you hang out with now?" he smirked. "That's none of your business," I said. "Maybe it's not, but are you sure you want to cut ties with me?" "Maybe I should make it clear. I am done with d**k, I'm done with your stupid gang and I'm definitely done with you. Got it" I said revving up the bike. "Well, I'm not so sure you're done with me yet." "What does that mean?" "Nothing much, it's just we've been through a lot, don't you think? I did some things and you... boy did you do some wild things. In front of a camera no less," he snickered. "What does that mean?" "Nothing, I'm just saying that it'd be a shame if someone were to release them online. I heard you've made yourself a new teacher. I wonder what she'd say if they were to see it, the real you I mean." "You wouldn't!" I glared at him. "What do you think?" "What do you want, Jacob?" I let out a sigh of defeat. "Well, I don't actually know what I want yet." "Then what did you come here for? Are you just trying to piss me off, you son of a b***h?" I glared at her "Come on, calm down beautiful, I said I don't know yet." "Just tell me what I have to do for you to get rid of those pictures. I'd rather get it done quickly so I don't have to see your dumb face any longer." "Wow, you're really hurtful today, huh beautiful. Alright fine, in that case. Then I'll tell you what I want" "Alright, spit it out," I said. "Your bike looks really good. Why don't you let me ride it for a bit?" he smirked as I got off the bike. Sighing as I took out the keys and threw it to him "Happy?" "Yeah," he said, getting on the bike and revving the engine. "Man, that sounds good" he smiled. "So now that you got what you wanted. Delete them". I glared at him. "Sorry, not cupcake yet," he said. "Why the f**k not? I have already given you what you want" "I mean it's a start, but you can't believe that this old thing would be enough to compensate me for getting rid of such precious memories," he said. "What else do you want?" I glared at him. "I'll keep you posted" he smirked before riding away. I was honestly pissed. Frustrated, I threw a punch, imagining that it was his face. Having been left without a ride to school, I decided to try walking to school. I had only managed to make it near the elementary school before I gave up. Though the thought of calling an Uber came across my mind, when I took out my phone I ended up texting James instead. *hey you already at school?* *James- Yeah why?* *I got in an accident a while ago. My bike was wrecked* *James- how did that happen?* *It's a long story* *James- Are you okay? Do you want me to pick you up?* *Would you please?* *James- Just wait for a little okay. I'll be right there. Mind sending me the location* *Yeah sure. thnx James* I sent before I sighed and put away my phone. Sometime after, he pulled up near me. "Hey, anyone called an uber" he smiled "Hey, what took so long?" I asked with a smile. "Sorry I was talking to Sophie for a second," he said. "Don't worry about it, I'm just happy for the ride," I said, entering the car. "So what exactly happened to your bike?" he asked, driving away. "Oh it crashed" I lied. "Are you okay?" he asked. His concerned tone made me smile a bit before I reassured him I was fine. "Yeah, I wasn't the one driving and I jumped off and rolled, luckily only getting a few scarps" "So where's your bike?" he asked. "The tow truck took it a while ago," I told another lie. I didn't like the fact that I was lying to him, but I'd rather not have him asking any questions about Jake. I knew nothing good would come of that. "Cool. So when are you getting it back?" he asked. "In a couple of days or so," I said. "Cool, so are you going to be taking the bus then?" he asked. "Um, I was kind of hoping a certain genius would be my chauffeur for the time," I said playfully. "Sure. My schedule is a lot freer now that detention is over, but you should know I'm at school pretty early in the mornings", he quickly agreed. "Oh yeah that's fine" "Okay. I'll pick you up at five starting tomorrow" he said. "Five?" I said and he just nodded. I thought he would have said something earlier than that. "I still can't believe it's been a month already," I changed the topic. "Yeah, I think we should do something to celebrate" he suggested. "And what do you have in mind," I asked, pressing up against him. "Um... Dinner maybe... if you're interested I mean," he said with a blush. God, he was so cute at that moment. "You're so cute when you're shy. I'd love to have dinner with you," I said. "Thank you. I'll pick you up at eight. You won't regret it, I swear" he said, smiling like a madman. The rest of the day went relatively well. I didn't hear from that bastard Jacob and Beth still hadn't come home. I had the house to myself so I decided to get comfortable. A few hours of watching TV later, the door opened and Beth walked in. That was the first time she had been home in days. "Beth? Where were you?" "Is that any of your business?" she cautiously said. "Whatever, can't you at least call when you're not coming home?" I rolled my eyes "Why? Did you stay up all night waiting for me?" she said nonchalantly. "As if," I scoffed. Though truthfully, a piece of me had been worried, though I would never let Beth know that "My date invited me to his villa in the country for a few days," she said boastfully. "Well, good for you" I rolled my eyes again. "Well, I am going to head out. Try not to spend all day in front of the TV. You don't pay any bills, so I'd rather you not raise them" she said. "You just got back? Where are you going now?" I said, ignoring the other part of her statement. "Careful Betty-Ann, that almost sounded like concern" "For you? Never in a million years" I said, "Well, I should be leaving," she said nonchalantly. "I guess I don't have to tell you I don't want you throwing any parties while I'm gone. I'd rather not have your delinquent friends breaking stuff in my house" "How many times do I have to tell you those guys aren't my friends?" I groaned. "Whatever, just don't make a mess," she said. "You don't have to worry about that because I'm leaving as well," I said. "Really? Dressed like that?" she said "Obviously, I'm going to get changed," I said. "Well, you can get changed when I'm finished getting ready," she said. "Great, I'll have to wait a century," I said sarcastically. "Beauty takes time, though I doubt that's something you'd understand. I just hope you'll learn that one day" she looked at me disapprovingly. "Whatever, just be sure not to use all the hot water" "Darling, it's my house. I can use up whatever I want," she said, walking away. "b***h" I grumbled to myself. After a while, I had finished getting dressed and started to go downstairs. As I approached the door, I heard Beth talking with James. "That's enough, Beth," I said. "Oh Betty-Ann, I was about to talk to James here about some of your other friends." "I can see that, but don't you have somewhere to be? Preferably a ditch" "Oh yes," she said, taking her keys and walking past him. "Now Betty-Ann, don't screw this one up. Like you always do," Beth said as she entered her car and drove away. "I'm sorry about that". I apologized "No problem. You look amazing, by the way", he extended a compliment. "Thanks, you look great yourself. Love the perfume". I returned the gesture. "T-t-thanks. Here" he said, trying to hide his blush as he gave me a bouquet of flowers. God, he was so cute that I couldn't help but giggle in return. "Shall we get going?" She asked as I turned and showed her to the car "Um... What happened to the other one?" I asked. "Yeah, Carlos borrowed my car without telling me so I had to pull out this old thing," he said, opening the door "Well, I always wanted to get a ride in it back in middle school. I thought it was much cooler back then though" I said, getting into the car. "Sorry, I should have kept my keys with me," he said remorsefully. "No, it's fine. I was only messing with you". I giggled. "Oh" he bashfully smiled as he started up the car. "Let's go" he smiled. "Okay," I said as he pulled out of the parking lot. "So where are we going?" I curiously asked. "I was planning a picnic at the park" "Oh the park," I said, disappointed. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, it's fine. Let's get going" I said. James had sighed for a bit before suddenly his face lit up, he gripped the steering wheel and made a sudden U-turn, whipping me like he was Indiana Jones. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sorry about that, I was just thinking of a change of destination," he said. "To where?" "It's a surprise" he smirked at me coolly. We drove for quite a bit and I ended up falling asleep. I don't know how long I had been sleeping, but when I woke up I was amazed. "Hey Sleeping Beauty" he smiled. "Where are we?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "Why don't you take a look for yourself," he said before I looked around. I immediately woke up from my sleepy stupor. "Wow, this place is absolutely gorgeous" I gawked in awe as I looked around the white sandy beach. The sun was setting and you could see it disappearing into the sparkling water. "I'm glad you like it," he said, "totally worth the hour and a half flight to get here." "Well, James, I have to hand it to you. You know how to impress a girl" I said as we stood on the white sand. "I aim to please. Speaking of which, let's start the picnic" he said, laying out a blanket and putting the basket down. Soon he took out an assortment of delicious foods and put the roses in a vase, putting it in the center of the blanket beside the champagne. "Wow fancy," I said before he threw out the champagne in glasses. We sat, ate, and drank while listening to music. We then talked as we digested the food we had eaten. I don't know when, but during our conversation I had drawn closer to him and started to lay my head on his broad chest. "How did you find this place?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around me "I was looking for research materials when I came across this place. It was privately owned so I had to use the entirety of my funding to rent out this place for the summer", he said. "Wow, aren't you a big spender?" I laughed. "Too bad it was all a waste. I didn't find what I was looking for and had to return back empty-handed." "I'm sure your investors weren't happy about that. They must have been pretty upset". I chuckled. "I'm sure they were, but they didn't show it. Compared to having my name attached to their campus, what's a few hundred thousand?" "It must be pretty good to be you," I said. "Why do you say that?" he asked, taking a sip of champagne. "You're really smart. You don't have to worry about passing and failing classes, you have great friends, good looks, loving, happily married parents and colleges are fighting to get you to join you. While most kids our age are trying to save up for college, you have colleges paying you", I said with an envious smile. "I guess I do have life rather easy" he smiled. "Yeah, you can thank that big brain of yours". I chuckled "Don't know what I'd do without it." "But seriously, what would you do?" I asked. "Huh?" "If you didn't become a scientist, what would you be? Or what would you like to be?" I asked. "Hm?" he said as he thought about it "I would probably become a teacher". He threw out a random profession "I can see it now. Professor Taylor walking into class". I laughed "What about you? What do you want to become?" he asked "Hm...I want to become an actress" I said "That's a surprise? Why?" he asked "To get rich and famous", I laughed "Really?" "What? Were you expecting some deep psychological reason?" I chuckled "Would you be surprised if I say yes" he chuckled as well. "What? Something like I want to be an actress so I can be someone else. Even if just for a little while. I wanted to be someone else. Maybe it would be better than being me" I said. I kept smiling but I could tell the mood had dampened a bit. "What's so bad about being you? I rather like you now" he complimented. "You've only seen the good parts," I said. "And I liked it," he said. I knew he was just sweet-talking me, but hearing someone talk that way to me made me feel happy and without even realizing it, I smiled. "You have a beautiful smile," he said, reaching over for a kiss. "Thank you," I said, moving closer to him. Just as we were about to kiss, I stopped and moved away. "The sun's gone down," I said as I got up off the blanket. "Oh yeah you're right," he coughed to hide my embarrassment. "So what's next?" I asked. "It's getting late. I think we should head home" he said, getting up. I was a bit disappointed but he did have a point. It would be rather late for ordinary teenagers who had people waiting for them. I was sure James' parents were wondering where he was. But I had really wanted to continue the date so I was unable to hide my disappointed expression. "Unless you have another idea?" he asked and once again I smiled. There had been something I had wanted to do ever since I saw the sparkling sea in front of us, so I started taking off my clothes. "It's such a beautiful night and we have an entire beach to ourselves. It would be a shame to go back without going for a little swim". I suggested taking off my bra. I could tell he wanted to say something but he was too distracted by my breast to say anything. "Come on James," I said, putting my hands on his muscular chest. "Don't tell me you don't want to swim with me", I pouted, caressing his chest before I started to strip him of his clothes piece by piece. He wanted to say something again but the feeling of my soft breast pressed up against his chest kept him quiet as he turned red with embarrassment. I tried taking off his underwear but he snapped out of his trance due to embarrassment. "Okay, okay, that can stay," he said, embarrassed. "Do you really want to go back in soggy underwear?" I asked. "I don't see you worrying about it," he said. "I guess it's only fair," I said, stepping back to take off my underwear, which I then threw it on my chest for him to catch. He stood there in disbelief as he stared at it. "This way James" I sang sweetly, giving him a look as my naked figure entered the water. It didn't take long for him to chase after me and I could only smirk when he caught up with me. "I knew you would come around," I said. "With the invitation you gave me I couldn't exactly say no," he said, blushing, and I could only continue smirking as an idea popped into my head. I gripped his hair and then moved closer to his ear. "Since I got you hot. Let me help you cool off", I whispered before pushing his head under the water for about a minute before letting him go. He got up and spat the water out of his mouth and glared playfully as I laughed. "You're so gonna get it, Turner," he said. "You'll have to catch me first," I said, swimming away. He chased and caught up to me before lifting me up and throwing me in the water, then pulling me up. With his hands around my waist, I stared up into his deep blue eyes as the water dripped from our bodies, then the distance slowly started closing again when I wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him even closer, connecting our lips for a kiss. We kissed passionately for three minutes before breaking for air. I was honestly just planning on teasing him for a bit but I got swept away in the moment and I enjoyed that kiss much more than I first believed I would, so I just stared at him and he stared back with smiles on our faces before a wave crashed against us. Then I felt something crawling up my leg. I thought it had to be him, so I giggled. "Getting a little handsy, aren't we?" I said playfully, but he simply gave me a confused look. "That's not me" "I can feel your hand", I chuckled. "My hands are on your waist," he said. "Then what's going up my leg?" I asked worriedly before he dipped down into the water. I was very worried the whole time he was down in the water and didn't calm down even when he came back to the surface. "Okay, Betty-Ann. Don't freak out. There's a snake on your leg. I'm going to go down and see if I can get it off. Don't move" he said, and the only thing I could do was nod. Then he smiled and dived down. I had tried keeping calm but I kept thinking about the fact that a snake was wrapped around my leg. After a while, the snake on my leg was gone, so I started swimming as fast as I could toward the beach. By the time I looked back for James, I didn't see him. An entire minute had passed and he still didn't resurface fearing the worse, I rushed back into the water to save James before bringing him back to the beach noticing bite marks on his hand so I started to suck out the venom, running to the car I dug through the trunk where I found a first aid kit haphazardly bandaging his hand and then I gave him CPR. "James,the " I said as water came rushing out of his mouth "Betty-Ann?" he said after a coughing fit "About time you woke up I was getting worried," I said "Did you just give me mouth to mouth?" he said smiling as he touched his lips "Yeah" I said before he noticed hand was bandaged "What happened to my hand?" he asked "The snake was poisonous. So I had to suck out the venom" I explained "So you find my first aid kit," he said "Yeah" I nodded "Yeah I think we should head home now," he said getting up and I helped him back to the car "You're gonna have to be the one to drive. I still can't move that much" I said. "Sure," I said before we got in the car. About halfway to town, the car started making strange noises "What is that?" I asked "I don't know," he said before the car suddenly stopped "Oh great," he said sarcastically "I'm guessing that's bad," I said before smoke started coming from the hood "We might need to call someone" he sighed. I took out my phone and called then we wait until finally, the repairman came. We went to the backseat to get comfortable while we waited and James rested his head on my lap "This is probably the worst date you've ever been on right," he sulked "Let's see, I had to save my date's life twice. First from drowning and then from snake venom. That's a different type of kissing and sucking than I'm used to. And to top it all off I probably got sand in places they really shouldn't be" I said "So worst date ever?" he moped " I also got to drink champagne as well as stay on a beach by myself and who knows maybe next time we can fulfill a fantasy of mine. Plus I've had worse," I teased with a wink "Next time? There's gonna be more dates" "Not really dates but date-like outings" I clarified "I'm glad to hear that but the fact that you had worse dates scares me," he said before I giggled. He was just too cute so I ended up giving him another kiss "Hey lovebirds. The car's fix" the mechanic said tapping the window "Thank you," James said paying him as we laughed "You should go back to drive," he said after one more kiss. I went back to the driver's seat directly driving us straight back to town "Thank you for the dinner. I had a great time" I said "I did too," he said "Well I guess see you tomorrow James," I said walking away "Is that really how we're gonna end tonight" he sighed "I was planning on giving you a kiss but I think you've already exceeded the limit," I teased "Come on that's not fair," he chuckled but I kept walking away swinging my hips as I made my way to the door and walked inside. Looking through the glass on my door I noticed him sulking by the door. He looked like a lost puppy waiting by the wayside and I couldn't stop myself from opening the door and blowing another kiss his way before quickly closing the door again. His face lit up like the stars in the night "See ya!" he said smiling like a buffoon before jumping in his car. I went to the window secretly watching as he drove away with a smile on his face and I couldn't hide the blissful smile on my face as I watched his car vanish down the street. But not long after I realized that I was all alone. Beth hadn't come home that night so once again it was going to be me alone. Just as I was about to sulk about my solitude my phone rang "Hello" I answered "Hello? Is that all you have to say?! Do you have any idea how long I have been calling you!!" Debby yelled "I'm sorry. The place I was didn't have any cell service" "I don't want an apology I want to know where you are. I heard your mother hasn't been home for the past week." "You don't have to worry. I am at my house" "And who's there with you?" "No one" "Have you eaten?" she asked "Um yeah" "You don't sound too sure. Come over and I'll fix you supper" she said "Debby, honestly I'm fine" "I told you to come over so why are you still arguing with me. Just pack some clothes and come over" she said "Okay," I said with a smile on my face "I'll come to pick you up," she said "Yeah I'll go pack," I said rushing upstairs
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