Our Story Part 10

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(Nick) "Whoa, you sure had a wonderful night," I teased. "Yeah, it felt magical." "It always is at the beginning. Sophie and I were like magic, at least to me we were," I said. "And then what happened?" "I don't know. I feel like she never really loved me, not in the way I wanted her to, at least." "You make it sound like she was the one to blame". Betty-Ann chuckled. "That's not what I'm saying. I actually didn't trust her. I think that played a role too." "Starting with the fact that you didn't tell her about Vanessa," she said. "Funny enough, I almost did." "Really?" "Yeah it was the day after the date," I said (October 3- Nick's POV) After leaving the restaurant I went home to see V in the living room. V was curled up in a comforter with a tub of untouched ice cream in front of her staring blankly at the television "I thought I told you to get some rest" I sighed as I walked up to her. "Oh Nicky, you're home," she said lifelessly "Yeah, I just got in," I said before we returned to silence "So what you watching?" I asked "Uh?... I don't know" she said before going silent again "Wow chocolate mint, isn't that your favorite? Aren't you going to eat that?" I tried getting her to talk "Uh...sure yeah," "Okay, aren't you going to at least ask me how my date went?" I asked but she didn't say anything "Okay V, you can't keep thinking about that. Cole is going to be okay" "How are you so sure about that?" "Did the doctors say that he's in danger?" I asked "No, but-" "Then there's nothing to worry about" "I wish I could be as optimistic as you but right now I can't help imagining the worst," she admitted. At that moment I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in. With her head on my chest, I ran my hand through her hair as I shushed her "I promise you that everything is going to be alright. No matter what happens tomorrow I promise you that I will make sure that everything will be okay. Alright" I said "Okay," she begrudgingly said calming down ever so slightly "So you're going to get some rest?" I asked "Yeah, I'll try" "So you're gonna go to your bed," I said about to lift my hand off her "Can we stay like this for a little while longer?" she asked "Sure as long as you need," I said. We snuggled up to each other and my mind wandered her to Sophie. God, she must have been really angry with me. She just up and left like that. What am I going to do? I should explain to her? But what excuse could I use to get her to talk to me? I thought that maybe the truth would be the best but I couldn't do it. That was out of the question "V," I said "Yeah, Nicky," "Do you remember what you told me?" "I tell you a lot of things. You're gonna have to be a bit more specific" she chuckled softly "When we moved in, you made me promise never to tell anyone about Cole" "That's mostly your father's doing but yeah I remember," she said "Does that still stand?" "I would think so. Your father made sure that I would never that anyone that Cole is a part of your family, I still have the contract to prove it" "Yeah, I guess you're right." "Why are you asking?" "Oh, no reason," I said "You sure?" "Yeah let's just get some sleep," I said reaching for the remote to shut off the T.V. We got up and V went to her room while I returned the ice cream to the fridge then I went to my bed still confused to what the hell I was supposed to tell Sophie in the morning. The next morning I woke up at four as usual. I had only gotten four hours of sleep but compared to my usual amount that was plenty. That morning, I brought V to the hospital. Though she tried to hide it I could tell she was anxious. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she was shaking the closer we got to Cole's room. The moment the doors opened and she saw him sleeping she rushed over to him "Cole, Cole," she said until he started to stir "Mommy?" he said groggily as he rubbed his eyes "Cole, my baby you're alright," she said as she hugged him tightly "Come on V, easy up. The kid's turning red" I chuckled before she let up though she was still sobbing She was so busy checking on Cole that she hadn't noticed the doctor enter the room "Good morning Doc," "Good morning Nicholas, I'm glad to see that you guys could make it so early" "No problem Doc. So any news about what happened to our boy?" I asked "Well I've got some bad news" "Can we do this somewhere else then?"I asked "The mother should hear this" "I'll tell her later but for now let's just let her stay with Cole," I said before he nodded and we went to another room "So Doc, what do you got to say?" "Yesterday, the surgery was going relatively well but then a complication happened" "What sort of complication?" "We are not completely sure but his body started to convulse," the doctor explained "So what does that mean?" "We are thinking that it might be his body rejecting the heart but it doesn't normally happen that fast. It is typically a couple of days or weeks" "So what? There's nothing we can do" "I'm not saying that. It's just the donor we have here won't work" "So how long would it take to find another donor?" I asked "That's not something we can dictate. I am going to be honest with you, it probably won't be in a short time. It could take months to get one" the doctor said "Oh," I said unable to find any other words to say at the moment. "Mr. King," "Yeah, I'm still listening," I said still a bit dazed "That's good, we have to keep check of Cole so we might have to let him stay here a few days or weeks" "Okay, I'll be sure to tell V, but can you hold off a bit? Let them have this evening. I'll tell V later. She worried enough about him last night," "While I don't think you should keep this, I'll listen to you," the doctor said "Yeah, thanks Doc," I said walking out "Are you heading back to the room?" "No, I have to go explain to someone," I said "What about Vanessa?" "So she said that she'll be here all day so I can head out and come back later" "And where should I tell her you've gone?" "To pick up my girlfriend," I said before leaving After leaving the hospital I drove to Sophie's house. She was just walking out with Libby beside her. I was sure Sophie saw me but she didn't stop. She just went straight to Libby's car. Quickly getting out of my car I ran over to them "Hey, Sophie can we talk?" I asked "It's fine Nick we have nothing to talk about," she said opening the door "If that were true you wouldn't be avoiding me," I said forcing it to shut so she couldn't get in "Boy, you better get your hand off my car before you lose it" her friend glared at me "Sorry," I apologized removing my hand. Sophie let out an exhausted sighed "I'm not avoiding you okay. I just need some space" she said as she entered the car Her friend sent one final dirty look at me before getting into her car and driving off leaving me on the lawn. "Damn it," I said before following Libby's car. I was originally right behind but I got caught at the stoplight while they made it passed. I reached school after and started looking for Sophie then Libby came up to me "Hey, Libbs have you seen Sophie?" I asked "She doesn't want to talk to you" she glared angrily at me. I had thought that Sophie had told her what happened so I sounded very apologetically "She doesn't have to talk she can just listen. Please I just want to apologize" I begged "Well that's too bad because she doesn't want to talk to you," she said "Please I just need a second. Can you just tell me where her class is?" I begged "You know what sure," she said and I immediately started smiling "Thank you, I'll owe you one" "I can tell if you tell me what you did to get her to start icing you," she said and my smile faded "It's personal." "Then you can talk to her during her personal time" "Okay fine, there was just a misunderstanding" I was forced to say "Misunderstanding like what?" she asked "Listen Libby if you're not going to tell me where she is you should just get out of my way," I said dropping the niceties. It was obvious that Sophie didn't tell her anything and I sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to say anything "Not until you tell me what the hell you did" she ordered "I don't have time for this. Move!" I agitatedly demanded angrily grabbing my hand to move out of my way. I hadn't meant to get violent but I had reacted in anger. I was about to apologize when sudden;y her boyfriend came up to us "What's happening here?" Carlos asked walking up to us with Carl and James behind him "Back off Estevez," I said "I'd appreciate it if you remove that hand?" Carlos said glaring at me with his fist clenched. "I'm just here to talk to Sophie" I sighed letting go of my grip then Libby yanked her hand free "After what you did, you should be lucky she didn't dump you," James said "Stay out of this Taylor. This has nothing to do with you" I said glaring at him "What's going on here?" I heard your voice say as you came over to us. I had had enough and it was pretty clear that none of these guys were going to tell me anything so I decided to just talk to her later "Great someone else. You know what...I'll talk to her later" I said angrily getting into my car and driving away, As I drove out I caught a glimpse of Jacob riding into the school but I didn't pay it any mind and just continued. I had no idea what I was going to do but I knew that I had to talk to Sophie. I had thought that maybe I should go to her piano school. I thought that maybe I should use visiting Andy as an excuse to see her. But then I rejected the idea even if I did see her what exactly was I supposed to tell her? I couldn't tell her the truth but I knew that would be the only way she'd listen to me. God, I was hurting my brain trying to think of what to say. Eventually, I gave up and went back to the hospital "Nicky, you're back" "Yeah," "The doctor said that you have something to tell me" "Later. How's Cole?" "Resting. Nicky is everything okay?" she asked "You look a bit troubled." "I just got a lot on mind," I said "Is it about Cole?" she asked "Not entirely," "So what else is bothering you?" "It's nothing" "Is it about what you asked about yesterday?" "I guess it's connected" "Come on, tell me what happened" "Last night after you came to the restaurant Sophie must have seen us together and-" "She got the wrong idea about us" V sighed "Yeah and now she won't give me the time to explain" "Okay I understand" "The problem is that even if I do get to talk to her I have no idea what I am supposed to say to her," I said "So you want to tell her the truth?" "Yeah, what do you think?" I asked "Honestly I'd rather you not tell anyone. You know how your father can get" "Yeah, you're right," I sighed "Yeah, but I also think that you shouldn't let that come between your relationship" "So what do you think I should do?" I asked "I don't know." she said, "But whatever you decide just know that I will be okay" "You sure?" I asked "Not really but it sounds like the right thing to say," she chuckled "Okay thanks," I said "You're thanking me? Did I help you sort things out?" "Oh no not even close but it sounds like the right thing to say," I said before we burst into laughter We sat together and talked for a few hours before I got up "Where are you going?" she asked "School should be over by now so I'm going to go see Sophie" "Have decided what you're going to tell her?" "Maybe the truth" I sighed "Okay," she said "I'll see you when I get back," I said walking towards the door. Just as I was about to walk out she suddenly said "The surgery didn't go well did it," she said "What?" I asked frozen at the door's path "I'm not stupid Nick. There must be a reason you're not telling me what the doctor said. It's bad, isn't it?" she asked "V," I said unable to face her "It's okay, you don't have to tell me yet. I'm not sure I want to hear it now myself" "Okay" "But you're going to tell me when you get back," she demanded "Yeah, I will," I said walking out. After leaving the hospital I started driving to Sophie's but my hunger got the best of me so I went to get something to eat. Stopping my favorite sandwich place and ordered a sub-sandwich. Just as I ate you came running up to me "Oh my god Nick, I've been looking all over town for you," you said frantically "Woah Betty-Ann, calm down, what happened?" "I need your help, Nick." "What happened? You look like you saw a ghost," I said with a smile before she dropped a bag in front of me "What's this?" I asked before looking in the bag. Just a glimpse was all I needed before I quickly locked the bag "Where the hell did you get this?" "It's d**k's," you said and the smile faded from my face "What are you doing with d**k?" I asked seriously "I don't know how it happened but Jacob told me to meet up with him and he-" "Jacob? You're still hanging with that loser?" "It's not like that. He suddenly showed up yesterday and now he won't leave me alone. He came to me this morning at school and told me to meet him at our spot and then he gave me this telling me to sell it at school." "Why did you even go there? Why are you doing what he says?" I groaned. "He has something against me." "What could he possibly have against you?" I asked. "Look, Nick, are you going to help or not?" "No, I'm not" "What?" "I'm done with d**k. My life is already complicated, as it is with Cole and V. I don't need any more stress. Why do you think I told that jackass d**k to go f**k himself?" I said. "So you really won't help at all?" you asked, the disbelief evident in your voice. "I have enough on my plate. I'm not dealing with d**k again." "Okay, fine," you said and I immediately knew you were upset. I really wanted to stay out of it, but then I watched as you walked away. "Wait," "What?" "I'll help you" "Really?" "Yeah, I'll talk to d**k," I sighed. "So you're going to get d**k to back off?" "I said I'd talk to him. I won't promise you anything" I said. "Okay, thank you, what do I do with these?" you asked. "Give them to me," I said. "And what are you going to do with it?" "Don't worry about it. Just go home and get some rest" I said. After you left, I looked at the bag. I honestly didn't have any idea what the hell I was going to do with it but I knew I couldn't bring it to d**k, so I had to hide it. The problem was where. I thought that I could hide it in my room, considering that neither V nor Cole were home. Though I decided against it because the security might want to check the bag and mostly because I didn't want this stuff anywhere near Cole. So I had to choose the next best option. I got in my car and drove to Eli's store. "Eli, I need your help," I said. "With?" he asked "Storage," I said, dropping the bag in front of him. "What's in this?" he asked, about to open the bag. "Wait, no," I said, but it was too late. He had already opened the bag. "What the hell, Nick?" he freaked. "It's not what to think," I said. "You can't keep this s**t in my shop." "It's just for a little while," I said. "A little while? Nick, what if Larry came and saw these?" "Tell him not to worry about it." "You don't know Larry. That kid couldn't keep a secret to save his life. He'd probably tell the next customer that walks in unpromptedly," "Just make sure he doesn't see it. Please man, I don't have anyone else to ask," I said. "What about Kevin?" "I thought about him but he just got out of juvie. He's been saying that an officer keeps coming to check up on him," I said. "And you can't bring it home because of Cole," he sighed. "You're the only option I have at the moment," I said. "Nick, where did you even get all of that?" "d**k," "d**k? Why'd you even take this from d**k?" "I didn't" "So how'd you get it?" "Betty-Ann," "Betty-Ann? I thought she was done with Dick." "She is but-" "But?" "That asshole Jacob is forcing her," I said. "That prick? Nothing good ever happens when he's around", Eli sighed. "So are you going to keep it?" "Fine, but only for a few hours." "Thank you man," "I'm serious Nick, only for a few hours," he said. "Alright, I promise. Thanks again for this, man." "Just don't make me regret this," he sighed. "I promise you won't," I said before going to my car. After driving to d**k's place, I took a deep breath to prepare myself before I got out of the car. As I stepped into the yard I felt the eyes of d**k's goon staring at me. I ignored them and walked straight up to the door. Just as I was about to enter, Eddy stopped me. "What's the code?" he asked. "Look, Eddy, I don't have time for this. I want to talk to d**k," I said. He glared straight in my face like some sort of intimidation tactic, but having seen him stick stuff up his nose, I didn't find him scary in the slightest. "Are you going to call him or what?" I asked before suddenly d**k turned the corner and saw me. "Nicky my boy," he smiled, walking over to us. "d**k, I came to talk," I said. "Then what are you waiting for? Come in," "It seems like your guard here doesn't want me inside," I said as Eddy continued to glare at me. "Eddy," d**k said before he stepped aside, allowing me to walk in. "Come, come to my office," he said, walking into his private room. "Take a seat," he said "No, I'm fine," "Well suit yourself," he said, taking a seat behind his desk. "So how have you been?" he asked. "I didn't come here to talk about me" "So why did you come here?" "Betty-Ann," "Oh really, I heard she's doing well. Why are you asking me about her?" "Drop the act. I know you told her to deliver for you again." "Really? So why don't I remember telling her to deliver?" "She told me your lackey came and gave her a duffel bag filled with your crap," I said. "Well, I have no idea what you're talking about. I never gave anyone anything to give to you kids" he shrugged, still smirking callously. "So you have no idea where she would have gotten them?" I asked him. "No, I truly have no idea what you are referring to," he smirked. "Fine, so I guess you won't mind if I throw them away," I smirked before his smirk vanished a bit "Why would you do that?" "Well, we can't exactly keep such dangerous stuff in our residence." "I see, but would throwing it away be the right course of action?" "Yeah, now that I think about it. Handing it over to the police would be a better idea," "That's not a bad idea. Why don't you hand it over to me?" "Why?" "I mean it wouldn't be right for a child like yourself to carry in such things. It is best left up to the adults. Plus, what would Daddy dearest think if you were caught in that situation?" "Wow, I never knew you cared so much." "Why, Nick, don't you know I think of you all as my children?" "Thanks, but considering how you treat your own child, that doesn't bring me much comfort," I said "Alright fine. What do you want, Nick?" "I want you to leave her alone," I said "And if I told you I had no hand in giving it to her?" "I wouldn't believe it," "Okay fine, I'll tell him to leave her alone" "Do it now," I said. "Okay. Yo, someone call Jacob," he ordered, and not long after Jacob came knocking on the door "Did you ask for me, d**k?" "Yeah come on in," he said before Jacob walked in and looked at me "Well, if it isn't the prince. What are you doing here?" he mocked. "He came talking about Betty-Ann," d**k said before Jacob's grin faded and he shivered a bit. "Why would he come talking about her?" he asked. "He seems to think you gave her a duffel bag of product," "I don't know where he got that idea," he lied. "Jake," he said like a father talking to his son. "I really don't know," he said. "Jacob, you know how I feel about lying. Just come out and tell me," he said. "I---I gave it to her." "I see, and why would you do that?" d**k asked, sitting up from his chair and walking over to Jake. "I did it for you. I heard you talking about getting the product into the school and I knew Betty-Ann was the best way to do it," I said "I see, so why did you lie to me?" he asked gently, putting his hand on Jacob's face "I wanted it to be a surprise. Please don't be angry," "Angry? How could I be angry when you were doing this for me? I'm not angry, rather I'm just a bit disappointed." he said shaking his head "You know what happens next right?" "Please d**k, it won't happen again," "Stop the pleading, it's unbecoming," d**k said, tightening his grip "But-" he tried to explain causing d**k to slap him "You know how much I hate excuses and begging. Jacob, you know I take no pleasure in what is about to happen, but you need discipline." d**k said, grabbing his face again "Yes, I'm sorry, Dick." "Good, then why don't you go get ready," d**k said releasing Jacob's face "Yes d**k," Jacob nodded, turning to leave "Wait," I said "Is something wrong?" d**k asked "Betty-Ann said you were blackmailing her. I want you to stop." "What does Betty-Ann have to do with you?" "Jacob," d**k said sternly "Alright," "I want you to leave her alone. That means never seeing her again," I said "Alright fine," "And get rid of whatever you are using to blackmail her," I said "Okay, can I go now?" he asked bitterly. "Whatever," I said before he left. "I truly am sorry you had to see that," d**k said "I doubt it but I really don't care if you are. That was the only reason I came here," I said turning to take my leave "And the package?" he asked. "I'll return your crap to you later," "Thank you and say hey to Vanessa for me," "I doubt Vanessa would want to hear from you," "Oh yes, it seems she too wishes to cut ties with me. It's fine I understand. I just wish you luck with finding a donor," he said "What did you just say?" I glared at him "Opps forget I said anything," he smirked. I wanted to know how he knew about Cole, much less about us needing a donor but i knew that's exactly what he wanted "Later d**k," I said walking out. I made it back to my car and drove to Sophie's piano school. I went straight to her classroom but it seemed like she wasn't there. Sighing, I decided to go to her house. I had already sworn that I was going to tell her the truth. By the time I had gotten to her house, it was already passed midnight. I knew that her being awake would have been a long shot but I decided I have to try. I was about to knock on the door but then my phone rang. It was Vanessa. "What's up, V?" I asked answering the phone "It's Cole," she said "What happened?" I asked "He fell back into unconsciousness," she said "s**t," I sighed. That was an emergency. I had to go back to the hospital. As I was about to walk away, the door opened and Sophie's mom came out "Oh Nicholas, what are you doing here?" "Oh good night, Mrs. Vortex," I said "Good night, did you come here to see Sophie?" she asked. "Well I did," I said "Well, she's already in her bed," "Is she sleeping?" I asked "I'm not sure. She had a really long night, she was just arguing with her best friend," she said "Really? What about?" I asked "I don't know she won't talk to me," I said "Is she okay?" "Maybe you should come in and see for yourself?" she offered. I stood for a moment as I thought it over. That could've been my opportunity to talk to her without anyone interrupting. However, I couldn't do it. Sophie was having a bad day and I knew that if I went up there I'd find it hard not to bring it up "I think I'm okay." "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm sure she needs time for herself," I said. "I see," she said "Then it was nice seeing you, Mrs. Vortex," I said "Miss," she said "Sorry, Ms. Vortex," I said before walking away. I went back to the hospital and spoke with V
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