Our Story Part 8

2929 Words
I couldn't believe it. I had actually forgotten our anniversary. Not even the old man would forget something like that, then again with his desire for perfection how could he mess something up. Realizing I was getting sidetracked I pushed the thoughts of my father to the back of my head so that I could think of something to do for her and that was when an idea came to me. So I drove to Eli's bar "Eli, I need a favor," I said "Hello, Nick, nice to see you too. Yeah, I got home fine after you left us at the beach, all I had to do was walk here since you know... I had no money!" he yelled furiously "Yeah sorry about that, but I really need a favor," "What is it now? Do you want more pills?" he sighed "No," I said "So what kind of favor?" he asked curiously "You still have that link at La Flèche D'amour de Cupidon, right?" "Yeah, why?" he asked "Can you get me a table?" I asked "For when?" "Tonight," I said "What! Are you crazy? How the hell am I supposed to get you a table at the La Flèche D'amour de Cupidon last minute like this? Why don't you ask me to get water from Mars or to get you seats at the Midnight? Then again it would be easier to get water from Mars than to get last-minute seats at the Midnight," he said "Come on man, this is really important" "What could be so important?" "It's our anniversary," "What! And you spent it drinking with us! Are you stupid?" he asked "I know, it slipped my mind," "Fine, just give me a minute," he said taking out his phone "Hey Johnny" After a while, he came back in "Thanks a lot, man, and I'm sorry again for the trouble I should have told you what would have happened if you leave Kevin alone with a girl," he said "Anyway I won't bring it up again and thanks again, I'll see you at my sister's next Friday," I said "So what did he say?" "You're lucky, a couple dropped their appointment so there's a free table," "Thanks a lot, man, you're a lifesaver" "Yeah, I know," he chuckled "Anyway I should get going" "Wait, have you talked to Kevin?" he asked "No, I haven't" "I think you should go apologize. I know he hit a sore spot but he made some good points" "I know, I just-" "Believe me, man, I get it," he said "He wasn't just talking about V, was he?" "What do you think?" "I think I shouldn't have told him anything about Sophie" "Probably," he chuckled and I joined in "Anyway, I'll see you," I said before leaving I drove home and quickly got changed and was about to leave "Nick, you're ready to go?" she asked "Yeah," I said "Are you going wearing that?" she asked wondering why I got all dressed up "What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked "Nothing, you look nice. Just let me get my bag," she said "What for?" "You said you'll go with me to the hospital," she said "Oh s**t, it completely slipped my mind" "Wait, if you're not going to the hospital, then where are you going?" she asked "It's Sophie and my anniversary so I'm bring her to La Flèche D'amour de Cupidon" "Isn't that a bit pricy?" she asked "Yeah" "So how are you going to pay for that?" "Mom's card, I even bought something for her to wear on my here," I said "I thought you didn't want to use it," she said "Yeah, but I decided that this is worth using it for and I'll put back the money," "Okay," she said "Anyways I should get going, but what about you? How are you going to get to the hospital? Do you have money for a taxi?" "Yeah, I got it," she said "Alright, I'll see you then," I said before leaving. I drove to Sophie's house and tried calling but I didn't hear anything "SOPHIE!!! YOU HOME!!" I yelled before she came down "Nick? What are you doing here" she asked shocked "I'm sorry I know you're angry. I know I forgot Sophie but I came to make it up to you" I said "Make it up to me?" "Yeah, I got us reservations at la flèche d'amour de cupidon," I said making her jaw drop "NO WAY!" she squealed "Yep, now I think you should get dressed," I said handing her a shopping bag "What's this for?" she asked taking out the red dress and earrings "Wow!" she gasped in awe "Hurry up and get going. We're going to be late" I chuckled enjoying the look of awe on her face "Yep, I'm going right now," she said heading towards the stairs "Oh and Sophie," I stopped her "Yeah, what is it?" I asked "Happy Anniversary," I said before the weirdest thing happened. She froze and didn't say anything. A few minutes had passed and I began to worry "Um Sophie," I said snapping her out of her thoughts "Uh sorry, be down in a minute," she said running up the stairs I waited for a while for her to get showered and get dressed but when she came down it proved worth the wait. She was so beautiful that I was lost for words and could only stare at her in awe. "Nick, say something," she said "Wow," I said "... I mean you look beautiful. I'm surprisingly lost for words" I said "That would be rare," she giggled "Of course, you're the only girl that can make me speechless," I said "And looks like the sliver tongue is back," she giggled "I was telling the truth," I said "Come on, we should probably get going" "Yeah," I said before we left. I opened the car door for her and then got in my seat. As I was putting on my seatbelt I kept staring at her "What's wrong?" she asked "Nothing, it's just you look amazing" "You already said that," she chuckled "I know," I said "We're going to be late," she said "Alright, let's go," I said before driving to the restaurant "Bonne nuit, bienvenue à La Flèche D'amour de Cupidon" the guy said "Avez-vous une réservation?" he added "Yes, it's under King. Nicholas King" I said "Oh oui, par ici Monsieur. King" he said before walking away "We should follow him," I told her before leading her to a table as he put down two menus "Voulez vous passer commande maintenant?" "Pouvons-nous avoir une seconde pour regarder?" I said "Qui," he said before leaving "You never told me you knew French" she smiled "Why wouldn't I? My family owns a villa in Paris?" "Really? Do you guys go there often?" she asked "Paris is my mom's favorite place so we used to, but we haven't been there in a while" "Why?" The reason was that I moved out two years ago, not that I was going to tell her that "Just my family's been busy. Working through some stuff," "Like what? Did something happen?" she asked worriedly "It's not something you need to worry about and I don't think tonight is the night to be talking about my family drama," I said "You're right, so have you decided what you'd like to order?" she asked "I was thinking that I would like to try the duck," I said before she chuckled "Is something wrong? Did I say something funny" I asked confused "No, it's just if Mister Taylor had heard I'm sure he'd be crying his eyes out," she giggled laughing "Oh," I said pretending to laugh though I didn't find the joke that funny "Can we try not to bring up the Taylor family tonight," I said "Oh right, I'm sorry. It's just I suddenly thought about his reaction," she chuckled "Yeah I get it, but tonight is just about me and you, so let's just focus on that," I said "Um... okay," she said "So would you like to get the entrée?" I asked changing the topic "Sure, I wonder what they have," she said looking at her menu "I think I'd go with the soufflé," I said "That sounds good. I'll take that too," she said before we called the waiter back over so we could start our order. The entrée ended soon after and we had moved on to the main course "So how's the date so far?" I asked, hoping for positive feedback "It's good, I have always wanted to come here. The entrée was to die for. I can't wait for the main course," she said "Yeah, I heard tonight the chef was a top chef back in Paris," "Really? So what is he doing here?" "Not sure, but I'm lucky I got us seats here," I said "Yeah I get to eat authentic French cuisine" "Have you never been?" I asked "To France? No, I haven't." "You should go, I honestly think everyone should visit the City of Love at least once," "Honestly, I really want to go. I even studied French from middle school all the way up to high school" "That's good so when I bring you there you will know how to communicate," I smirked and she only giggled "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious we can go after graduation," "You'll have to graduate first," she laughed before the waiter came back and gave us our meal We started eating and laughing, all in all, the night was going well until suddenly my phone started to ring. One quick look was all it took to wipe the smile off my face "Um..... Who is it?" she asked "No one," I said declining the call "Okay," she said before the ringtone went off again "No one is really insistent," she said "It's fine, it's probably something trivial," I said declining the call again, but then she called again "Doesn't seem trivial," she said "Yeah, it's just a friend," I said declining again "Come on, take a hint," I said "Nick, it's okay, answer the phone" "You sure?" I asked "Yes go," she said "I'll make it quick I promise," I said getting up and answering the phone before walking out. "Okay V, this better be important," I said "Nick, I need you to come back home right now" "What? Why?" I asked "It's Cole," she cried "What happened to Cole?" I asked starting to get a little concerned "I went to the hospital and they won't let me see him. They said that there was a slight complication but they won't tell me anything more" She cried "Come on V, it's just a slight complication. I'm sure he's fine. There's no reason to get hysterical over this" "No reason? There is plenty of reason to get hysterical Nick! What if something happened to him?" "Alright V, the date is almost over. I'll be there as soon as I bring Sophie home alright" I said "Okay," she said "Okay, I'll call you later," I said hanging up and going back inside. I had taken my seat and she hadn't reacted. She was headfirst in her phone "I'm back," I said hoping to get her attention but she didn't say anything "Sophie, Sophie!" I said finally getting her attention "Huh, sorry I spaced out," she said "You've been doing that a lot, is something up?" I asked "No I'm fine, I guess classes have made me a little stress," she said with a fake smile "Okay. Then maybe you should take more breaks. Let the genius handle the projects. All work and no play makes Sophia a dull girl" I cracked a joke "Coming from the guy that refuses to go to school," she said "It was just one-day Soph," "Yeah, it was just one-day last time. But then that turned into one week then one month and before long it was the whole semester. After that, you stopped coming to school altogether. You know just because your parents have money doesn't mean you can slack off your whole life Nick" "Look I'm sorry okay. Can we just stop talking about this? I promise I'll be at school tomorrow. Bright and early" I deflected the conversation before she could say something that would get me even angrier "Whatever, how was your call?" she asked "It's okay, it wasn't anything important," I said putting a smile back on my face "So who was it?" she asked "One of my friends" I shrugged "Oh, a friend. Would this friend happen to be a girl?" she asked "Yeah," I said nonchalantly "Is she good looking?" she asked "I guess, why?" I asked cutting my steak "Oh no reason," she said cutting her steak but something seemed off "Wait... Sophia Aurora Vortex, are you jealous?" I asked with a smug smile "Hmph, as if," she scoffed taking another bite of the steak "I understand why you would be, she is insanely hot," I said "Hot?" she said curiously "Yeah, she gets mistaken for a model all the time," I said pouring gas on the flame "A model huh," she said "She has such a great figure. Big breast, slim waist, and a phat ass-" I began describing her but the annoyed look on Sophie's face told me that I was doing too much "Why did you stop? Please carry on" she said in a threatening tone "You know now that I think about it. She isn't all that beautiful. Especially when I compare her to you" I said "Mm-hmm. Nice save lover boy" she said before a waiter came up to us "Is it time for dessert already?" I asked "Um yes, but there's someone here to see you," he said before I looked behind Sophie and spotted V out the window so I growled angrily "Damn it" I grumbled under my breath "Just give me a minute please," I said as I got up and walked out of the restaurant once again "You have five minutes to tell me what the f**k you're doing here," I said irritated "It's bad Nick. It's really bad. They say he won't wake up" "What?!" "Cole, I don't remember what the doctor said exactly but Cole won't wake up. They said he'd be out for the night" "So what are you doing here? I thought you'd stay with him" "The doctors said that I shouldn't worry and should just head home and get some rest," "That's some good advice. You really need to get some rest" "Rest? Nick, how could I get any sleep. My son is in the hospital and I have no idea how he's doing" "You're right, I was being insensitive. But there's nothing you can do at the moment so at least try to get some rest." "Nick-" she wanted to protest again "There's nothing you can do now so you really do need to stay home and get some rest. Here I'll pay for your ride and you can buy something to eat and drink on your way back" "But Nick--" "V, I'm serious, go home and drink some coffee. No, eat some ice cream. Just try to think about anything else. I'd rather not have your crazy imagination become reality. So let's just think positive thoughts okay" I said kissing her on the cheek and hanging her some money "Okay," she said "Alright I'll see you at home," I said before going back inside "Sorry about that, she just needed to borrow some money," I said "No it's okay," she said getting up and taking up her purse "Where are you going?" I asked "I'm getting a little tired. I should be heading home. I have school tomorrow" she said as a different waiter came back and gave her the dessert "Thanks a lot," she said "Okay at least let me drive you home" I sighed "No, I'm fine. I already called an Uber" I said as I started heading for the door. I chased after her after throwing down some money "Come on Sophie, let me drive you home," I said "I'm okay," she said "Is it about Vanessa? Listen she's just a friend" I said "It's not about her. I just have school early tomorrow" she said "Then let me drive you home," I said "Nick I'm fine" "You'll reach home faster," I said before a car pulled up at her feet "Are you Sophie Vortex?" He asked "Yeah that's me," she said as she opened the door "Fine" I gave up, walking to the driver's seat window I gave him a hundred dollars and told him, "Make sure she gets home okay and you can give the change to her" before leaning up and allowing the driver to drive away after she got it. (Present Day- Nick POV) "After she left I sighed and went home to speak with V, who apologized for ruining my date" "So what happened to Cole?" Betty-Ann asked "The doctor explained everything to us the next day. That is actually the reason that we left town and are heading out" "Really?" "Yeah, so what about you" "Huh," "Your date with Taylor. How was it?" "It was nice" "Come on, I just told you everything about my date. You really think I'd accept fine as a response" "Fine I'll tell you everything, but try not to get jealous by how romantic it was," she said (October 2- Betty-Ann's POV)
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