Our Story part 3

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(Present Day- Nick POV) "Wait hold up? You had s*x with Vanessa!" "I was drunk" I defended my case "Still you had s*x with Vanessa" "It was a mistake" "Well for what it's worth. I think you guys would look cute" "Haha funny," I said sarcastically "So what about you?" "What about me?" "You restarted school again." "I barely passed the S.A.T.s and that's only because of Debby," she said "Still how was your senior year so far?" "Well the first day started how I expected it to" (First Day of Senior Year Betty-Ann POV) I had gotten ready and came down the stairs and like always Beth was eating a wonderful breakfast of an egg omelet with bacon to the side+ of a piece of golden-brown toast with a piece of butter on it and a cup of hot coffee "Good morning Beth," I said monotone "Betty-Ann? It's barely seven, what are you doing up?" "It's the first day of school Beth" "Wait you're actually serious?" "Of course I am. Why did you think I took the SATs?" "I thought you were using the old bag as an excuse to mess around with your hoodlum friends" "Those guys aren't my friends...anymore" I glared at her "Really? I wonder how long that's going to last" she smirked "Not that I really cared. Honestly, I had expected you to get pregnant and dropout by now" "You know what, I have to go to school," I said "Skipping breakfast?" "Do you honestly care?" I asked "Would you believe me if I say I did?" She smirked "Considering you only made breakfast for yourself, no I wouldn't," I said before leaving. Getting on my bike I rode to school. After parking in the parking lot, I ran my hands through my hair with a smile on my face "You've gotten better at riding that since I last saw you," a familiar voice said. Funny enough it was Anthony "Is that?" I asked as I looked at him "In the flesh" he smiled before I got off the bike "It's been a while, Tony," I said as I hugged him "Same, I'm glad I got to see you" "When did you get out?" "Yesterday" "Well welcome home," I said "Thank you" "So what happened? What are you going to do now?" "I tried going back to my parents' house but they weren't too keen on having what they preserve to be a ex-convict in their house," he said "So they kicked you out" "Yeah but it's fine. I barely stay there either way" he shrugged "So what are you going to do now? Where are you going to stay?" "It's fine. I went back to d**k's" he said before my smile faded a bit "You're serious?" I asked "Yeah, he said he had a spare room so I thought why not" he shrugged I wanted to tell him to leave there but you know Tony's not stupid so if he went back I doubt I'd be able to convince him not to "Anyway it's nice to see you but I have to get to school" I excused myself "Wait" "What is it?" "We haven't seen each other in two years and you're not even gonna ask for my number?" he chuckled "I didn't want to say this since we just saw each other again but I'm done with d**k and his whole crew. I don't want to associate with anyone around him-" "Including me" he sighed "Sorry," I said unapologetically "No it's fine but come on, we've been friends for years. You really gonna drop me like that" he said and not gonna lie that got to me. I really shouldn't have gone back but come on, you're really gonna ditch me like that. You know I could still remember when we all use to hang out together. I thought maybe we could at least have each other's number" "Anthony" "Come on B" he pled "Okay fine" I gave in before giving him my number "Thanks, Betty-Ann" "Yeah, I'll talk to you later," I said before leaving. Yeah, I soon ended up regretting that decision. As I walked down the hall I had passed classroom 302 and I put on a smile on my face as I entered "Good morning Debby" I sang as I walked into her office "Good morning, it is good to see that you got here on time. I do hope that continues" she said with her usual face "You know it wouldn't kill you to smile more," I said "I am in a professional environment and must act as so," she said "Yeah yeah, I hear you, Debby" "And don't call me Debby. Here I am Mrs. Jones" she said "Yeah I know, Mrs. Jones," I said with an eye roll "I saw that," she said "Saw what?" I played dumbed "Have you eaten?" she asked "Huh, where did that come from?" I asked as she had asked out of nowhere "I am curious if you had eaten. It is the first of school and you need to eat a good breakfast" For a moment my smile froze before faltering in "I'm fine," I said as I smiled again "Doubtful" she sighed reaching into her bag "Here you go," she said handing me the lunch she took from her bag "Isn't this your lunch?" I asked "It was, now it's your breakfast," she said "Deb-" "Mrs. Jones" she interrupted "I can't-" "Hurry up and eat it. I am expecting students to start showing up any minute" she said not giving me any room to argue. With a small smile on my face, I moved to one of the seats and took a bite "Is something wrong?" she asked "No, your food's good. Thank you" "Good, I thought you were going to complain about the lack of salt again," she said After finishing everything on the plate I returned the empty container to her "Thanks again for the food" She didn't say anything as she took the container and put it away "But what are you going to eat for lunch?" "Shouldn't you be leaving? Your first class is about to start" she said "Oh yeah, I'll see you after school for our study session," I said picking my bag off her desk "Betty-Ann, promise me you'll be on your best behavior," she said "I'll try" "Betty-Ann," she said firmly "Fine, I'll be on my best behavior" and running out A couple of hours had passed since then and I was in my History class waiting for lunch to finally arrived With my head on the desk, I let out a yawn and looked out the window I had been seated by. Outside that day was really pretty; the birds were singing, the wind made the falling leaves dance and the lights seemed like they had created a picturesque scene but I noticed an anomaly. Something had stood out. A figure I recognized to be Tony was outside by the school gate and when he noticed I had seen him he smiled and pointed to his phone. Guessing what he meant I took out my phone and sneaked a peek. He had sent me a picture but when I looked at the photo I jumped up startled "What the hell! That f*****g jackass!!" I cursed glaring out the window I was so angry at the time I had forgotten where I was at the time. Only being brought back to reality by the teacher clearing her throat Embarrassed I quickly sat back down and picked up my phone "You" the teacher called out to me but I pretended not to hear "The girl that just interrupted my class. Stand up" she said Once again I refused to move "I don't have all day young lady," she said sternly before I reluctantly stood up once again being the center of attention "What is your name?" she asked and I muttered my name softly "I can't hear you," she said "Betty-Ann Turner," I said softly "Speak up," the lady said impatiently "My name is Betty-Ann Turner" I finally said "Well Ms. Turner, you seem to be distracted by something young miss. Would you like to share what made you so distracted" "Um..not really," I said "Listen, you are disturbing my class. Normally that would lead to a week's detention but since it's the first day. I will let this one go but I don't want another outburst from you. Do you understand?" "Yes I'm sorry," I said "Good now take your seat," she said. Just as I sat down she returned to the broad "Now where were we? Oh yes-" she said taking up the chalk but just as the chalk hit the broad my phone started to ring. And because I had forgotten to change it the song that played was significantly ratchet and filled with obscenities "Miss Turner," she said without even turning around "Sorry, won't happen again," I said as she turned around "You're right because I'll be confiscating your phone," she said "Um...I'd rather you not" I said. Knowing that the image Tony sent was still on my phone "Well it is either you give me the phone or you get a week's detention," she said I had really wanted to keep my promise to Debby but I couldn't give her my phone so I ran my hand through my hair as I let out a frustrated sigh "Well it looks like I'm getting detention," I said picking up my bag "And where are you going?" she asked "Out, I've had enough of this class," I said walking away "What? Miss Turner, get back here right this second" she said but I just kept walking "If you go out that door, you will have two week's detention," she said before I stopped at the door "f**k it, I already broke my promise and I have detention either way so who cares," I said walking out "Cursing obscenities at a teacher! I'll double it again! You hear me! You have one-month detention!!" she hollered, but I kept walking. I stormed out of the school and found Tony "Hey Betty-Ann, did you get my message?" he asked before I immediately pushed him "What the hell is wrong with you? How could you send me that in the middle of class!!" I yelled "I'm sorry, it looks like you were going to sleep and weren't paying attention so I thought we could start some business," he said "Business?" "Yeah I talked to Tommy and he said d**k wanted to move some package into the school and thought you'd be the perfect seller. He said he couldn't get in contact with you so I told him I'd handle it" "Are you out of my mind? I got out of this foolishness and I didn't give you my number so you can drag me back in" I said "I know but I thought it could be like old times, don't you remember when it was us, Nick, Kevin, Eli, and Ethan," he said "This isn't old times. Things have changed. I don't deal with d**k and if you were smart you wouldn't either" "And what choice do I have? I have nowhere to go" "You can go back to school. Get a GED or something" I said "God, you sound delusional like Kevin. Where am I going to get money to go back to school." "Get a job" "And where will I stay? Do I have to pay rent with the money I get from 'working' or do you plan on letting me stay with you? Oh wait, your mother doesn't even want you there. Instead of telling me what to do, you should think about why your own mother doesn't want you" he said before I slapped him across his face turning it to the right "Okay, that was too far," he said before I slapped him again turning his face to the left "Also deserved," he said before I went to slap him again but he caught my hand this time "Don't you think that's a bit much" "Don't contact me again" I said yanking my hand free before storming back into the school After that, the school day ended and I found my place in the room for detention. "You couldn't even make it to lunch huh" Debby scoffed "Sorry," I said looking down at the floor with a guilt-ridden look on my face "Take your seat," she said before I went to my seat "Debby, I thought you weren't supposed to do detention anymore?" "I wasn't," she said "Did you take it because I was going to be here?" I chuckled "Silence this is detention!" she yelled but I couldn't stop chuckling (Present Day- Betty-Ann's POV) "So that's what happened when he came to look for you that day" "Yeah, I thought I wouldn't see him again but that didn't happen" I shrugged
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