Our Story part 4

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(Present Day- Nick's POV) "So what happened after that night?" Betty-Ann asked me. "Huh?" "After you slept with Vanessa. What happened?" "Oh yeah, after that I woke up with a hangover, argued with Sophie, and got in a fight with Taylor," he said. "So all around a bad day" "Not entirely. I saw you again" he said. "Oh yeah we did see each other that day, I completely forgot" she chuckled. "Really? You're the one that made me realize that I wanted to start over. " "How did I do that?" "Well" (Second Day of Senior Year- Nick POV) That morning I woke up with a piercing headache. The room seemed to be spinning as I got up and looked around the room. One look to the left, I saw Vanessa beside me. It took me a second but I soon realized that I was naked. "Looks like you're awake," V said as she got up. "Did we?" I asked, despite still remembering everything that had happened. 'Huh-uh," she yawned as she stretched "V, last night I was-" "Drunk? Yeah, I could tell" she chuckled, getting off the bed. "Yeah, you know it didn't-" "Mean anything. Of course, I know that. Who do you think I am? It was either me or that slutty b***h Isabella and god knows how much she'd be sticking around then" she said as she put on her underwear. "Oh, s**t thank you for that. Almost made a big mistake" "Don't mention it" she said, putting on her pants. "Trust me I won't" "Good then you should probably go, apologize to your girlfriend," she said, putting on her shirt. "What?" "Don't you normally drop her off in the morning?" "Yeah" "Well, it's eight-thirty." "s**t!" I cursed as I searched the bed frantically for my phone. "See ya Nick" "yeah yeah," I said, still busy looking for my phone until I finally found it "Come on, come on, come on. Sophie pick up" I said until she finally answered, "Hey Sophie," I said. "Don't hey Sophie, me. Where the hell are you Nick?" she said angrily, "I have a feeling you're angry about something." "Oh no I just love yelling!" she said sarcastically. "Look, I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up, okay," I tried to make a joke. "Really Nick, what was so important this time?" she asked. "Nothing, I just went to get a drink last night and-" I said before she interrupted me. "You've got to be kidding me, Nick. You're drinking again" she said. "It was just a little," I tried to make an excuse. "You wouldn't be hungover if it was just a little Nick." "I know I shouldn't have. It's just you didn't tell me what you were talking to Taylor about-" I started. "So you're saying this is my fault," she interrupted me again before I could clarify. "I didn't say that. I'm just saying all you had to do was tell me what you and Taylor-" "Can you not bring Taylor into this, Nick?" I said. "What? Do you have a problem with me talking about him," I said through gritted teeth. "You know what, Nick, I'm not doing this. I'll talk to you later" She said before she hung up. "Sophie! Sophie!" I called out to her, but she had already hung up. "Damn it!" I yelled, throwing the phone across the room. "Nick, what was that?" V asked, running back into the room before noticing my phone. "I'm guessing the call didn't go well," she said before I glared at her. "What are you doing in here?" I glared at her. "I'm going to the doctor with Cole," she said. "What? Why?" "Just want a checkup and to ask a few questions," she said. "Didn't you ask enough questions yesterday?" I groaned. "Yeah, but I did some research on the surgery and-: "Okay fine, let's go," I said before she could go all internet doctor on me. "Do you plan on going to work?" "Huh? Yeah, I should be getting ready to go out", I sighed. "No," she said "What?" "You're not going out this morning," she told me. "I have to go out. How are we going to get Cole's-" "Cole will be fine. Right now you need some rest to get over that hangover." "Fine, but I will go out when I wake up," I said. "You better not," she said before leaving. After she left, I laid down and closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. My mind wandered back to Sophie. I had been preparing for an argument with her that day but I wasn't expecting her to hang up like that. "Whatever" I sighed, getting off my bed and heading to the kitchen. The fridge was pretty empty except for a few eggs, half a loaf of bread, cereal, and some milk. "Damn I need to head to the store" I sighed, taking out the carton of milk and chugging some of it before taking out the cereal and closing the door. I got a bowl and went to the living room to watch some Netflix. After about two hours of mindless eating cereal and watching shows, I heard someone repeatedly knocking on my door. "Who the hell is that?" I asked, getting up "Hey, hold your horses. I'm coming" I said as I made it to the door to see Kev waiting outside for me. "Kev?" "What's up man?" he said, barging into my house. "How'd you know where I live?" "Nessa told me," he said. "Oh yeah, and you have a lot of explaining to do later" he added, "Okay, so what are you doing here?" "I'm here to give you some bad news?" "Bad news?" I asked. "So I was walking around the high school-" "Picking up girls?" "Of course, but that's not the point. While I was talking to these two girls, they suddenly started talking about your girl-" "Sophie? So what if they were talking about Sophie?" I shrugged, not seeing it as newsworthy. "It's not that they were talking but what they were talking about," he said. "What were they talking about?" I asked, a bit curious. "You sure you want to know?" "Kev, you came all the way here. Don't hold back on me now", I chuckled. "James," he said before my smile faded. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" "The girls said something must be happening between the two of them." "Something? What something?" I clenched my fist "They said that they seemed like more than just lab partners. They said they were more like lap partners, get it," he said, cracking a little joke at the end. "Well, they don't know anything. There's nothing going on between them" I growled. "Well, they said something that seemed like it because they said he kissed her after a class." And just like that, I stopped listening to anything he said. Instead, I picked my ass up off the couch, silently heading into my room taking up my phone and car keys. "Watch the house for me," I said. "Nicky? Where are you going?" he asked, but I didn't answer. I went to my car and drove to school. Lunch had just begun, so a lot of people were in the cafeteria. Forcing my way through the crowd, I noticed Taylor hanging out with his friends. "Taylor!!" I yelled, going over to him. "Ah s**t," Carlos said. "Nick, what are you doing here?" Taylor asked. "What is your problem, Taylor?" I said, grabbing him by his shirt "What are you talking about?" he asked, confused. "Why the hell are you suddenly all around Sophie so much, huh? She hadn't seen you for three years. Couldn't you take the hint?" "What hint? Weren't you the one that kept her away from me", I said. "What? I didn't do anything like that. Even if I did, I'm her boyfriend. Who the hell are you to interfere in our relationships?" "Dude, there's nothing going on between us. I'm just her lap partner, but since you want me to say there's something, then fine. I'm the one she really loves and, what kind of boyfriend can't drive his girlfriend to school," he said, and damn, that was a low blow, though he didn't know it? "Whatever Taylor, you're just mad not over the fact that Sophie came to me after you broke up. It's not my fault you couldn't keep your girl". I sent an equally low blow. "Well, if she came to you, why was she at my house?" he said. "What did you just say?" I glared at him. "Oh no," Carl suddenly said. Everything was red. My teeth gritted and before I knew it, Taylor was backed against the wall. "I'm gonna put you in a world of hurt, Taylor," I said before throwing a punch. "Nick stop," Sophie said, but it was too late, I had already punched Taylor in his face, sending him to the ground. "James," she said, rushing over to check on him. "You okay?" she asked, kneeling down. Seeing her so concerned over him pissed me off. "I'm fine Sophie," he said before she got up and turned toward me. "What the hell is your problem, Nick?" she yelled. "You're asking me that. I want to know what the hell you and Taylor did at his house" I said. She's angry with me? You've got to be kidding, I was the one who should have been yelling. I was the one who should've been angry. She yelled at me for drinking yet she was at Taylor's house. What right did she have to be pissed at me? "Who told you that?" she asked with a quiver "Sorry, that was me". Taylor confessed as he slowly got up. "Why the hell would you tell him that?" she yelled. "So you did go over to his house," I said, stepping back. "Nick, it was just for a...." she tried to give an excuse "Save it Vortex," I said, walking away. I walked out of school and went back to my car, but the car wouldn't start. "God damn it!!" I yelled, slamming the door as I got out the door. "Wow, Nicholas, what has the door done to you?" I heard your voice chuckling as you came over to me Yep, that was when you came. "Betty-Ann," I forced a smile. "Been a while Nicholas, something on your mind?" You asked "I'm fine" "Wrong answer," you said, sitting on the hood of my car. "Yeah, I just need to calm down for a bit" "Really, what got you so upset?" "It's just... Let me ask you a question" I said, sitting beside you on the hood. "Okay, shoot" you shrugged. "Let's say you have a boyfriend." "Okay" "Now imagine that boyfriend starts hanging out with his ex." "I see" "Then you hear that your boyfriend went to their ex's house." "Did anything happen?" "That's not the point. I'm asking if you wouldn't get jealous" "Jealous maybe, but I wouldn't start a fight over it without asking my partner first" "Come on Betty-Ann, she went over to his house." "So?" "She could have at least given me a heads up about it." "Nick, she's not a child. Why would she be obligated to tell you?" "Do you honestly believe nothing happened?" "Of course not." "Then-" "It doesn't matter if I don't. Nick, if you don't trust her, you probably shouldn't be dating that person" "I really wanna trust her, but that's her ex" "And it sounds like they're still friends." "Why is she still friends with that loser?" I said bitterly. "I mean I would have been fine if it wasn't for him. I just don't like that guy and I don't like them hanging out", I sighed. "Well, I'm sure the girl would say the same about you and Vanessa," you told me and I immediately knew you were right, but honestly I hated to admit it "Anyway, I have to get to lunch," you said, hopping off the hood. "Okay, see you around," I said as you walked away. "Oh, and Nick," you suddenly stopped. "Yeah?" "If you really want to make that relationship work, then you should probably stop calling her friends losers" you giggled before walking away. After that, you left me alone with my thoughts, and man, you were right. As bad as I thought Sophie was being, I was being worse. I had been really stressed, but at some point, I started to explode at Sophie for not knowing about it. After waiting for a bit more, I took out my phone. Sophie had texted me before, but I definitely wasn't in the mood to answer that. Now I had already decided what to do next, so I decided to talk. I sent a text for her to meet in the parking lot and after a while, she came. "Nick, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I went over to Taylor's house. It was only for a Chem project," she started ranting. "It's okay, Sophie," I said. "What?" she said, confused. "It's okay. I've actually been here talking with a friend and thinking about some stuff," I said, looking up into the sky. "Like?" she asked "I know we've been getting into a lot of fights recently and I know most of it is my fault" I admitted. "Nick, where are you going with this?" she asked. "I haven't been the best boyfriend but I'm willing to change. I'm willing to start over. I want to forget the last two months and two days. We both made mistakes, so what do you say we start over" I said "Yes," she agreed with tears in her eyes. "But I have to know," I said. I thought that I should just have accepted her agreement and moved on, but I couldn't. At that time, I needed to know "Know what?" she asked. "Did you do something with Taylor last night?" I asked. Maybe it was hypocritical of me to ask, or be jealous considering what happened last night. I could see that she was taken aback because she didn't answer. Instead, she just thought about what she should say next. "Should I take that as a yes," I said, unable to hold back the anger I felt. To be honest, I wanted to go punch Taylor again, but I waited for her answer. "No. I swear all I did was make dinner and we ate" she said, and that was the answer, unlikely as it was to be true, it made me smile. "Was that all?" I asked. "Yes," she lied as I let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Sorry for being so direct. I just wanted to start over our relationship with no lies", I said. Though I said that I had no intention of telling her anything about V, I thought that maybe that was something that I should save until after our senior and if she left, then that was something I would have to deal with. Right then, I just wanted to enjoy the little time we had together. "Don't worry about it," she said. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow," I said, getting into my car. "Wait, you're leaving?" she asked. "Yeah, I was actually in the middle of something important," I said. "Nick," he said "What is it?" "If you're going to start over, you're going to need to do something. You need to start coming to school. I won't ask why you stopped because I already know you won't tell me, but I really think you should come to school. I know your father owns a big company and all but-" "Stop," I said. Without even thinking about it, she had pressed a sore spot "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." "It's fine" I sighed. "But I really think you should come back to school," she said. "I'll think about it okay", I promised. "That's all I ask" she smiled. "See you after school," I said, kissing her. She seemed surprised because she didn't kiss back. "Something wrong?" I asked. "No. I was just caught off guard" she said. "Okay. I'll see you" I said as I drove away. "Yeah," she said before I drove away. After leaving school, I decided not to go back home. I went somewhere I had hoped that I would never have to go to again.
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